vg Internal API Reference

Below is an index of all classes, files, and namespaces in vg, in alphabetical order.

Useful starting points include vg::Node, vg::Edge, vg::Path, and vg::Graph, which define the Protobuf graph data model, and vg::VG, which is the main graph class with all the useful graph methods on it.

#include <genotyper.hpp>

Public Functions

vg::Genotyper::Affinity::Affinity(double affinity, bool is_reverse)

Public Members

bool vg::Genotyper::Affinity::consistent
double vg::Genotyper::Affinity::affinity
bool vg::Genotyper::Affinity::is_reverse
double vg::Genotyper::Affinity::score
double vg::Genotyper::Affinity::likelihood_ln
#include <gssw_aligner.hpp>

Inherits from vg::BaseAligner

Public Functions

Aligner::Aligner(int8_t _match = default_match, int8_t _mismatch = default_mismatch, int8_t _gap_open = default_gap_open, int8_t _gap_extension = default_gap_extension, double _gc_content = default_gc_content)
void Aligner::align(Alignment &alignment, Graph &g, int8_t full_length_bonus, bool print_score_matrices = false)

Store optimal local alignment against a graph in the Alignment object. Gives the full length bonus separately on each end of the alignment. Assumes that graph is topologically sorted by node index.

void Aligner::align_pinned(Alignment &alignment, Graph &g, bool pin_left, int8_t full_length_bonus = 0)
void Aligner::align_pinned_multi(Alignment &alignment, vector<Alignment> &alt_alignments, Graph &g, bool pin_left, int32_t max_alt_alns, int8_t full_length_bonus = 0)
void Aligner::align_global_banded(Alignment &alignment, Graph &g, int32_t band_padding = 0, bool permissive_banding = true)
void Aligner::align_global_banded_multi(Alignment &alignment, vector<Alignment> &alt_alignments, Graph &g, int32_t max_alt_alns, int32_t band_padding = 0, bool permissive_banding = true)
int32_t Aligner::score_exact_match(const string &sequence)

Private Functions

void Aligner::align_internal(Alignment &alignment, vector<Alignment> *multi_alignments, Graph &g, bool pinned, bool pin_left, int32_t max_alt_alns, int8_t full_length_bonus, bool print_score_matrices = false)

Alignments link query strings, such as other genomes or reads, to Paths.

Public Members

string vg::Alignment::sequence

The sequence that has been aligned.

Path vg::Alignment::path

The Path that the sequence follows in the graph it has been aligned to, containing the Edits that modify the graph to produce the sequence.

string vg::Alignment::name

The name of the sequence that has been aligned. Similar to read name in BAM.

bytes vg::Alignment::quality

The quality scores for the sequence, as values on a 0-255 scale.

int32 vg::Alignment::mapping_quality

The mapping quality score for the alignment, in Phreds.

int32 vg::Alignment::score

The score for the alignment, in points.

int32 vg::Alignment::query_position

The offset in the query at which this Alignment occurs.

string vg::Alignment::sample_name

The name of the sample that produced the aligned read.

string vg::Alignment::read_group

The name of the read group to which the aligned read belongs.

Alignment vg::Alignment::fragment_prev

The previous Alignment in the fragment. Contains just enough information to locate the full Alignment; e.g. contains an Alignment with only a name, or only a graph mapping position.

Alignment vg::Alignment::fragment_next

Similarly, the next Alignment in the fragment.

bool vg::Alignment::is_secondary

Flag marking the Alignment as secondary. All but one maximal-scoring alignment of a given read in a GAM file must be secondary.

double vg::Alignment::identity

Portion of aligned bases that are perfect matches, or 0 if no bases are aligned.

repeated<Path> vg::Alignment::fragment

An estimate of the length of the fragment, if this Alignment is paired.

repeated<Locus> vg::Alignment::locus

The loci that this alignment supports. TODO: get rid of this, we have annotations in our data model again.

repeated<Position> vg::Alignment::refpos

Position of the alignment in reference paths embedded in graph.

#include <banded_global_aligner.hpp>

Specialized linked list stack that finds and keeps track of the top-scoring non-optimal alignments. Sub-optimal alignments are represented by the locations where their traceback deviates from the optimal traceback, with other steps of the traceback implicitly following the optimal path. New tracebacks can be discovered while performing any of the tracebacks and added to the stack.

Public Functions

BandedGlobalAligner::AltTracebackStack::AltTracebackStack(int64_t max_multi_alns, int32_t empty_score, unordered_set<BAMatrix *> &source_node_matrices, unordered_set<BAMatrix *> &sink_node_matrices)
void BandedGlobalAligner::AltTracebackStack::get_alignment_start(int64_t &node_id, matrix_t &matrix)

Get the start position of the current alignment and advance deflection pointer to the first deflection.

bool BandedGlobalAligner::AltTracebackStack::has_next()

Are there any more alternate alignments in the stack?

void BandedGlobalAligner::AltTracebackStack::next_traceback_alignment()

Advance to the next alternate trac.

bool BandedGlobalAligner::AltTracebackStack::next_is_empty()

Is the next highest scoring alignment an empty path with no DP matrices?

void BandedGlobalAligner::AltTracebackStack::next_empty_alignment(Alignment &alignment)

Get the next empty path alignment.

void BandedGlobalAligner::AltTracebackStack::propose_deflection(const IntType score, const int64_t from_node_id, const int64_t row_idx, const int64_t col_idx, const int64_t to_node_id, const matrix_t to_matrix)

Check if a deflection from the current traceback is better than any alignments currently in the stack and if so insert it in the correct position

IntType BandedGlobalAligner::AltTracebackStack::current_traceback_score()

Score of the current traceback.

const list<int64_t> &BandedGlobalAligner::AltTracebackStack::current_empty_prefix()

The prefix of the current traceback that consists of only empty nodes.

bool BandedGlobalAligner::AltTracebackStack::at_next_deflection(int64_t node_id, int64_t row_idx, int64_t col_idx)

Are these the coordinates of the next deflection?

BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::matrix_t BandedGlobalAligner::AltTracebackStack::deflect_to_matrix()

Get the matrix to deflect to and advance to the next deflection.

BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::matrix_t BandedGlobalAligner::AltTracebackStack::deflect_to_matrix(int64_t &to_node_id)

Get the matrix and the node id to deflect to (for use at a node boundary)

Private Functions

void BandedGlobalAligner::AltTracebackStack::insert_traceback(const vector<Deflection> &traceback_prefix, const IntType score, const int64_t from_node_id, const int64_t row_idx, const int64_t col_idx, const int64_t to_node_id, const matrix_t to_matrix, const list<int64_t> &empty_node_prefix)

Internal method for propose_deflection.

Private Members

int64_t vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::AltTracebackStack::max_multi_alns

Maximum number of alternate alignments to keep track of (including the optimal alignment)

list<tuple<vector<Deflection>, IntType, list<int64_t>>> vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::AltTracebackStack::alt_tracebacks

List of tuples that contain the scores of alternate alignments, the places where their traceback deviates from the optimum (Deflections), and all empty nodes that occur at the suffix of the traceback (if any). Maintains an invariant where stack is sorted in descending score order.

list<list<int64_t>> vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::AltTracebackStack::empty_full_paths

All of the paths through the graph that take only empty nodes.

int32_t vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::AltTracebackStack::empty_score
list<tuple<vector<Deflection>, IntType, list<int64_t>>>::iterator vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::AltTracebackStack::curr_traceback

Pointer to the traceback directions for the alignment we are currently tracing back.

vector<Deflection>::iterator vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::AltTracebackStack::curr_deflxn

Pointer to the next deviation from the optimal traceback we will take.

#include <genotypekit.hpp>

Data structure for representing an augmented graph, with semantic hints about how it was generated and how much support each node and edge has.

Public Functions

void vg::AugmentedGraph::clear()

Clear the contents.

Public Members

VG vg::AugmentedGraph::graph
map<Node *, ElementCall> vg::AugmentedGraph::node_calls
map<Edge *, ElementCall> vg::AugmentedGraph::edge_calls
map<Node *, Support> vg::AugmentedGraph::node_supports
map<Edge *, Support> vg::AugmentedGraph::edge_supports
map<Node *, double> vg::AugmentedGraph::node_likelihoods
map<Edge *, double> vg::AugmentedGraph::edge_likelihoods
vector<Translation> vg::AugmentedGraph::translations
#include <banded_global_aligner.hpp>

Translates a traceback path into a Path object and stores it in an Alignment object

Public Functions

BandedGlobalAligner::BABuilder::BABuilder(Alignment &alignment)
void BandedGlobalAligner::BABuilder::update_state(matrix_t matrix, Node *node, int64_t read_idx, int64_t node_idx, bool empty_node_seq = false)

Add next step in traceback.

void BandedGlobalAligner::BABuilder::finalize_alignment(const list<int64_t> &empty_prefix)

Call after concluding traceback to finish adding edits to alignment.

Private Functions

void BandedGlobalAligner::BABuilder::finish_current_edit()
void BandedGlobalAligner::BABuilder::finish_current_node()

Private Members

Alignment &vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::BABuilder::alignment
list<Mapping> vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::BABuilder::node_mappings
list<Edit> vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::BABuilder::mapping_edits
matrix_t vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::BABuilder::matrix_state
bool vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::BABuilder::matching
Node *vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::BABuilder::current_node
int64_t vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::BABuilder::edit_length
int64_t vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::BABuilder::edit_read_end_idx
#include <banded_global_aligner.hpp>

Represents the band from the DP matrix for one node in the graph

Public Functions

BandedGlobalAligner::BAMatrix::BAMatrix(Alignment &alignment, Node *node, int64_t top_diag, int64_t bottom_diag, BAMatrix **seeds, int64_t num_seeds, int64_t cumulative_seq_len)
void BandedGlobalAligner::BAMatrix::fill_matrix(int8_t *score_mat, int8_t *nt_table, int8_t gap_open, int8_t gap_extend, bool qual_adjusted, IntType min_inf)

Use DP to fill the band with alignment scores.

void BandedGlobalAligner::BAMatrix::traceback(BABuilder &builder, AltTracebackStack &traceback_stack, matrix_t start_mat, int8_t *score_mat, int8_t *nt_table, int8_t gap_open, int8_t gap_extend, bool qual_adjusted, IntType min_inf)

Traceback through the band after using DP to fill it.

void BandedGlobalAligner::BAMatrix::print_full_matrices()

Debugging function.

void BandedGlobalAligner::BAMatrix::print_rectangularized_bands()

Debugging function.

Private Functions

void BandedGlobalAligner::BAMatrix::traceback_internal(BABuilder &builder, AltTracebackStack &traceback_stack, int64_t start_row, int64_t start_col, matrix_t start_mat, bool in_lead_gap, int8_t *score_mat, int8_t *nt_table, int8_t gap_open, int8_t gap_extend, bool qual_adjusted, IntType min_inf)
void BandedGlobalAligner::BAMatrix::print_matrix(matrix_t which_mat)

Debugging function.

void BandedGlobalAligner::BAMatrix::print_band(matrix_t which_mat)

Debugging function.

Private Members

int64_t vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::BAMatrix::top_diag

The diagonals in the DP matrix that the band passes through with the bottom index inclusive.

int64_t vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::BAMatrix::bottom_diag
Node *vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::BAMatrix::node
Alignment &vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::BAMatrix::alignment
int64_t vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::BAMatrix::cumulative_seq_len

Length of shortest sequence leading to matrix from a source node.

BAMatrix **vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::BAMatrix::seeds

Matrices for nodes with edges into this node.

int64_t vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::BAMatrix::num_seeds
IntType *vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::BAMatrix::match

DP matrix.

IntType *vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::BAMatrix::insert_col

DP matrix.

IntType *vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::BAMatrix::insert_row

DP matrix.


friend vg::BandedGlobalAligner::BAMatrix::BABuilder
friend vg::BandedGlobalAligner::BAMatrix::AltTracebackStack
template <class IntType>
#include <banded_global_aligner.hpp>

The outward-facing interface for banded global graph alignment. It computes optimal alignment of a DNA sequence to a DAG with POA. The alignment will start at any source node in the graph and end at any sink node. It is also restricted to falling within a certain diagonal band from the start node. Any signed integer type can be used for the dynamic programming matrices, but there are no checks for overflow.

Public Functions

BandedGlobalAligner::BandedGlobalAligner(Alignment &alignment, Graph &g, int64_t band_padding, bool permissive_banding = false, bool adjust_for_base_quality = false)

Initializes banded alignment

Args: alignment empty alignment with a sequence (and possibly base qualities) g graph to align to band_padding width to expand band by permissive_banding expand band, not necessarily symmetrically, to allow all node paths adjust_for_base_quality perform base quality adjusted alignment (see QualAdjAligner)

BandedGlobalAligner::BandedGlobalAligner(Alignment &alignment, Graph &g, vector<Alignment> &alt_alignments, int64_t max_multi_alns, int64_t band_padding, bool permissive_banding = false, bool adjust_for_base_quality = false)

Initializes banded multi-alignment, which computes the top scoring alternate alignments in addition to the optimal alignment

Args: alignment empty alignment with a sequence (and possibly base qualities) g graph to align to alt_alignments an empty vector to store alternate alignments in, the first element will be a copy of the primary alignment max_multi_alns the maximum number of alternate alignments (including the primary) band_padding width to expand band by permissive_banding expand band, not necessarily symmetrically, to allow all node paths adjust_for_base_quality perform base quality adjusted alignment (see QualAdjAligner)

void BandedGlobalAligner::align(int8_t *score_mat, int8_t *nt_table, int8_t gap_open, int8_t gap_extend)

Adds path and score to the alignment object given in the constructor. If a multi-alignment vector was also supplied, fills the vector with the top scoring alignments as well.

Note: the score arguments are not <IntType> so that they can interact easily with the Aligner

Args: score_mat matrix of match/mismatch scores from Aligner (if performing base quality adjusted alignment, use QualAdjAligner‘s adjusted score matrix) nt_table table of indices by DNA char from Aligner gap_open gap open penalty from Algner (if performing base quality adjusted alignment, use QualAdjAligner‘s scaled penalty) gap_extend gap extension penalty from Algner (if performing base quality adjusted alignment, use QualAdjAligner‘s scaled penalty)

Private Types

enum type vg::BandedGlobalAligner::matrix_t

Matrices used in Smith-Waterman-Gotoh alignment algorithm.


Private Functions

BandedGlobalAligner::BandedGlobalAligner(Alignment &alignment, Graph &g, vector<Alignment> *alt_alignments, int64_t max_multi_alns, int64_t band_padding, bool permissive_banding = false, bool adjust_for_base_quality = false)

Internal constructor that the public constructors funnel into.

void BandedGlobalAligner::traceback(int8_t *score_mat, int8_t *nt_table, int8_t gap_open, int8_t gap_extend, IntType min_inf)

Traceback through dynamic programming matrices to compute alignment.

void BandedGlobalAligner::graph_edge_lists(Graph &g, bool outgoing_edges, vector<vector<int64_t>> &out_edge_list)

Constructor helper function: converts Graph object into adjacency list representation.

void BandedGlobalAligner::topological_sort(Graph &g, vector<vector<int64_t>> &node_edges_out, vector<Node *> &out_topological_order)

Constructor helper function: compute topoligical ordering.

void BandedGlobalAligner::path_lengths_to_sinks(const string &read, vector<vector<int64_t>> &node_edges_in, vector<int64_t> &shortest_path_to_sink, vector<int64_t> &longest_path_to_sink)

Constructor helper function: compute the longest and shortest path to a sink for each node.

void BandedGlobalAligner::find_banded_paths(const string &read, bool permissive_banding, vector<vector<int64_t>> &node_edges_in, vector<vector<int64_t>> &node_edges_out, int64_t band_padding, vector<bool> &node_masked, vector<pair<int64_t, int64_t>> &band_ends)

Constructor helper function: compute which diagonals the bands cover on each node’s matrix.

void BandedGlobalAligner::shortest_seq_paths(vector<vector<int64_t>> &node_edges_out, unordered_set<Node *> &source_nodes, vector<int64_t> &seq_lens_out)

Constructor helper function: compute the shortest path from a source to each node.

Private Members

Alignment &vg::BandedGlobalAligner::alignment

The primary alignment.

vector<Alignment> *vg::BandedGlobalAligner::alt_alignments

Vector for alternate alignments, or null if not making any.

int64_t vg::BandedGlobalAligner::max_multi_alns

Number of alignments to compute, including the optimal alignment.

bool vg::BandedGlobalAligner::adjust_for_base_quality

Use base quality adjusted scoring for alignments?

vector<BAMatrix *> vg::BandedGlobalAligner::banded_matrices

Dynamic programming matrices for each node.

unordered_map<int64_t, int64_t> vg::BandedGlobalAligner::node_id_to_idx

Map from node IDs to the index used in internal vectors.

vector<Node *> vg::BandedGlobalAligner::topological_order

A topological ordering of the nodes.

unordered_set<Node *> vg::BandedGlobalAligner::source_nodes

Source nodes in the graph.

unordered_set<Node *> vg::BandedGlobalAligner::sink_nodes

Sink nodes in the graph.

#include <gssw_aligner.hpp>

Subclassed by vg::Aligner, vg::QualAdjAligner

Public Functions

virtual void vg::BaseAligner::align(Alignment &alignment, Graph &g, int8_t full_length_bonus, bool print_score_matrices = false)
= 0

Store optimal local alignment against a graph in the Alignment object. Gives the full length bonus separately on each end of the alignment. Assumes that graph is topologically sorted by node index.

virtual void vg::BaseAligner::align_pinned(Alignment &alignment, Graph &g, bool pin_left, int8_t full_length_bonus = 0)
= 0
virtual void vg::BaseAligner::align_pinned_multi(Alignment &alignment, vector<Alignment> &alt_alignments, Graph &g, bool pin_left, int32_t max_alt_alns, int8_t full_length_bonus = 0)
= 0
virtual void vg::BaseAligner::align_global_banded(Alignment &alignment, Graph &g, int32_t band_padding = 0, bool permissive_banding = true)
= 0
virtual void vg::BaseAligner::align_global_banded_multi(Alignment &alignment, vector<Alignment> &alt_alignments, Graph &g, int32_t max_alt_alns, int32_t band_padding = 0, bool permissive_banding = true)
= 0
void BaseAligner::compute_mapping_quality(vector<Alignment> &alignments, int max_mapping_quality, bool fast_approximation, double cluster_mq, bool use_cluster_mq)
void BaseAligner::compute_paired_mapping_quality(pair<vector<Alignment>, vector<Alignment>> &alignment_pairs, int max_mapping_quality, bool fast_approximation, double cluster_mq, bool use_cluster_mq)
double BaseAligner::score_to_unnormalized_likelihood_ln(double score)

Public Members

int8_t *vg::BaseAligner::nt_table
int8_t *vg::BaseAligner::score_matrix
int8_t vg::BaseAligner::match
int8_t vg::BaseAligner::mismatch
int8_t vg::BaseAligner::gap_open
int8_t vg::BaseAligner::gap_extension

Protected Functions

gssw_graph *BaseAligner::create_gssw_graph(Graph &g, bool add_pinning_node, gssw_node **gssw_pinned_node_out)
void vg::BaseAligner::topological_sort(list<gssw_node *> &sorted_nodes)
void vg::BaseAligner::visit_node(gssw_node *node, list<gssw_node *> &sorted_nodes, set<gssw_node *> &unmarked_nodes, set<gssw_node *> &temporary_marks)
void BaseAligner::reverse_graph(Graph &g, Graph &reversed_graph_out)
void BaseAligner::unreverse_graph(Graph &graph)
void BaseAligner::unreverse_graph_mapping(gssw_graph_mapping *gm)
void BaseAligner::gssw_mapping_to_alignment(gssw_graph *graph, gssw_graph_mapping *gm, Alignment &alignment, bool pinned, bool pin_left, bool print_score_matrices = false)
string BaseAligner::graph_cigar(gssw_graph_mapping *gm)
double BaseAligner::maximum_mapping_quality_exact(vector<double> &scaled_scores, size_t *max_idx_out)
double BaseAligner::maximum_mapping_quality_approx(vector<double> &scaled_scores, size_t *max_idx_out)
void BaseAligner::init_mapping_quality(double gc_content)

Protected Attributes

double vg::BaseAligner::log_base

Summarizes reads that map to single position in the graph. This structure is pretty much identical to a line in Samtools pileup format if qualities set, it must have size = num_bases

Public Members

int32 vg::BasePileup::ref_base
int32 vg::BasePileup::num_bases
string vg::BasePileup::bases
bytes vg::BasePileup::qualities
#include <bubbles.hpp>

Public Members

NodeSide vg::Bubble::start
NodeSide vg::Bubble::end
vector<id_t> vg::Bubble::contents
vector<int> vg::Bubble::chain_offsets
bool vg::Bubble::dag

Public Members

int64_t vg::CactusSide::node
bool vg::CactusSide::is_end
#include <genotypekit.hpp>

Inherits from vg::SnarlFinder

Public Functions

vg::CactusUltrabubbleFinder::CactusUltrabubbleFinder(VG &graph, const string &hint_path_name = "", bool filter_trivial_bubbles = false)

Make a new CactusSiteFinder to find sites in the given graph.

SnarlManager vg::CactusUltrabubbleFinder::find_snarls()

Find all the sites in parallel with Cactus, make the site tree, and call the given function on all the top-level sites.

Private Members

VG &vg::CactusUltrabubbleFinder::graph

Holds the vg graph we are looking for sites in.

string vg::CactusUltrabubbleFinder::hint_path_name

Use this path name as a rooting hint, if present.

bool vg::CactusUltrabubbleFinder::filter_trivial_bubbles

Indicates whether bubbles that consist of a single edge should be filtered.

#include <caller.hpp>

Call2Vcf: take an augmented graph from a Caller and produce actual calls in a VCF.

Public Functions


Set up to call with default parameters.

void vg::Call2Vcf::call(AugmentedGraph &augmented, string pileupFilename = "")

Produce calls for the given annotated augmented graph. If a pileupFilename is provided, the pileup is loaded again and used to add comments describing variants

bool vg::Call2Vcf::is_reference(const SnarlTraversal &trav, AugmentedGraph &augmented, const PathIndex &primary_path)

Decide if the given SnarlTraversal is included in the original base graph (true), or if it represents a novel variant (false).

Looks at the nodes in the traversal that aren’t along the primary path, and sees if their calls are CALL_REFERENCE or not.

Specially handles single-edge traversals.

If given a traversal that’s all primary path nodes, it assumes it is non- reference, because it assumes the caller will never pass it the all- primary-path reference traversal.

Public Members

bool vg::Call2Vcf::convert_to_vcf
size_t vg::Call2Vcf::locus_buffer_size
string vg::Call2Vcf::refPathName
string vg::Call2Vcf::contigName
string vg::Call2Vcf::sampleName
int64_t vg::Call2Vcf::variantOffset
int64_t vg::Call2Vcf::maxDepth
int64_t vg::Call2Vcf::lengthOverride
double vg::Call2Vcf::minFractionForCall
double vg::Call2Vcf::maxHetBias
double vg::Call2Vcf::maxRefHetBias
double vg::Call2Vcf::indelBiasMultiple
size_t vg::Call2Vcf::minTotalSupportForCall
size_t vg::Call2Vcf::refBinSize
size_t vg::Call2Vcf::expCoverage
bool vg::Call2Vcf::suppress_overlaps
bool vg::Call2Vcf::useAverageSupport
size_t vg::Call2Vcf::max_ref_length
size_t vg::Call2Vcf::max_bubble_paths
size_t vg::Call2Vcf::min_mad_for_filter
bool vg::Call2Vcf::verbose
#include <caller.hpp>

Super simple graph augmentor/caller. Idea: Idependently process Pileup records, using simple model to make calls that take into account read errors with diploid assumption. Edges and node positions are called independently for now. Outputs either a sample graph (only called nodes and edges) or augmented graph (include uncalled nodes and edges too).

Public Types


Public Functions

vg::Caller::Caller(VG *graph, double het_prior = Default_het_prior, int min_depth = Default_min_depth, int max_depth = Default_max_depth, int min_support = Default_min_support, double min_frac = Default_min_frac, double min_log_likelihood = Default_min_log_likelihood, int default_quality = Default_default_quality, double max_strand_bias = Default_max_strand_bias, bool bridge_alts = false)
void vg::Caller::clear()
void vg::Caller::write_augmented_graph(ostream &out, bool json)
void vg::Caller::call_node_pileup(const NodePileup &pileup)
void vg::Caller::call_edge_pileup(const EdgePileup &pileup)
void vg::Caller::update_augmented_graph()
void vg::Caller::map_paths()
void vg::Caller::verify_path(const Path &in_path, const list<Mapping> &call_path)
void vg::Caller::call_base_pileup(const NodePileup &np, int64_t offset, bool insertions)
void vg::Caller::compute_top_frequencies(const BasePileup &bp, const vector<pair<int64_t, int64_t>> &base_offsets, string &top_base, int &top_count, int &top_rev_count, string &second_base, int &second_count, int &second_rev_count, int &total_count, bool inserts)
pair<double, int> vg::Caller::base_log_likelihood(const BasePileup &pb, const vector<pair<int64_t, int64_t>> &base_offsets, const string &val, const string &first, const string &second)
void vg::Caller::create_node_calls(const NodePileup &np)
void vg::Caller::create_augmented_edge(Node *node1, int from_offset, bool left_side1, bool aug1, Node *node2, int to_offset, bool left_side2, bool aug2, char cat, StrandSupport support)
void vg::Caller::annotate_augmented_node(Node *node, char call, StrandSupport support, int64_t orig_id, int orig_offset)
void vg::Caller::annotate_augmented_edge(Edge *edge, char call, StrandSupport support)
void vg::Caller::annotate_augmented_nd()

Public Members

VG *vg::Caller::_graph
AugmentedGraph vg::Caller::_augmented_graph
vector<Genotype> vg::Caller::_node_calls
vector<pair<StrandSupport, StrandSupport>> vg::Caller::_node_supports
vector<Genotype> vg::Caller::_insert_calls
vector<pair<StrandSupport, StrandSupport>> vg::Caller::_insert_supports
const Node *vg::Caller::_node
int64_t vg::Caller::_max_id
NodeDivider vg::Caller::_node_divider
unordered_set<int64_t> vg::Caller::_visited_nodes
unordered_map<pair<NodeSide, NodeSide>, StrandSupport> vg::Caller::_called_edges
EdgeHash vg::Caller::_augmented_edges
InsertionHash vg::Caller::_inserted_nodes
EdgeSupHash vg::Caller::_insertion_supports
EdgeSupHash vg::Caller::_deletion_supports
double vg::Caller::_het_log_prior
double vg::Caller::_hom_log_prior
int vg::Caller::_buffer_size
int vg::Caller::_min_depth
int vg::Caller::_max_depth
int vg::Caller::_min_support
double vg::Caller::_min_frac
double vg::Caller::_min_log_likelihood
char vg::Caller::_default_quality
double vg::Caller::_max_strand_bias
bool vg::Caller::_bridge_alts

Public Static Functions

static double vg::Caller::safe_log(double v)
static bool vg::Caller::missing_call(const Genotype &g)
static bool vg::Caller::ref_call(const Genotype &g)
static int vg::Caller::call_cat(const Genotype &g)

Public Static Attributes

const double vg::Caller::Log_zero
const double vg::Caller::Default_het_prior
const int vg::Caller::Default_min_depth
const int vg::Caller::Default_max_depth
const int vg::Caller::Default_min_support
const double vg::Caller::Default_min_frac
const double vg::Caller::Default_min_log_likelihood
const char vg::Caller::Default_default_quality
const double vg::Caller::Default_max_strand_bias
#include <colors.hpp>

Public Functions

vg::Colors::Colors(int seed_val)
string vg::Colors::hashed(const string &str)
string vg::Colors::random(void)

Public Members

const vector<string> vg::Colors::colors

Private Members

mt19937 vg::Colors::rng
#include <genotypekit.hpp>

Represents a strategy for computing consistency between Alignments and SnarlTraversals. Determines whether a read is consistent with a SnarlTraversal or not (but has access to all the SnarlTraversals). Polymorphic base class/interface.

Public Functions

virtual vg::ConsistencyCalculator::~ConsistencyCalculator()
virtual vector<bool> vg::ConsistencyCalculator::calculate_consistency(const Snarl &site, const vector<SnarlTraversal> &traversals, const Alignment &read) const
= 0

Return true or false for each tarversal of the site, depending on if the read is consistent with it or not.

#include <constructor.hpp>

Represents a constructed region of the graph alogn a single linear sequence. Contains the protobuf Graph holding all the created components (which may be too large to serialize), a set of node IDs whose left sides need to be connected to when you connect to the start of the chunk, and a set of node IDs whose right sides need to be connected to when you connect to the end of the chunk.

Node ordering is restricted: if there is a single source, it must be the very first node in the graph with ID 1, and if there is a single sink it must be the very last node in the graph with ID max_id. Additionally, single sources and single sinks must be visited by only a single path, the reference path.

The overall reference path must also always be path 0. Also, all mappings in all paths must be full-length matches on the forward strand, and they must be sorted by rank. Ranks must be filled and start with rank 1 in each path.

Public Members

Graph vg::ConstructedChunk::graph
id_t vg::ConstructedChunk::max_id
set<id_t> vg::ConstructedChunk::left_ends
set<id_t> vg::ConstructedChunk::right_ends
#include <constructor.hpp>

Inherits from vg::Progressive, vg::NameMapper

Public Functions

ConstructedChunk vg::Constructor::construct_chunk(string reference_sequence, string reference_path_name, vector<vcflib::Variant> variants, size_t chunk_offset) const

Construct a ConstructedChunk of graph from the given piece of sequence, with the given name, applying the given variants. The variants need to be sorted by start position, and have their start positions set to be ZERO- BASED. However, they also need to have their start positions relative to the global start of the contig, so that hash-based names come out right for them. They also need to not overlap with any variants not in the vector we have (i.e. we need access to all overlapping variants for this region). The variants must not extend beyond the given sequence, though they can abut its edges.

Variants in the vector may not use symbolic alleles.

chunk_offset gives the global 0-based position at which this chunk starts in the reference contig it is part of, which is used to correctly place variants.

void vg::Constructor::construct_graph(string vcf_contig, FastaReference &reference, VcfBuffer &variant_source, const vector<FastaReference *> &insertion, function<void(Graph&)> callback)

Construct a graph for the given VCF contig name, using the given reference and the variants from the given buffered VCF file. Emits a sequence of Graph chunks, which may be too big to serealize directly.

Doesn’t handle any of the setup for VCF indexing. Just scans all the variants that can come out of the buffer, so make sure indexing is set on the file first before passing it in.

void vg::Constructor::construct_graph(const vector<FastaReference *> &references, const vector<vcflib::VariantCallFile *> &variant_files, const vector<FastaReference *> &insertions, function<void(Graph&)> callback)

Construct a graph using the given FASTA references and VCFlib VCF files. The VCF files are assumed to be grouped by contig and then sorted by position within the contig, such that each contig is present in only one file. If multiple FASTAs are used, each contig must be present in only one FASTA file. Reference and VCF vectors may not contain nulls.

Public Members

bool vg::Constructor::flat
bool vg::Constructor::alt_paths
bool vg::Constructor::do_svs
bool vg::Constructor::alts_as_loci
bool vg::Constructor::greedy_pieces
bool vg::Constructor::chain_deletions
size_t vg::Constructor::max_node_size
size_t vg::Constructor::vars_per_chunk
size_t vg::Constructor::bases_per_chunk
set<string> vg::Constructor::allowed_vcf_names
map<string, pair<size_t, size_t>> vg::Constructor::allowed_vcf_regions

Protected Attributes

set<string> vg::Constructor::symbolic_allele_warnings

Remembers which unusable symbolic alleles we’ve already emitted a warning about during construction.

id_t vg::Constructor::max_id

All chunks are generated with IDs starting at 1, but graphs emitted from construct_graph need to have the IDs rewritten so they don’t overlap. Moreover, multiple calls to construct_graph need to not have conflicting IDs, because some construct_graph implementations call other ones. What we do for now is globally track the max ID already used, so all calls to construct_graph follow a single ID ordering.

Private Static Functions

void vg::Constructor::trim_to_variable(vector<list<vcflib::VariantAllele>> &parsed_alleles)

Given a vector of lists of VariantAllele edits, trim in from the left and right, leaving a core of edits bounded by edits that actually change the reference in at least one allele.

Postcondition: either all lists of VariantAlleles are empty, or at least one begins with a non-match and at least one ends with a non-match.

void vg::Constructor::condense_edits(list<vcflib::VariantAllele> &parsed_allele)

Given a list of VariantAllele edits, condense adjacent perfect match edits to be maximally long.

pair<int64_t, int64_t> vg::Constructor::get_bounds(const vector<list<vcflib::VariantAllele>> &trimmed_variant)

Given a vector of lists of VariantAllele edits that have been trimmed with trim_to_variable() above, one per non-reference alt for a variant, return the position of the first varaible base, and the position of the last variable base. If there’s no variable-region, the result is max int64_t and -1, and if there’s a 0-length variable region, the result is the base after it and the base before it.

#include <readfilter.hpp>

Public Functions

Counts &vg::ReadFilter::Counts::operator+=(const Counts &other)

Public Members

vector<size_t> vg::ReadFilter::Counts::read
vector<size_t> vg::ReadFilter::Counts::filtered
vector<size_t> vg::ReadFilter::Counts::min_score
vector<size_t> vg::ReadFilter::Counts::max_overhang
vector<size_t> vg::ReadFilter::Counts::min_mapq
vector<size_t> vg::ReadFilter::Counts::split
vector<size_t> vg::ReadFilter::Counts::repeat
vector<size_t> vg::ReadFilter::Counts::defray
#include <deconstructor.hpp>

Public Functions

vg::Deconstructor::Deconstructor(VG *graph)
void vg::Deconstructor::set_xg(xg::XG *xindex)
void vg::Deconstructor::unroll_my_vg(int steps)
void vg::Deconstructor::dagify_my_vg(int steps)
vg::VG *vg::Deconstructor::compact(int compact_steps)

For each superbubble in the graph: If a superbubble is nested and simple (contains no superbubbles), transform it into a node. Record the translation from new node in the graph -> old superbubble map<id_t, SuperBubble>

At each step, find the new superbubbles of the graph and continue with this process.

bool vg::Deconstructor::is_nested(SuperBubble sb)
bool vg::Deconstructor::contains_nested(pair<int64_t, int64_t> start_and_end)

detect if there are superbubbles contained within the current superbubble (defined by Start and End)

This is easiest done using a simple linear search between the nodes in topologically order.

SuperBubble vg::Deconstructor::report_superbubble(int64_t start, int64_t end)

BFS through a superbubble and fill out the corresponding SuperBubble struct.

map<pair<id_t, id_t>, vector<id_t>> vg::Deconstructor::get_all_superbubbles()

Uses a BFS between nodes in the graph labeled as the endpoints of superbubbles to enumerate the nodes between them. TODO: the dagify transform records the node translation

IDEALLY: return the topological order, the starts/ends of superbubbles, and an index from node -> location in topo order. This makes checking if things are nested trivial.

void vg::Deconstructor::sb2vcf(string outfile)

Private Functions

vector<int64_t> vg::Deconstructor::nt_to_ids(deque<NodeTraversal> &nt)
SuperBubble vg::Deconstructor::translate_id(id_t id)
void vg::Deconstructor::init()

Private Members

VG *vg::Deconstructor::my_vg
xg::XG *vg::Deconstructor::my_xg
map<pair<id_t, id_t>, vector<id_t>> vg::Deconstructor::my_sbs
map<id_t, pair<id_t, bool>> vg::Deconstructor::my_translation
map<id_t, pair<id_t, bool>> vg::Deconstructor::my_unroll_translation
map<id_t, pair<id_t, bool>> vg::Deconstructor::my_dagify_translation
map<id_t, SuperBubble> vg::Deconstructor::id_to_bub
vector<id_t> vg::Deconstructor::reverse_topo_order
string vg::Deconstructor::mask_file
vector<SuperBubble> vg::Deconstructor::my_superbubbles
size_t vg::Deconstructor::my_max_length
size_t vg::Deconstructor::my_max_component_length
#include <banded_global_aligner.hpp>

Represents a deviation from the optimal traceback that a sub-optimal traceback takes.

Public Functions

BandedGlobalAligner::AltTracebackStack::Deflection::Deflection(const int64_t from_node_id, const int64_t row_idx, const int64_t col_idx, const int64_t to_node_id, const matrix_t to_matrix)

Public Members

const int64_t vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::AltTracebackStack::Deflection::from_node_id

Node ID where deflection occurs.

const int64_t vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::AltTracebackStack::Deflection::row_idx

Coordinate from rectangularized band (not original matrix) where deflection occurs.

const int64_t vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::AltTracebackStack::Deflection::col_idx

Coordinate from rectangularized band (not original matrix) where deflection occurs.

const int64_t vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::AltTracebackStack::Deflection::to_node_id

Node to deflect to.

const matrix_t vg::BandedGlobalAligner<IntType>::AltTracebackStack::Deflection::to_matrix

Dynamic programming matrix deflect to.


Edges describe linkages between nodes. They are bidirected, connecting the end (default) or start of the “from” node to the start (default) or end of the “to” node.

Public Members

int64 vg::Edge::from

ID of upstream node.

int64 vg::Edge::to

ID of downstream node.

bool vg::Edge::from_start

If the edge leaves from the 5’ (start) of a node.

bool vg::Edge::to_end

If the edge goes to the 3’ (end) of a node.

int32 vg::Edge::overlap

Length of overlap between the connected Nodes.


Keep pileup-like record for reads that span edges.

Public Members

Edge vg::EdgePileup::edge
int32 vg::EdgePileup::num_reads

total reads mapped

int32 vg::EdgePileup::num_forward_reads

number of reads mapped on forward strand

bytes vg::EdgePileup::qualities

Edits describe how to generate a new string from elements in the graph. To determine the new string, just walk the series of edits, stepping from_length distance in the basis node, and to_length in the novel element, replacing from_length in the basis node with the sequence.

There are several types of Edit:

  • matches: from_length == to_length; sequence is empty
  • snps: from_length == to_length; sequence = alt
  • deletions: to_length == 0 && from_length > to_length; sequence is empty
  • insertions: from_length < to_length; sequence = alt

Public Members

int32 vg::Edit::from_length

Length in the target/ref sequence that is removed.

int32 vg::Edit::to_length

Length in read/alt of the sequence it is replaced with.

string vg::Edit::sequence

The replacement sequence, if different from the original sequence.

#include <caller.hpp>

Public Functions

vg::NodeDivider::Entry::Entry(Node *r = 0, vector<StrandSupport> sup_r = vector< StrandSupport >(), Node *a1 = 0, vector<StrandSupport> sup_a1 = vector< StrandSupport >(), Node *a2 = 0, vector<StrandSupport> sup_a2 = vector< StrandSupport >())
Node *&vg::NodeDivider::Entry::operator[](int i)
vector<StrandSupport> &vg::NodeDivider::Entry::sup(int i)

Public Members

Node *vg::NodeDivider::Entry::ref
Node *vg::NodeDivider::Entry::alt1
Node *vg::NodeDivider::Entry::alt2
vector<StrandSupport> vg::NodeDivider::Entry::sup_ref
vector<StrandSupport> vg::NodeDivider::Entry::sup_alt1
vector<StrandSupport> vg::NodeDivider::Entry::sup_alt2
#include <genotypekit.hpp>

Inherits from vg::TraversalFinder

Public Functions

vg::ExhaustiveTraversalFinder::ExhaustiveTraversalFinder(VG &graph, SnarlManager &snarl_manager)
vector<SnarlTraversal> vg::ExhaustiveTraversalFinder::find_traversals(const Snarl &site)

Exhaustively enumerate all traversals through the site. Only valid for acyclic Snarls.

Private Functions

void vg::ExhaustiveTraversalFinder::stack_up_valid_walks(NodeTraversal walk_head, vector<NodeTraversal> &stack)

Private Members

VG &vg::ExhaustiveTraversalFinder::graph
SnarlManager &vg::ExhaustiveTraversalFinder::snarl_manager
#include <feature_set.hpp>

Represents a Feature that occurs on a path between two inclusive coordinates. Carries along all the extra feature data that BED files store.

Public Members

string vg::FeatureSet::Feature::path_name

What Path is the feature on?

size_t vg::FeatureSet::Feature::first

What is the first base’s position on that path, inclusive?

size_t vg::FeatureSet::Feature::last

What is the last base’s position on the path, inclusive?

string vg::FeatureSet::Feature::feature_name

What is the feature name?

vector<string> vg::FeatureSet::Feature::extra_data

What extra BED data should we bring along with this feature? TODO: BED blocks are not parsed and updated, but they should be.

#include <feature_set.hpp>

Stores a bunch of features defined on paths, as would be found in a BED file, and listens for messages describing edits to the paths that the features are on. Edit operations are of the form “On path X, range Y to Z has been replaced with a segment of length W”. Updates the positions and boundaries of features appropriately.

Originally designed to allow BED files to be carried through “vg simplify”, but could be used for other annotation liftover tasks.

Public Functions

void vg::FeatureSet::load_bed(istream &in)

Read features from the given BED stream. Adds them to the collection of loaded features.

void vg::FeatureSet::save_bed(ostream &out) const

Save features to the given BED stream.

void vg::FeatureSet::on_path_edit(const string &path, size_t start, size_t old_length, size_t new_length)

Notify the FeatureSet that, at the given path, from the given start position, the given number of bases bave been replaced with the other given number of bases. Can handle pure inserts, pure deletions, length- preserving substitutions, and general length-changing substitutions.

Updates the contained features that need to change.

Note that this is currently O(n) in features on the path. TODO: come up with a truly efficient algorithm to back this using some kind of skip list or rope or something.

const vector<FeatureSet::Feature> &vg::FeatureSet::get_features(const string &path) const

Get the features on a path. Generally used for testing.

Private Members

map<string, vector<Feature>> vg::FeatureSet::features

Stores all the loaded features by path name.

#include <filter.hpp>

Public Functions

Alignment vg::Filter::depth_filter(Alignment &aln)
Alignment vg::Filter::qual_filter(Alignment &aln)

Looks for Alignments that have large overhangs at the end of them.

Default behavior: if an alignment has a right- or left- clip that is longer than the maximum allowed, return an empty alignment.

Inverse Behavior: if the alignment has a clip that is larger than the maximum allowed at either end, return the alignment. CLI: vg filter -d 10 -q 40 -r -R -r: track depth of both novel variants and those in the graph. -R: remove edits that fail the filter (otherwise toss the whole alignment)

Alignment vg::Filter::coverage_filter(Alignment &aln)
Alignment vg::Filter::avg_qual_filter(Alignment &aln)
Alignment vg::Filter::percent_identity_filter(Alignment &aln)

Filter reads that are less than <PCTID> reference. I.E. if a read matches the reference along 80% of its length, and your cutoff is 90% PCTID, throw it out.

Alignment vg::Filter::soft_clip_filter(Alignment &aln)
Alignment vg::Filter::split_read_filter(Alignment &aln)

Split reads map to two separate paths in the graph OR vastly separated non-consecutive nodes in a single path.

They’re super important for detecting structural variants, so we may want to filter them out or collect only split reads.

Alignment vg::Filter::path_divergence_filter(Alignment &aln)

Looks for alignments that transition from one path to another over their length. This may occur for one of several reasons:

  1. The read covers a translocation
  2. The read looks a lot like two different (but highly-similar paths)
  3. The read is shattered (e.g. as in chromothripsis)

Default behavior: if the Alignment is path divergent, return an empty Alignment, else return aln Inverse behavior: if the Alignment is path divergent, return aln, else return an empty Alignment

Alignment vg::Filter::reversing_filter(Alignment &aln)

Looks for alignments that change direction over their length. This may happen because of:

  1. Mapping artifacts
  2. Cycles
  3. Highly repetitive regions
  4. Inversions (if you’re lucky enough)

Default behavior: if the Alignment reverses, return an empty Alignment. inverse behavior: if the Alignment reverses, return the Alignment.

Alignment vg::Filter::path_length_filter(Alignment &aln)
Alignment vg::Filter::one_end_anchored_filter(Alignment &aln)
Alignment vg::Filter::interchromosomal_filter(Alignment &aln)
Alignment vg::Filter::insert_size_filter(Alignment &aln)
Alignment vg::Filter::orientation_filter(Alignment &aln)
pair<Alignment, Alignment> vg::Filter::one_end_anchored_filter(Alignment &aln_first, Alignment &aln_second)
pair<Alignment, Alignment> vg::Filter::interchromosomal_filter(Alignment &aln_first, Alignment &aln_second)
pair<Alignment, Alignment> vg::Filter::insert_size_filter(Alignment &aln_first, Alignment &aln_second)
pair<Alignment, Alignment> vg::Filter::orientation_filter(Alignment &aln_first, Alignment &aln_second)
std::pair<Alignment, Alignment> vg::Filter::path_length_filter(Alignment &aln_first, Alignment &aln_second)
pair<Alignment, Alignment> vg::Filter::depth_filter(Alignment &aln1, Alignment &aln2)
pair<Alignment, Alignment> vg::Filter::qual_filter(Alignment &aln_first, Alignment &aln_second)
pair<Alignment, Alignment> vg::Filter::percent_identity_filter(Alignment &aln_first, Alignment &aln_second)
pair<Alignment, Alignment> vg::Filter::soft_clip_filter(Alignment &aln_first, Alignment &aln_second)
pair<Alignment, Alignment> vg::Filter::split_read_filter(Alignment &aln_first, Alignment &aln_second)
pair<Alignment, Alignment> vg::Filter::path_divergence_filter(Alignment &aln_first, Alignment &aln_second)
pair<Alignment, Alignment> vg::Filter::reversing_filter(Alignment &aln, Alignment &aln_second)
pair<Alignment, Alignment> vg::Filter::deletion_filter(Alignment &aln_first, Alignment &aln_second)
pair<Locus, Locus> vg::Filter::insertion_filter(Alignment &aln_first, Alignment &aln_second)
pair<Locus, Locus> vg::Filter::duplication_filter(Alignment &aln_first, Alignment &aln_second)
pair<Locus, Locus> vg::Filter::inversion_filter(Alignment &aln_first, Alignment &aln_second)
pair<Locus, Locus> vg::Filter::breakend_filter(Alignment &aln_first, Alignment &aln_second)
void vg::Filter::set_min_depth(int depth)
void vg::Filter::set_min_qual(int qual)
void vg::Filter::set_min_percent_identity(double pct_id)
void vg::Filter::set_avg(bool do_avg)
void vg::Filter::set_filter_matches(bool fm)
void vg::Filter::set_remove_failing_edits(bool fm)
void vg::Filter::set_soft_clip_limit(int max_clip)
void vg::Filter::set_split_read_limit(int split_limit)
void vg::Filter::set_window_length(int window_length)
void vg::Filter::set_my_vg(vg::VG *vg)
void vg::Filter::set_my_xg_idx(xg::XG *xg_idx)
void vg::Filter::set_inverse(bool do_inv)

Public Members

bool vg::Filter::inverse
bool vg::Filter::remove_failing_edits
bool vg::Filter::filter_matches
bool vg::Filter::use_avg
int vg::Filter::min_depth
int vg::Filter::min_qual
int vg::Filter::min_cov
int vg::Filter::window_length
int vg::Filter::qual_offset
int vg::Filter::soft_clip_limit
int vg::Filter::split_read_limit
double vg::Filter::min_percent_identity
double vg::Filter::min_avg_qual
int vg::Filter::max_path_length
int vg::Filter::my_max_distance

Private Members

vg::VG *vg::Filter::my_vg
xg::XG *vg::Filter::my_xg_index
unordered_map<string, unordered_map<string, int>> vg::Filter::pos_to_edit_to_depth
unordered_map<int, int> vg::Filter::pos_to_qual
#include <genotypekit.hpp>

This genotype prior calculator has a fixed prior for homozygous genotypes and a fixed prior for hets.

Inherits from vg::GenotypePriorCalculator

Public Functions

virtual vg::FixedGenotypePriorCalculator::~FixedGenotypePriorCalculator()
double vg::FixedGenotypePriorCalculator::calculate_log_prior(const Genotype &genotype)

Return the log prior of the given genotype.

TODO: ploidy priors on nested sites???

Public Members

double vg::FixedGenotypePriorCalculator::homozygous_prior_ln
double vg::FixedGenotypePriorCalculator::heterozygous_prior_ln
#include <flow_sort.hpp>

Public Functions

vg::FlowSort::FlowSort(VG &vg)
std::unique_ptr<list<NodeTraversal>> vg::FlowSort::max_flow_sort(const string &ref_name, bool isGrooming = true)
void vg::FlowSort::fast_linear_sort(const string &ref_name, bool isGrooming = true)
void vg::FlowSort::flow_sort_nodes(list<NodeTraversal> &sorted_nodes, const string &ref_name, bool isGrooming)
int vg::FlowSort::get_node_degree(WeightedGraph &wg, id_t node_id)
void vg::FlowSort::update_in_out_edges(EdgeMapping &edges_in, EdgeMapping &edges_out, Edge *e)
void vg::FlowSort::erase_in_out_edges(EdgeMapping &edges_in, EdgeMapping &edges_out, Edge *e)
void vg::FlowSort::reverse_edge(Edge *&e)
void vg::FlowSort::reverse_from_start_to_end_edge(Edge *&e)
id_t vg::FlowSort::from_simple_reverse(Edge *&e)
id_t vg::FlowSort::from_simple_reverse_orientation(Edge *&e)
id_t vg::FlowSort::to_simple_reverse(Edge *&e)
id_t vg::FlowSort::to_simple_reverse_orientation(Edge *&e)
vector<set<id_t>> vg::FlowSort::get_cc_in_wg(EdgeMapping &edges_in, EdgeMapping &edges_out, const set<id_t> &all_nodes, id_t start_ref_node)
void vg::FlowSort::groom_components(EdgeMapping &edges_in, EdgeMapping &edges_out, set<id_t> &isolated_nodes, set<id_t> &main_nodes, map<id_t, set<Edge *>> &minus_start, map<id_t, set<Edge *>> &minus_end)
id_t vg::FlowSort::get_next_node_recalc_degrees(WeightedGraph &wg, std::vector<std::set<id_t>> &degrees, std::set<id_t> &sources, id_t node)
id_t vg::FlowSort::find_max_node(std::vector<std::set<id_t>> nodes_degree)
bool vg::FlowSort::bfs(set<id_t> &nodes, map<id_t, map<id_t, int>> &edge_weight, id_t s, id_t t, map<id_t, id_t> &parent)
void vg::FlowSort::dfs(set<id_t> &nodes, id_t s, set<id_t> &visited, map<id_t, map<id_t, int>> &edge_weight)
void vg::FlowSort::find_in_out_web(list<NodeTraversal> &sorted_nodes, Growth &in_out_growth, WeightedGraph &weighted_graph, set<id_t> &unsorted_nodes, id_t start_node, bool in_out, int count)
void vg::FlowSort::process_in_out_growth(EdgeMapping &edges_out_nodes, id_t current_id, Growth &in_out_growth, WeightedGraph &weighted_graph, set<id_t> &visited, list<NodeTraversal> &sorted_nodes, bool reverse, set<id_t> &unsorted_nodes, bool in_out, int count)
void vg::FlowSort::mark_dfs(EdgeMapping &graph_matrix, id_t s, set<id_t> &new_nodes, set<id_t> &visited, bool reverse, set<id_t> &nodes, set<id_t> &backbone)
vector<pair<id_t, id_t>> vg::FlowSort::min_cut(map<id_t, map<id_t, int>> &graph_weight, set<id_t> &nodes, id_t s, id_t t, EdgeMapping &edges_out_nodes, set<Edge *> &in_joins)
void vg::FlowSort::remove_edge(EdgeMapping &nodes_to_edges, id_t node, id_t to, bool reverse)

Public Static Attributes

const size_t vg::FlowSort::DEFAULT_PATH_WEIGHT

Private Members

VG &vg::FlowSort::vg

Describes a genotype at a particular locus.

Public Members

repeated<int32> vg::Genotype::allele

These refer to the offsets of the alleles in the Locus object.

bool vg::Genotype::is_phased
double vg::Genotype::likelihood
double vg::Genotype::log_likelihood

Likelihood natural logged.

double vg::Genotype::log_prior

Prior natural logged.

double vg::Genotype::log_posterior

Posterior natural logged (unnormalized).

#include <genotypekit.hpp>

Represents a strategy for calculating genotype likelihood for a (nested) Site. Polymorphic base class/interface.

Public Functions

virtual vg::GenotypeLikelihoodCalculator::~GenotypeLikelihoodCalculator()
virtual double vg::GenotypeLikelihoodCalculator::calculate_log_likelihood(const Snarl &site, const vector<SnarlTraversal> &traversals, const Genotype &genotype, const vector<vector<bool>> &consistencies, const vector<Support> &supports, const vector<Alignment *> &reads)
= 0

Return the log likelihood of the given genotype.

#include <genotypekit.hpp>

Represents a strategy for assigning genotype priors. Polymorphic base class/interface.

Subclassed by vg::FixedGenotypePriorCalculator

Public Functions

virtual vg::GenotypePriorCalculator::~GenotypePriorCalculator()
virtual double vg::GenotypePriorCalculator::calculate_log_prior(const Genotype &genotype)
= 0

Return the log prior of the given genotype.

TODO: ploidy priors on nested sites???

#include <genotyper.hpp>

Class to hold on to genotyping parameters and genotyping functions.

Public Functions

void vg::Genotyper::run(VG &graph, vector<Alignment> &alignments, ostream &out, string ref_path_name = "", string contig_name = "", string sample_name = "", string augmented_file_name = "", bool use_cactus = false, bool subset_graph = false, bool show_progress = false, bool output_vcf = false, bool output_json = false, int length_override = 0, int variant_offset = 0)
int vg::Genotyper::alignment_qual_score(VG &graph, const Site &site, const Alignment &alignment)

Given an Alignment and a Site, compute a phred score for the quality of the alignment’s bases within the site overall (not counting the start and end nodes), which is supposed to be interpretable as the probability that the call of the sequence is wrong (to the degree that it would no longer support the alleles it appears to support).

In practice we’re just going to average the quality scores for all the bases interior to the site (i.e. not counting the start and end nodes).

If the alignment doesn’t have base qualities, or no qualities are available for bases internal to the site, returns a default value.

vector<Genotyper::Site> vg::Genotyper::find_sites_with_supbub(VG &graph)

Unfold and dagify a graph, find the superbubbles, and then convert them back to the space of the original graph.

Returns a collection of Sites.

vector<Genotyper::Site> vg::Genotyper::find_sites_with_cactus(VG &graph, const string &ref_path_name = "")

Same as find_sites but use Cactus instead of Superbubbles. This is more general and doesn’t require DAGifcation etc., but we keep both versions around for now for debugging and comparison

If ref_path_name is the empty string, it is not used. Otherwise, it must be the name of a path present in the graph.

list<NodeTraversal> vg::Genotyper::get_traversal_of_site(VG &graph, const Site &site, const Path &path)

Given a path (which may run either direction through a site, or not touch the ends at all), collect a list of NodeTraversals in order for the part of the path that is inside the site, in the same orientation as the path.

string vg::Genotyper::traversals_to_string(const list<NodeTraversal> &path)

Make a list of NodeTraversals into the string they represent.

vector<list<NodeTraversal>> vg::Genotyper::get_paths_through_site(VG &graph, const Site &site, const map<string, Alignment *> &reads_by_name)

For the given site, emit all subpaths with unique sequences that run from start to end, out of the paths in the graph. Uses the map of reads by name to determine if a path is a read or a real named path. Paths through the site supported only by reads are subject to a min recurrence count, while those supported by actual embedded named paths are not.

string vg::Genotyper::get_qualities_in_site(VG &graph, const Site &site, const Alignment &alignment)

Get all the quality values in the alignment between the start and end nodes of a site. Handles alignments that enter the site from the end, and alignments that never make it through the site.

If we run out of qualities, or qualities aren’t present, returns no qualities.

If an alignment goes through the site multipe times, we get all the qualities from when it is in the site.

Does not return qualities on the start and end nodes. May return an empty string.

map<Alignment *, vector<Genotyper::Affinity>> vg::Genotyper::get_affinities(VG &graph, const map<string, Alignment *> &reads_by_name, const Site &site, const vector<list<NodeTraversal>> &superbubble_paths)

Get the affinity of all the reads relevant to the superbubble to all the paths through the superbubble.

Affinity is a double out of 1.0. Higher is better.

map<Alignment *, vector<Genotyper::Affinity>> vg::Genotyper::get_affinities_fast(VG &graph, const map<string, Alignment *> &reads_by_name, const Site &site, const vector<list<NodeTraversal>> &superbubble_paths)

Get affinities as above but using only string comparison instead of alignment. Affinities are 0 for mismatch and 1 for a perfect match.

Locus vg::Genotyper::genotype_site(VG &graph, const Site &site, const vector<list<NodeTraversal>> &superbubble_paths, const map<Alignment *, vector<Affinity>> &affinities)

Compute annotated genotype from affinities and superbubble paths. Needs access to the graph so it can chop up the alignments, which requires node sizes.

double vg::Genotyper::get_genotype_log_likelihood(VG &graph, const Site &site, const vector<int> &genotype, const vector<pair<Alignment *, vector<Affinity>>> &alignment_consistency)

Compute the probability of the observed alignments given the genotype.

Takes a genotype as a vector of allele numbers, and support data as a collection of pairs of Alignments and vectors of bools marking whether each alignment is consistent with each allele.

Alignments should have had their quality values trimmed down to just the part covering the superbubble.

Returns a natural log likelihood.

double vg::Genotyper::get_genotype_log_prior(const vector<int> &genotype)

Compute the prior probability of the given genotype.

Takes a genotype as a vector of allele numbers. It is not guaranteed that allele 0 corresponds to any notion of primary reference-ness.

Returns a natural log prior probability.

TODO: add in strand bias

vector<vcflib::Variant> vg::Genotyper::locus_to_variant(VG &graph, const Site &site, const PathIndex &index, vcflib::VariantCallFile &vcf, const Locus &locus, const string &sample_name = "SAMPLE")

Make a VCFlib variant from a called Locus. Depends on an index of the reference path we want to call against.

Returns 0 or more variants we can articulate from the superbubble. Sometimes if we can’t make a variant for the superbubble against the reference path, we’ll emit 0 variants.

void vg::Genotyper::write_vcf_header(std::ostream &stream, const std::string &sample_name, const std::string &contig_name, size_t contig_size)

Make a VCF header

vcflib::VariantCallFile *vg::Genotyper::start_vcf(std::ostream &stream, const PathIndex &index, const string &sample_name, const string &contig_name, size_t contig_size)

Start VCF output to a stream. Returns a VCFlib VariantCallFile that needs to be deleted.

pair<pair<int64_t, int64_t>, bool> vg::Genotyper::get_site_reference_bounds(const Site &site, const PathIndex &index)

Utility function for getting the reference bounds (start and past-end) of a site with relation to a given reference index. Computes bounds of the variable region, not including the fixed start and end node lengths. Also returns whether the reference path goes through the site forwards (false) or backwards (true).

void vg::Genotyper::report_site(const Site &site, const PathIndex *index = nullptr)

Tell the statistics tracking code that a site exists. We can do things like count up the site length in the reference and so on. Called only once per site, but may be called on multiple threads simultaneously.

void vg::Genotyper::report_site_traversal(const Site &site, const string &read_name)

Tell the statistics tracking code that a read traverses a site completely. May be called multiple times for a given read and site, and may be called in parallel.

void vg::Genotyper::print_statistics(ostream &out)

Print site statistics to the given stream.

void vg::Genotyper::edge_allele_labels(const VG &graph, const Site &site, const vector<list<NodeTraversal>> &superbubble_paths, unordered_map<pair<NodeTraversal, NodeTraversal>, unordered_set<size_t>, hash_oriented_edge> *out_edge_allele_sets)
void vg::Genotyper::allele_ambiguity_log_probs(const VG &graph, const Site &site, const vector<list<NodeTraversal>> &superbubble_paths, const unordered_map<pair<NodeTraversal, NodeTraversal>, unordered_set<size_t>, hash_oriented_edge> &edge_allele_sets, vector<unordered_map<vector<size_t>, double, hash_ambiguous_allele_set>> *out_allele_ambiguity_probs)

Public Members

size_t vg::Genotyper::max_path_search_steps
int vg::Genotyper::unfold_max_length
int vg::Genotyper::dagify_steps
double vg::Genotyper::max_het_bias
bool vg::Genotyper::use_mapq
bool vg::Genotyper::realign_indels
int vg::Genotyper::default_sequence_quality
int vg::Genotyper::min_recurrence
int vg::Genotyper::min_consistent_per_strand
double vg::Genotyper::min_score_per_base
double vg::Genotyper::het_prior_logprob
Translator vg::Genotyper::translator
map<size_t, size_t> vg::Genotyper::site_reference_length_histogram
map<const Site *, set<string>> vg::Genotyper::site_traversals
set<const Site *> vg::Genotyper::all_sites
Aligner vg::Genotyper::normal_aligner
QualAdjAligner vg::Genotyper::quality_aligner

Graphs are collections of nodes and edges. They can represent subgraphs of larger graphs or be wholly-self-sufficient. Protobuf memory limits of 67108864 bytes mean we typically keep the size of them small generating graphs as collections of smaller subgraphs.

Public Members

repeated<Node> vg::Graph::node

The Nodes that make up the graph.

repeated<Edge> vg::Graph::edge

The Edges that connect the Nodes in the graph.

repeated<Path> vg::Graph::path

A set of named Paths that visit sequences of oriented Nodes.

#include <graph_synchronizer.hpp>

Let threads get exclusive locks on subgraphs of a vg graph, for reading and editing. Whan a subgraph is locked, a copy is accessible through the lock object and the underlying graph can be edited (through the lock) without affecting any other locked subgraphs.

A thread may only hold a lock on a single subgraph at a time. Trying to lock another subgraph while you already have a subgraph locked is likely to result in a deadlock.

Public Functions

vg::GraphSynchronizer::GraphSynchronizer(VG &graph)

Create a GraphSynchronizer for synchronizing on parts of the given graph.

const string &vg::GraphSynchronizer::get_path_sequence(const string &path_name)

Since internally we keep PathIndexes for paths in the graph, we expose this method for getting the strings for paths.

void vg::GraphSynchronizer::with_path_index(const string &path_name, const function<void(const PathIndex&)> &to_run)

We can actually let users run whatever function they want with an exclusive handle on a PathIndex, with the guarantee that the graph won’t change while they’re working.

Protected Functions

PathIndex &vg::GraphSynchronizer::get_path_index(const string &path_name)

Get the index for the given path name. Lock on the indexes and graph must be held already.

void vg::GraphSynchronizer::update_path_indexes(const vector<Translation> &translations)

Update all the path indexes according to the given translations. Lock on the indexes and graph must be held already.

Protected Attributes

VG &vg::GraphSynchronizer::graph

The graph we manage.

mutex vg::GraphSynchronizer::whole_graph_lock

We use this to lock the whole graph, for when we’re exploring and trying to lock a context, or for when we’re making an edit, or for when we’re trying to lock a context, or for when we’re working with the PathIndexes. It’s only ever held during functions in this class or internal classes (monitor-style), so we don’t need it to be a recursive mutex.

condition_variable vg::GraphSynchronizer::wait_for_region

We have one condition variable where we have blocked all the threads that are waiting to lock subgraphs but couldn’t the first time because we ran into already locked nodes. When nodes get unlocked, we wake them all up, and they each grab the mutex and check, one at a time, to see if they can have all their nodes this time.

map<string, PathIndex> vg::GraphSynchronizer::indexes

We need indexes of all the paths that someone might want to use as a basis for locking. This holds a PathIndex for each path we touch by path name.

set<id_t> vg::GraphSynchronizer::locked_nodes

This holds all the node IDs that are currently locked by someone.

#include <flow_sort.hpp>

Public Functions


Public Members

set<id_t> vg::FlowSort::Growth::nodes
set<id_t> vg::FlowSort::Growth::backbone
list<id_t> vg::FlowSort::Growth::ref_path
#include <phased_genome.hpp>

Specialized linked list that tracks a walk through the variation graph and maintains an index of sites.

Public Functions

vg::PhasedGenome::Haplotype::Haplotype(NodeTraversal node_traversal)

Construct a haplotype with a single node.

template <typename NodeTraversalIterator>
vg::PhasedGenome::Haplotype::Haplotype(NodeTraversalIterator first, NodeTraversalIterator last)

Construct a haplotype with an iterator that yields NodeTraversals.

PhasedGenome::HaplotypeNode *vg::PhasedGenome::Haplotype::append_left(NodeTraversal node_traversal)

Add a haplotype node for this node traversal to left end of haplotye and return new node. Does not maintain indices; intended for use by the PhasedGenome for initial haplotype build.

PhasedGenome::HaplotypeNode *vg::PhasedGenome::Haplotype::append_right(NodeTraversal node_traversal)

Add a haplotype node for this node traversal to right end of haplotye and return new node. Does not maintain indices; intended for use by the PhasedGenome for initial haplotype build.

Private Members

PhasedGenome::HaplotypeNode *vg::PhasedGenome::Haplotype::left_telomere_node

Leftmost node in walk.

PhasedGenome::HaplotypeNode *vg::PhasedGenome::Haplotype::right_telomere_node

Rightmost node in walk.

unordered_map<const Snarl *, pair<HaplotypeNode *, HaplotypeNode *>> vg::PhasedGenome::Haplotype::sites

Index of the location in the haplotype of nested sites. Locations of sites are stored as the nodes on haplotype that correspond to the start and end node of the site. The pair of haplotype nodes is stored in left-to-right order along the haplotype (i.e. .first->prev and .second->next are outside the bubble).


friend vg::PhasedGenome::Haplotype::PhasedGenome
friend vg::PhasedGenome::Haplotype::HaplotypeNode
#include <phased_genome.hpp>

A node in walk through the graph taken by a haplotype.

Public Functions

vg::PhasedGenome::HaplotypeNode::HaplotypeNode(NodeTraversal node_traversal, HaplotypeNode *next, HaplotypeNode *prev)




Public Members

NodeTraversal vg::PhasedGenome::HaplotypeNode::node_traversal

Node and strand.

HaplotypeNode *vg::PhasedGenome::HaplotypeNode::next

Next node in walk.

HaplotypeNode *vg::PhasedGenome::HaplotypeNode::prev

Previous node in walk.

template <>
struct class std::hash<const vg::Snarl>
#include <snarls.hpp>

hash function for Snarls

Public Functions

size_t std::hash::operator()(const vg::Snarl &snarl) const
template <typename A, typename B>
struct class std::hash<pair<A, B>>
#include <hash_map.hpp>

Public Functions

size_t std::hash::operator()(const pair<A, B> &x) const
template <>
struct class std::hash<vg::NodeSide>
#include <nodeside.hpp>

Hash functor to hash NodeSides. We need to implement a hash function for these if we want to be able to use them in keys in hash maps.

Public Functions

size_t std::hash::operator()(const vg::NodeSide &item) const

Produce a hash of a NodeSide.

#include <genotyper.hpp>

Public Functions

size_t vg::Genotyper::hash_ambiguous_allele_set::operator()(const vector<size_t> &ambiguous_set) const
template <typename K, typename V>
#include <hash_map.hpp>

Inherits from google::dense_hash_map< K, V >

Public Functions

template <typename K, typename V>
class class vg::hash_map<K *, V>
#include <hash_map.hpp>

Inherits from google::dense_hash_map< K *, V >

Public Functions

#include <genotyper.hpp>

Public Functions

size_t vg::Genotyper::hash_node_traversal::operator()(const NodeTraversal &node_traversal) const
#include <genotyper.hpp>

Public Functions

size_t vg::Genotyper::hash_oriented_edge::operator()(const pair<const NodeTraversal, const NodeTraversal> &edge) const
#include <homogenizer.hpp>

Public Functions

void Homogenizer::homogenize(vg::VG *graph, xg::XG *xindex, gcsa::GCSA *gcsa_index, gcsa::LCPArray *lcp_index, Paths p, int kmer_size)

Locates tips in the graph and tries to generate a single edge / node to represent them. This edge is then added, the offending sequences are remapped, and the process is repeated until the graph becomes stable.

void Homogenizer::homogenize(vg::VG *graph, xg::XG *xindex, gcsa::GCSA *gcsa_index, gcsa::LCPArray *lcp_index, vg::Index reads_index)

Private Functions

vector<vg::id_t> Homogenizer::find_tips(vg::VG *graph)

Find tips (nodes with an indegree/outdegree of 0 in the graph

vector<vg::id_t> Homogenizer::find_non_ref_tips(vg::VG *graph)

Find non-ref tips

int vg::Homogenizer::remap(vector<Alignment> reads, vg::VG graph)

remap a set of Alignments to the graph

void Homogenizer::cut_tips(vg::VG *graph)

Remove all tips from the graph. WARNING: may cut head/tail nodes.

void vg::Homogenizer::cut_tips(vector<id_t> tip_ids, vg::VG *graph)

Remove specific nodes and their edges from the graph

void Homogenizer::cut_nonref_tips(vg::VG *graph)

Remove non-reference tips from the graph.

Private Members

Translator vg::Homogenizer::translator
#include <index.hpp>

Public Functions

vg::Index::Index(string &name)
rocksdb::Options vg::Index::GetOptions(bool read_only)
void vg::Index::open(const std::string &dir, bool read_only = false)
void vg::Index::open_read_only(string &dir)
void vg::Index::open_for_write(string &dir)
void vg::Index::open_for_bulk_load(string &dir)
void vg::Index::reset_options(void)
void vg::Index::flush(void)
void vg::Index::compact(void)
void vg::Index::close(void)
void vg::Index::load_graph(VG &graph)
void vg::Index::dump(std::ostream &out)
void vg::Index::for_all(std::function<void(string&, string&)> lambda)
void vg::Index::for_range(string &key_start, string &key_end, std::function<void(string&, string&)> lambda)
void vg::Index::put_node(const Node *node)
void vg::Index::put_edge(const Edge *edge)
void vg::Index::batch_node(const Node *node, rocksdb::WriteBatch &batch)
void vg::Index::batch_edge(const Edge *edge, rocksdb::WriteBatch &batch)
void vg::Index::put_kmer(const string &kmer, const int64_t id, const int32_t pos)
void vg::Index::batch_kmer(const string &kmer, const int64_t id, const int32_t pos, rocksdb::WriteBatch &batch)
void vg::Index::put_metadata(const string &tag, const string &data)
void vg::Index::put_node_path(int64_t node_id, int64_t path_id, int64_t path_pos, bool backward, const Mapping &mapping)
void vg::Index::put_path_position(int64_t path_id, int64_t path_pos, bool backward, int64_t node_id, const Mapping &mapping)
void vg::Index::put_mapping(const Mapping &mapping)
void vg::Index::put_alignment(const Alignment &alignment)
void vg::Index::put_base(int64_t aln_id, const Alignment &alignment)
void vg::Index::put_traversal(int64_t aln_id, const Mapping &mapping)
void vg::Index::cross_alignment(int64_t aln_id, const Alignment &alignment)
rocksdb::Status vg::Index::get_node(int64_t id, Node &node)
rocksdb::Status vg::Index::get_edge(int64_t from, bool from_start, int64_t to, bool to_end, Edge &edge)
rocksdb::Status vg::Index::get_metadata(const string &key, string &data)
int vg::Index::get_node_path(int64_t node_id, int64_t path_id, int64_t &path_pos, bool &backward, Mapping &mapping)
void vg::Index::get_mappings(int64_t node_id, vector<Mapping> &mappings)
void vg::Index::get_alignments(int64_t node_id, vector<Alignment> &alignments)
void vg::Index::get_alignments(int64_t id1, int64_t id2, vector<Alignment> &alignments)
void vg::Index::for_alignment_in_range(int64_t id1, int64_t id2, std::function<void(const Alignment&)> lambda)
void vg::Index::for_alignment_to_node(int64_t node_id, std::function<void(const Alignment&)> lambda)
void vg::Index::for_alignment_to_nodes(const vector<int64_t> &ids, std::function<void(const Alignment&)> lambda)
void vg::Index::for_base_alignments(const set<int64_t> &aln_ids, std::function<void(const Alignment&)> lambda)
const string vg::Index::key_for_node(int64_t id)
const string vg::Index::key_for_edge_on_start(int64_t node_id, int64_t other, bool backward)
const string vg::Index::key_for_edge_on_end(int64_t node_id, int64_t other, bool backward)
const string vg::Index::key_prefix_for_edges_on_node_start(int64_t node)
const string vg::Index::key_prefix_for_edges_on_node_end(int64_t node)
const string vg::Index::key_for_kmer(const string &kmer, int64_t id)
const string vg::Index::key_prefix_for_kmer(const string &kmer)
const string vg::Index::key_for_metadata(const string &tag)
const string vg::Index::key_for_path_position(int64_t path_id, int64_t path_pos, bool backward, int64_t node_id)
const string vg::Index::key_for_node_path_position(int64_t node_id, int64_t path_id, int64_t path_pos, bool backward)
const string vg::Index::key_prefix_for_node_path(int64_t node_id, int64_t path_id)
const string vg::Index::key_for_mapping_prefix(int64_t node_id)
const string vg::Index::key_for_mapping(const Mapping &mapping)
const string vg::Index::key_for_alignment_prefix(int64_t node_id)
const string vg::Index::key_for_alignment(const Alignment &alignment)
const string vg::Index::key_for_base(int64_t aln_id)
const string vg::Index::key_prefix_for_traversal(int64_t node_id)
const string vg::Index::key_for_traversal(int64_t aln_id, const Mapping &mapping)
void vg::Index::parse_node(const string &key, const string &value, int64_t &id, Node &node)
void vg::Index::parse_edge(const string &key, const string &value, char &type, int64_t &id1, int64_t &id2, Edge &edge)
void vg::Index::parse_edge(const string &key, char &type, int64_t &node_id, int64_t &other_id, bool &backward)
void vg::Index::parse_kmer(const string &key, const string &value, string &kmer, int64_t &id, int32_t &pos)
void vg::Index::parse_node_path(const string &key, const string &value, int64_t &node_id, int64_t &path_id, int64_t &path_pos, bool &backward, Mapping &mapping)
void vg::Index::parse_path_position(const string &key, const string &value, int64_t &path_id, int64_t &path_pos, bool &backward, int64_t &node_id, Mapping &mapping)
void vg::Index::parse_mapping(const string &key, const string &value, int64_t &node_id, uint64_t &nonce, Mapping &mapping)
void vg::Index::parse_alignment(const string &key, const string &value, int64_t &node_id, uint64_t &nonce, Alignment &alignment)
void vg::Index::parse_base(const string &key, const string &value, int64_t &aln_id, Alignment &alignment)
void vg::Index::parse_traversal(const string &key, const string &value, int64_t &node_id, int16_t &rank, bool &backward, int64_t &aln_id)
string vg::Index::entry_to_string(const string &key, const string &value)
string vg::Index::graph_entry_to_string(const string &key, const string &value)
string vg::Index::kmer_entry_to_string(const string &key, const string &value)
string vg::Index::position_entry_to_string(const string &key, const string &value)
string vg::Index::metadata_entry_to_string(const string &key, const string &value)
string vg::Index::node_path_to_string(const string &key, const string &value)
string vg::Index::path_position_to_string(const string &key, const string &value)
string vg::Index::mapping_entry_to_string(const string &key, const string &value)
string vg::Index::alignment_entry_to_string(const string &key, const string &value)
string vg::Index::base_entry_to_string(const string &key, const string &value)
string vg::Index::traversal_entry_to_string(const string &key, const string &value)
void vg::Index::get_context(int64_t id, VG &graph)
void vg::Index::expand_context(VG &graph, int steps)
void vg::Index::get_range(int64_t from_id, int64_t to_id, VG &graph)
void vg::Index::for_graph_range(int64_t from_id, int64_t to_id, function<void(string&, string&)> lambda)
void vg::Index::get_connected_nodes(VG &graph)
void vg::Index::get_edges_of(int64_t node, vector<Edge> &edges)
void vg::Index::get_edges_on_end(int64_t node, vector<Edge> &edges)
void vg::Index::get_edges_on_start(int64_t node, vector<Edge> &edges)
void vg::Index::get_nodes_next(int64_t node, bool backward, vector<pair<int64_t, bool>> &destinations)
void vg::Index::get_nodes_prev(int64_t node, bool backward, vector<pair<int64_t, bool>> &destinations)
void vg::Index::get_path(VG &graph, const string &name, int64_t start, int64_t end)
void vg::Index::node_path_position(int64_t id, string &path_name, int64_t &position, bool &backward, int64_t &offset)
pair<list<pair<int64_t, bool>>, pair<int64_t, bool>> vg::Index::get_nearest_node_prev_path_member(int64_t node_id, bool backward, int64_t path_id, int64_t &path_pos, bool &relative_orientation, int max_steps = 4)
pair<list<pair<int64_t, bool>>, pair<int64_t, bool>> vg::Index::get_nearest_node_next_path_member(int64_t node_id, bool backward, int64_t path_id, int64_t &path_pos, bool &relative_orientation, int max_steps = 4)
bool vg::Index::get_node_path_relative_position(int64_t node_id, bool backward, int64_t path_id, list<pair<int64_t, bool>> &path_prev, int64_t &prev_pos, bool &prev_orientation, list<pair<int64_t, bool>> &path_next, int64_t &next_pos, bool &next_orientation)
Mapping vg::Index::path_relative_mapping(int64_t node_id, bool backward, int64_t path_id, list<pair<int64_t, bool>> &path_prev, int64_t &prev_pos, bool &prev_orientation, list<pair<int64_t, bool>> &path_next, int64_t &next_pos, bool &next_orientation)
void vg::Index::path_layout(map<string, pair<pair<int64_t, bool>, pair<int64_t, bool>>> &layout, map<string, int64_t> &lengths)
pair<int64_t, bool> vg::Index::path_first_node(int64_t path_id)
pair<int64_t, bool> vg::Index::path_last_node(int64_t path_id, int64_t &path_length)
void vg::Index::get_kmer_subgraph(const string &kmer, VG &graph)
uint64_t vg::Index::approx_size_of_kmer_matches(const string &kmer)
void vg::Index::approx_sizes_of_kmer_matches(const vector<string> &kmers, vector<uint64_t> &sizes)
void vg::Index::for_kmer_range(const string &kmer, function<void(string&, string&)> lambda)
void vg::Index::get_kmer_positions(const string &kmer, map<int64_t, vector<int32_t>> &positions)
void vg::Index::get_kmer_positions(const string &kmer, map<string, vector<pair<int64_t, int32_t>>> &positions)
void vg::Index::prune_kmers(int max_kb_on_disk)
void vg::Index::remember_kmer_size(int size)
set<int> vg::Index::stored_kmer_sizes(void)
void vg::Index::store_batch(map<string, string> &items)
void vg::Index::kmer_matches(std::string &kmer, std::set<int64_t> &node_ids, std::set<int64_t> &edge_ids)
string vg::Index::first_kmer_key(const string &kmer)
pair<int64_t, int64_t> vg::Index::compare_kmers(Index &other)
int64_t vg::Index::get_max_path_id(void)
void vg::Index::put_max_path_id(int64_t id)
int64_t vg::Index::new_path_id(const string &name)
string vg::Index::path_name_prefix(const string &name)
string vg::Index::path_id_prefix(int64_t id)
void vg::Index::put_path_id_to_name(int64_t id, const string &name)
void vg::Index::put_path_name_to_id(int64_t id, const string &name)
string vg::Index::get_path_name(int64_t id)
int64_t vg::Index::get_path_id(const string &name)
void vg::Index::load_paths(VG &graph)
void vg::Index::store_paths(VG &graph)
void vg::Index::store_path(VG &graph, const Path &path)
map<string, int64_t> vg::Index::paths_by_id(void)
void vg::Index::for_each_mapping(function<void(const Mapping&)> lambda)
void vg::Index::for_each_alignment(function<void(const Alignment&)> lambda)
char vg::Index::graph_key_type(const string &key)

Public Members

string vg::Index::name
char vg::Index::start_sep
char vg::Index::end_sep
int vg::Index::threads
rocksdb::DB *vg::Index::db
rocksdb::Options vg::Index::db_options
rocksdb::WriteOptions vg::Index::write_options
rocksdb::ColumnFamilyOptions vg::Index::column_family_options
bool vg::Index::bulk_load
std::atomic<uint64_t> vg::Index::next_nonce
#include <index.hpp>

Inherits from exception

Public Functions

vg::indexOpenException::indexOpenException(string message = "")

Private Functions

virtual const char *vg::indexOpenException::what() const

Private Members

string vg::indexOpenException::message
#include <caller.hpp>

Public Members

Node *vg::Caller::InsertionRecord::node
StrandSupport vg::Caller::InsertionRecord::sup
int64_t vg::Caller::InsertionRecord::orig_id
int vg::Caller::InsertionRecord::orig_offset

We need to suppress overlapping variants, but interval trees are hard to write. This accomplishes the collision check with a massive bit vector.

Public Functions

vg::IntervalBitfield::IntervalBitfield(size_t length)

Make a new IntervalBitfield covering a region of the specified length.

bool vg::IntervalBitfield::collides(size_t start, size_t pastEnd)

Scan for a collision (O(n) in interval length)

void vg::IntervalBitfield::add(size_t start, size_t pastEnd)

Take up an interval.

Public Members

vector<bool> vg::IntervalBitfield::used
#include <phased_genome.hpp>

Unidirectional iterator to obtain the NodeTraversals of a haplotype. Can be come invalid if the PhasedGenome is edited while iterating.

Public Functions


Default constructor.

vg::PhasedGenome::iterator::iterator(const iterator &other)

Copy constructor.



iterator &vg::PhasedGenome::iterator::operator=(const iterator &other)
bool vg::PhasedGenome::iterator::operator==(const iterator &other) const
bool vg::PhasedGenome::iterator::operator!=(const iterator &other) const
iterator vg::PhasedGenome::iterator::operator++()
iterator vg::PhasedGenome::iterator::operator++(int)
NodeTraversal vg::PhasedGenome::iterator::operator*()
int vg::PhasedGenome::iterator::which_haplotype()

Private Functions

vg::PhasedGenome::iterator::iterator(size_t rank, int haplotype_number, HaplotypeNode *haplo_node)

Private Members

size_t vg::PhasedGenome::iterator::rank

Ordinal position along the haplotype (to distinguish the same node with multiple copies)

int vg::PhasedGenome::iterator::haplotype_number

The ID of the haplotype.

HaplotypeNode *vg::PhasedGenome::iterator::haplo_node

The position along the haplotype.


friend vg::PhasedGenome::iterator::PhasedGenome
friend vg::PhasedGenome::iterator::Haplotype

Inherits from exception

Public Functions

j2pb_error::j2pb_error(const std::string &e)
j2pb_error::j2pb_error(const FieldDescriptor *field, const std::string &e)
virtual j2pb_error::~j2pb_error()
virtual const char *j2pb_error::what() const

Private Members

std::string j2pb_error::_error

Public Functions

json_autoptr::json_autoptr(json_t *json)
json_t *json_autoptr::release()

Public Members

json_t *json_autoptr::ptr
template <class T>
#include <json2pb.h>

Public Functions

JSONStreamHelper::JSONStreamHelper(const std::string &file_name)
std::function<bool(T&)> JSONStreamHelper::get_read_fn()
int64_t JSONStreamHelper::write(std::ostream &out, bool json_out = false, int64_t buf_size = 1000)

Private Members

FILE *JSONStreamHelper::_fp
#include <index.hpp>

Inherits from exception

Private Functions

virtual const char *vg::keyNotFoundException::what() const

Used to serialize kmer matches.

Public Members

string vg::KmerMatch::sequence
int64 vg::KmerMatch::node_id
sint32 vg::KmerMatch::position
bool vg::KmerMatch::backward

If true, this kmer is backwards relative to its node, and position counts from the end of the node.

#include <vg.hpp>

We create a struct that represents each kmer record we want to send to gcsa2

Public Members

string vg::KmerPosition::kmer
string vg::KmerPosition::pos
set<char> vg::KmerPosition::prev_chars
set<char> vg::KmerPosition::next_chars
set<string> vg::KmerPosition::next_positions
#include <graph_synchronizer.hpp>

This represents a request to lock a particular context on a particular GraphSynchronizer. It fulfils the BasicLockable concept requirements, so you can wait on it with std::unique_lock.

Public Functions

vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::Lock(GraphSynchronizer &synchronizer, const string &path_name, size_t path_offset, size_t context_bases, bool reflect)

Create a request to lock a certain radius around a certain position along a certain path in the graph controlled by the given synchronizer.

vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::Lock(GraphSynchronizer &synchronizer, const string &path_name, size_t start, size_t past_end)

Create a request to lock a certain range of a certain path, from start to end. The start and end positions must line up with the boundaries of nodes in the graph. Also locks attached things that can be reached by paths of the same length or shorter. Note that the range must be nonempty.

void vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::lock()

Block until a lock is obtained.

void vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::unlock()

If a lock is held, unlock it.

VG &vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::get_subgraph()

May only be called when locked. Grab the subgraph that was extracted when the lock was obtained. Does not contain any path information.

pair<NodeSide, NodeSide> vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::get_endpoints() const

May only be called when locked. Returns the pair of NodeSides corresponding to the start and end positions used when the lock was created.

May only be called on locks that lock a start to end range.

set<NodeSide> vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::get_peripheral_attachments(NodeSide graph_side)

Get the NodeSides for nodes not in the extracted subgraph but in its periphery that are attached to the given NodeSide in the subgraph.

vector<Translation> vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::apply_edit(const Path &path, set<NodeSide> &dangling)

May only be called when locked. Apply an edit against the base graph and return the resulting translation. Note that this updates only the underlying VG graph, not the copy of the locked subgraph stored in the lock. Also note that the edit may only edit locked nodes.

Edit operations will create new nodes, and cannot delete nodes or apply changes (other than dividing and connecting) to existing nodes.

Any new nodes created are created already locked.

Any new nodes created on the left of the alignment (and any existing nodes visited) will be attached to the given “dangling” NodeSides. The set will be populated with the NodeSides for the ends of nodes created/visited at the end of the alignment.

vector<Translation> vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::apply_edit(const Path &path)

May only be called when locked. Apply a path as an edit to the base graph, leaving new nodes at the ends of the path unattached on their outer sides.

vector<Translation> vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::apply_full_length_edit(const Path &path)

May only be called when locked. Apply a path as an edit to the base graph, attaching the outer sides of any newly created nodes to the sides in the periphery attached to the extraction start and end sides, respectively. The lock must have been obtained on a range, rather than a radius.

The alignment must be in the local forward orientation of the graph for this to make sense.

Protected Attributes

GraphSynchronizer &vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::synchronizer

This points back to the synchronizer we synchronize with when we get locked.

string vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::path_name
size_t vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::path_offset
size_t vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::context_bases
bool vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::reflect
size_t vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::start
size_t vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::past_end
VG vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::subgraph

This is the subgraph that got extracted during the locking procedure.

pair<NodeSide, NodeSide> vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::endpoints

These are the endpoints that the subgraph was extracted between, if applicable.

set<id_t> vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::periphery

These are the nodes connected to the subgraph but not actually available for editing. We just need no one else to edit them.

map<NodeSide, set<NodeSide>> vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::peripheral_attachments

This connects internal NodeSides to NodeSides of nodes on the periphery.

set<id_t> vg::GraphSynchronizer::Lock::locked_nodes

This is the set of nodes that this lock has currently locked.


Describes a genetic locus with multiple possible alleles, a genotype, and observational support.

Public Members

string vg::Locus::name

A locus may have an identifying name.

repeated<Path> vg::Locus::allele

These are all the alleles at the locus, not just the called ones. Note that a primary reference allele may or may not appear.

repeated<Support> vg::Locus::support

These supports are per-allele, matching the alleles above.

repeated<Genotype> vg::Locus::genotype

sorted by likelihood or posterior the first one is the “call”

Support vg::Locus::overall_support

We also have a Support for the locus overall, because reads may have supported multiple alleles and we want to know how many total there were.

#include <mapper.hpp>

Public Functions

vg::Mapper::Mapper(Index *idex, gcsa::GCSA *g = nullptr, gcsa::LCPArray *a = nullptr)
vg::Mapper::Mapper(xg::XG *xidex, gcsa::GCSA *g, gcsa::LCPArray *a)
void vg::Mapper::clear_aligners(void)
QualAdjAligner *vg::Mapper::get_qual_adj_aligner(void)
Aligner *vg::Mapper::get_regular_aligner(void)
LRUCache<id_t, Node> &vg::Mapper::get_node_cache(void)
void vg::Mapper::init_node_cache(void)
LRUCache<id_t, size_t> &vg::Mapper::get_node_start_cache(void)
void vg::Mapper::init_node_start_cache(void)
LRUCache<gcsa::node_type, map<string, vector<size_t>>> &vg::Mapper::get_node_pos_cache(void)
void vg::Mapper::init_node_pos_cache(void)
map<string, vector<size_t>> vg::Mapper::node_positions_in_paths(gcsa::node_type node)
LRUCache<id_t, vector<Edge>> &vg::Mapper::get_edge_cache(void)
void vg::Mapper::init_edge_cache(void)
void vg::Mapper::record_fragment_configuration(int length, const Alignment &aln1, const Alignment &aln2)
double vg::Mapper::fragment_length_stdev(void)
double vg::Mapper::fragment_length_mean(void)
double vg::Mapper::fragment_length_pdf(double length)
bool vg::Mapper::fragment_orientation(void)
bool vg::Mapper::fragment_direction(void)
double vg::Mapper::estimate_gc_content(void)
int vg::Mapper::random_match_length(double chance_random)
double vg::Mapper::graph_entropy(void)
void vg::Mapper::init_aligner(int32_t match, int32_t mismatch, int32_t gap_open, int32_t gap_extend)
void vg::Mapper::set_alignment_scores(int32_t match, int32_t mismatch, int32_t gap_open, int32_t gap_extend)
map<string, double> vg::Mapper::alignment_mean_path_positions(const Alignment &aln, bool first_hit_only = true)
bool vg::Mapper::alignments_consistent(const map<string, double> &pos1, const map<string, double> &pos2, int fragment_size_bound)
bool vg::Mapper::pair_consistent(const Alignment &aln1, const Alignment &aln2)
void vg::Mapper::align_mate_in_window(const Alignment &read1, Alignment &read2, int pair_window)
bool vg::Mapper::pair_rescue(Alignment &mate1, Alignment &mate2)
vector<Alignment> vg::Mapper::resolve_banded_multi(vector<vector<Alignment>> &multi_alns)
set<MaximalExactMatch *> vg::Mapper::resolve_paired_mems(vector<MaximalExactMatch> &mems1, vector<MaximalExactMatch> &mems2)
vector<Alignment> vg::Mapper::mems_id_clusters_to_alignments(const Alignment &alignment, vector<MaximalExactMatch> &mems, int additional_multimaps)
vector<Alignment> vg::Mapper::mems_pos_clusters_to_alignments(const Alignment &aln, vector<MaximalExactMatch> &mems, int additional_multimaps, double &cluster_mq)
int vg::Mapper::cluster_coverage(const vector<MaximalExactMatch> &cluster)
bool vg::Mapper::mems_overlap(const MaximalExactMatch &mem1, const MaximalExactMatch &mem2)
bool vg::Mapper::clusters_overlap(const vector<MaximalExactMatch> &cluster1, const vector<MaximalExactMatch> &cluster2)
set<const vector<MaximalExactMatch> *> vg::Mapper::clusters_to_drop(const vector<vector<MaximalExactMatch>> &clusters)
Alignment vg::Mapper::mems_to_alignment(const Alignment &aln, vector<MaximalExactMatch> &mems)
Alignment vg::Mapper::mem_to_alignment(MaximalExactMatch &mem)
Alignment vg::Mapper::patch_alignment(const Alignment &aln)
Alignment vg::Mapper::smooth_alignment(const Alignment &aln)
int32_t vg::Mapper::score_alignment(const Alignment &aln)
int32_t vg::Mapper::rescore_without_full_length_bonus(const Alignment &aln)
VG vg::Mapper::cluster_subgraph(const Alignment &aln, const vector<MaximalExactMatch> &mems)
void vg::Mapper::cached_graph_context(VG &graph, const pos_t &pos, int length, LRUCache<id_t, Node> &node_cache, LRUCache<id_t, vector<Edge>> &edge_cache)
Alignment vg::Mapper::align_cluster(const Alignment &aln, const vector<MaximalExactMatch> &mems)
Alignment vg::Mapper::align_maybe_flip(const Alignment &base, VG &graph, bool flip)
bool vg::Mapper::adjacent_positions(const Position &pos1, const Position &pos2)
int64_t vg::Mapper::get_node_length(int64_t node_id)
bool vg::Mapper::check_alignment(const Alignment &aln)
VG vg::Mapper::alignment_subgraph(const Alignment &aln, int context_size = 1)
Alignment vg::Mapper::align(const string &seq, int kmer_size = 0, int stride = 0, int max_mem_length = 0, int band_width = 1000)
Alignment vg::Mapper::align(const Alignment &read, int kmer_size = 0, int stride = 0, int max_mem_length = 0, int band_width = 1000)
vector<Alignment> vg::Mapper::align_multi(const Alignment &aln, int kmer_size = 0, int stride = 0, int max_mem_length = 0, int band_width = 1000)
pair<vector<Alignment>, vector<Alignment>> vg::Mapper::align_paired_multi(const Alignment &read1, const Alignment &read2, bool &queued_resolve_later, int kmer_size = 0, int stride = 0, int max_mem_length = 0, int band_width = 1000, int pair_window = 64, bool only_top_scoring_pair = false, bool retrying = false)
pair<vector<Alignment>, vector<Alignment>> vg::Mapper::align_paired_multi_sep(const Alignment &read1, const Alignment &read2, bool &queued_resolve_later, int kmer_size = 0, int stride = 0, int max_mem_length = 0, int band_width = 1000, int pair_window = 64, bool only_top_scoring_pair = false, bool retrying = false)
pair<vector<Alignment>, vector<Alignment>> vg::Mapper::align_paired_multi_combi(const Alignment &read1, const Alignment &read2, bool &queued_resolve_later, int kmer_size = 0, int stride = 0, int max_mem_length = 0, int band_width = 1000, bool only_top_scoring_pair = false, bool retrying = false)

cross all single-ended alignments from each read then sort by joint score scaled by a pair bonus, which is computed from the max fragment and observed size distribution

pair<vector<Alignment>, vector<Alignment>> vg::Mapper::align_paired_multi_simul(const Alignment &read1, const Alignment &read2, bool &queued_resolve_later, int max_mem_length = 0, bool only_top_scoring_pair = false, bool retrying = false)
Alignment vg::Mapper::surject_alignment(const Alignment &source, set<string> &path_names, string &path_name, int64_t &path_pos, bool &path_reverse, int window)
vector<MaximalExactMatch> vg::Mapper::find_mems_deep(string::const_iterator seq_begin, string::const_iterator seq_end, int max_mem_length = 0, int min_mem_length = 1, int reseed_length = 0)
vector<MaximalExactMatch> vg::Mapper::find_mems_simple(string::const_iterator seq_begin, string::const_iterator seq_end, int max_mem_length = 0, int min_mem_length = 1, int reseed_length = 0)
void vg::Mapper::check_mems(const vector<MaximalExactMatch> &mems)
double vg::Mapper::compute_cluster_mapping_quality(const vector<vector<MaximalExactMatch>> &clusters, int read_length)
void vg::Mapper::resolve_softclips(Alignment &aln, VG &graph)
int vg::Mapper::graph_distance(pos_t pos1, pos_t pos2, int maximum = 1e3)
int vg::Mapper::approx_distance(pos_t pos1, pos_t pos2)
int vg::Mapper::approx_position(pos_t pos)
int vg::Mapper::approx_alignment_position(const Alignment &aln)

returns approximate position of alignnment start in xindex or -1.0 if alignment is unmapped

int vg::Mapper::approx_fragment_length(const Alignment &aln1, const Alignment &aln2)

returns approximate distance between alignment starts or -1.0 if not possible to determine

pos_t vg::Mapper::likely_mate_position(const Alignment &aln, bool is_first)
id_t vg::Mapper::node_approximately_at(int approx_pos)
char vg::Mapper::pos_char(pos_t pos)
map<pos_t, char> vg::Mapper::next_pos_chars(pos_t pos)
set<pos_t> vg::Mapper::positions_bp_from(pos_t pos, int distance, bool rev)
Alignment vg::Mapper::walk_match(const string &seq, pos_t pos)
vector<Alignment> vg::Mapper::walk_match(const Alignment &base, const string &seq, pos_t pos)
vector<Alignment> vg::Mapper::mem_to_alignments(MaximalExactMatch &mem)
set<pos_t> vg::Mapper::sequence_positions(const string &seq)
map<string, int> vg::Mapper::approx_pair_fragment_length(const Alignment &aln1, const Alignment &aln2)
double vg::Mapper::average_node_length(void)
void vg::Mapper::set_alignment_threads(int new_thread_count)

Set the alignment thread count, updating internal data structures that are per thread. Note that this resets aligner scores to their default values!

Public Members

Index *vg::Mapper::index
xg::XG *vg::Mapper::xindex
gcsa::GCSA *vg::Mapper::gcsa
gcsa::LCPArray *vg::Mapper::lcp
vector<QualAdjAligner *> vg::Mapper::qual_adj_aligners
vector<Aligner *> vg::Mapper::regular_aligners
vector<LRUCache<id_t, Node> *> vg::Mapper::node_cache
vector<LRUCache<id_t, size_t> *> vg::Mapper::node_start_cache
vector<LRUCache<gcsa::node_type, map<string, vector<size_t>>> *> vg::Mapper::node_pos_cache
vector<LRUCache<id_t, vector<Edge>> *> vg::Mapper::edge_cache
vector<pair<Alignment, Alignment>> vg::Mapper::imperfect_pairs_to_retry
deque<double> vg::Mapper::fragment_lengths
deque<bool> vg::Mapper::fragment_orientations
deque<bool> vg::Mapper::fragment_directions
double vg::Mapper::cached_fragment_length_mean
double vg::Mapper::cached_fragment_length_stdev
bool vg::Mapper::cached_fragment_orientation
bool vg::Mapper::cached_fragment_direction
int vg::Mapper::since_last_fragment_length_estimate
int vg::Mapper::fragment_length_estimate_interval
bool vg::Mapper::debug
int vg::Mapper::alignment_threads
set<int> vg::Mapper::kmer_sizes
int vg::Mapper::best_clusters
int vg::Mapper::cluster_min
int vg::Mapper::hit_size_threshold
float vg::Mapper::min_kmer_entropy
int vg::Mapper::kmer_min
int vg::Mapper::max_thread_gap
int vg::Mapper::kmer_sensitivity_step
bool vg::Mapper::prefer_forward
bool vg::Mapper::greedy_accept
float vg::Mapper::accept_identity
int vg::Mapper::min_mem_length
int vg::Mapper::min_cluster_length
bool vg::Mapper::mem_chaining
int vg::Mapper::mem_reseed_length
bool vg::Mapper::fast_reseed
int vg::Mapper::hit_max
int vg::Mapper::context_depth
int vg::Mapper::max_attempts
int vg::Mapper::thread_extension
int vg::Mapper::max_target_factor
size_t vg::Mapper::max_query_graph_ratio
int vg::Mapper::max_multimaps
int vg::Mapper::softclip_threshold
int vg::Mapper::max_softclip_iterations
float vg::Mapper::min_identity
int vg::Mapper::extra_multimaps
bool vg::Mapper::adjust_alignments_for_base_quality
MappingQualityMethod vg::Mapper::mapping_quality_method
int vg::Mapper::max_mapping_quality
int vg::Mapper::max_cluster_mapping_quality
bool vg::Mapper::use_cluster_mq
bool vg::Mapper::smooth_alignments
bool vg::Mapper::always_rescue
int vg::Mapper::fragment_max
int vg::Mapper::fragment_size
double vg::Mapper::fragment_sigma
int vg::Mapper::fragment_length_cache_size
float vg::Mapper::perfect_pair_identity_threshold
int8_t vg::Mapper::full_length_alignment_bonus
bool vg::Mapper::simultaneous_pair_alignment
float vg::Mapper::drop_chain
int vg::Mapper::cache_size
int vg::Mapper::mate_rescues

Private Functions

vg::Mapper::Mapper(Index *idex, xg::XG *xidex, gcsa::GCSA *g, gcsa::LCPArray *a)
Alignment vg::Mapper::align_to_graph(const Alignment &aln, VG &vg, size_t max_query_graph_ratio, bool pinned_alignment = false, bool pin_left = false, int8_t full_length_bonus = 0, bool global = false)
vector<Alignment> vg::Mapper::align_multi_internal(bool compute_unpaired_qualities, const Alignment &aln, int kmer_size, int stride, int max_mem_length, int band_width, double &cluster_mq, int additional_multimaps = 0, vector<MaximalExactMatch> *restricted_mems = nullptr)
void vg::Mapper::compute_mapping_qualities(vector<Alignment> &alns, double cluster_mq)
void vg::Mapper::compute_mapping_qualities(pair<vector<Alignment>, vector<Alignment>> &pair_alns, double cluster_mq)
vector<Alignment> vg::Mapper::score_sort_and_deduplicate_alignments(vector<Alignment> &all_alns, const Alignment &original_alignment)
void vg::Mapper::filter_and_process_multimaps(vector<Alignment> &all_alns, int additional_multimaps)
vector<Alignment> vg::Mapper::align_multi_kmers(const Alignment &aln, int kmer_size = 0, int stride = 0, int band_width = 1000)
Alignment vg::Mapper::align_banded(const Alignment &read, int kmer_size = 0, int stride = 0, int max_mem_length = 0, int band_width = 1000)
vector<Alignment> vg::Mapper::align_mem_multi(const Alignment &alignment, vector<MaximalExactMatch> &mems, double &cluster_mq, int additional_multimaps = 0)
vector<Alignment> vg::Mapper::align_threaded(const Alignment &read, int &hit_count, int kmer_size = 0, int stride = 0, int attempt = 0)
void vg::Mapper::find_sub_mems(vector<MaximalExactMatch> &mems, string::const_iterator next_mem_end, int min_mem_length, vector<pair<MaximalExactMatch, vector<size_t>>> &sub_mems_out)
void vg::Mapper::find_sub_mems_fast(vector<MaximalExactMatch> &mems, string::const_iterator next_mem_end, int min_sub_mem_length, vector<pair<MaximalExactMatch, vector<size_t>>> &sub_mems_out)
void vg::Mapper::fill_nonredundant_sub_mem_nodes(vector<MaximalExactMatch> &parent_mems, vector<pair<MaximalExactMatch, vector<size_t>>>::iterator sub_mem_records_begin, vector<pair<MaximalExactMatch, vector<size_t>>>::iterator sub_mem_records_end)
void vg::Mapper::first_hit_positions_by_index(MaximalExactMatch &mem, vector<set<pos_t>> &positions_by_index_out)
void vg::Mapper::mem_positions_by_index(MaximalExactMatch &mem, pos_t hit_pos, vector<set<pos_t>> &positions_by_index_out)

A Mapping defines the relationship between a node in system and another entity. An empty edit list implies complete match, however it is preferred to specify the full edit structure. as it is more complex to handle special cases.

Public Members

Position vg::Mapping::position

The position at which the first Edit, if any, in the Mapping starts. Inclusive.

repeated<Edit> vg::Mapping::edit

The series of Edits to transform to region in read/alt.

int64 vg::Mapping::rank

The 1-based rank of the mapping in its containing path.

#include <mapper.hpp>

Public Functions

vg::MaximalExactMatch::MaximalExactMatch(string::const_iterator b, string::const_iterator e, gcsa::range_type r, size_t m = 0)
string vg::MaximalExactMatch::sequence(void) const
int vg::MaximalExactMatch::length(void) const
void vg::MaximalExactMatch::fill_positions(Mapper *mapper)
size_t vg::MaximalExactMatch::count_Ns(void) const
vg::MaximalExactMatch::MaximalExactMatch(const MaximalExactMatch&)
MaximalExactMatch &vg::MaximalExactMatch::operator=(const MaximalExactMatch&)
MaximalExactMatch &vg::MaximalExactMatch::operator=(MaximalExactMatch&&)

Public Members

string::const_iterator vg::MaximalExactMatch::begin
string::const_iterator vg::MaximalExactMatch::end
gcsa::range_type vg::MaximalExactMatch::range
size_t vg::MaximalExactMatch::match_count
int vg::MaximalExactMatch::fragment
std::vector<gcsa::node_type> vg::MaximalExactMatch::nodes
map<string, vector<size_t>> vg::MaximalExactMatch::positions


bool operator==(const MaximalExactMatch &m1, const MaximalExactMatch &m2)
bool operator<(const MaximalExactMatch &m1, const MaximalExactMatch &m2)
ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const MaximalExactMatch &m)
#include <mapper.hpp>

Public Functions

vg::MEMChainModel::MEMChainModel(const vector<size_t> &aln_lengths, const vector<vector<MaximalExactMatch>> &matches, Mapper *mapper, const function<double(const MaximalExactMatch&, const MaximalExactMatch&)> &transition_weight, int band_width = 10, int position_depth = 3, )
void vg::MEMChainModel::score(const set<MEMChainModelVertex *> &exclude)
MEMChainModelVertex *vg::MEMChainModel::max_vertex(void)
vector<vector<MaximalExactMatch>> vg::MEMChainModel::traceback(int alt_alns, bool paired, bool debug)
void vg::MEMChainModel::display(ostream &out)
void vg::MEMChainModel::clear_scores(void)

Public Members

vector<MEMChainModelVertex> vg::MEMChainModel::model
map<int, vector<vector<MEMChainModelVertex>::iterator>> vg::MEMChainModel::approx_positions
#include <mapper.hpp>

Public Functions

vg::MEMChainModelVertex::MEMChainModelVertex(const MEMChainModelVertex&)
MEMChainModelVertex &vg::MEMChainModelVertex::operator=(const MEMChainModelVertex&)
MEMChainModelVertex &vg::MEMChainModelVertex::operator=(MEMChainModelVertex&&)
virtual vg::MEMChainModelVertex::~MEMChainModelVertex()

Public Members

MaximalExactMatch vg::MEMChainModelVertex::mem
vector<pair<MEMChainModelVertex *, double>> vg::MEMChainModelVertex::next_cost
vector<pair<MEMChainModelVertex *, double>> vg::MEMChainModelVertex::prev_cost
vector<int> vg::MEMChainModelVertex::traces
double vg::MEMChainModelVertex::weight
double vg::MEMChainModelVertex::score
int vg::MEMChainModelVertex::approx_position
MEMChainModelVertex *vg::MEMChainModelVertex::prev

A subgraph of the unrolled Graph in which each non-branching path is associated with an alignment of part of the read and part of the graph such that any path through the MultipathAlignment indicates a valid alignment of a read to the graph

Public Members

string vg::MultipathAlignment::sequence
bytes vg::MultipathAlignment::quality
string vg::MultipathAlignment::name
string vg::MultipathAlignment::sample_name
string vg::MultipathAlignment::read_group
repeated<Subpath> vg::MultipathAlignment::subpath

non-branching paths of the multipath alignment, each containing an alignment of part of the sequence to a Graph IMPORTANT: downstream applications will assume these are in topological order

int32 vg::MultipathAlignment::mapping_quality


repeated<uint32> vg::MultipathAlignment::start

optional: indices of Subpaths that align the beginning of the read (i.e. source nodes)

#include <name_mapper.hpp>

Class to do name mapping (or to mix in and provide name mapping functionality to other classes.

Subclassed by vg::Constructor, vg::VariantAdder

Public Functions

void vg::NameMapper::add_name_mapping(const string &vcf_name, const string &fasta_name)

Add a name mapping between a VCF contig name and a FASTA sequence name or graph path name. Both must be unique.

string vg::NameMapper::vcf_to_fasta(const string &vcf_name) const

Convert the given VCF contig name to a FASTA sequence or graph path name, through the rename mappings.

string vg::NameMapper::fasta_to_vcf(const string &fasta_name) const

Convert the given FASTA sequence name or graph path name to a VCF contig name, through the rename mappings.

Protected Attributes

map<string, string> vg::NameMapper::vcf_to_fasta_renames

This map maps from VCF sequence names to FASTA sequence names. If a VCF sequence name doesn’t appear in here, it gets passed through unchanged.

map<string, string> vg::NameMapper::fasta_to_vcf_renames

This is the reverse map from FASTA sequence name to VCF sequence name.

#include <nested_traversal_finder.hpp>

This TraversalFinder emits at least one traversal representing every node, edge, or child Snarl. Only works on ultrabubbles, and so does not handle cycles.

Inherits from vg::TraversalFinder

Public Functions

vg::NestedTraversalFinder::NestedTraversalFinder(AugmentedGraph &augmented, SnarlManager &snarl_manager)
virtual vg::NestedTraversalFinder::~NestedTraversalFinder()
vector<SnarlTraversal> vg::NestedTraversalFinder::find_traversals(const Snarl &site)

Find traversals to cover the nodes, edges, and children of the snarl. Always emits the primary path traversal first, if applicable.

Public Members

bool vg::NestedTraversalFinder::verbose

Should we emit verbose debugging info?

Protected Functions

pair<Support, vector<Visit>> vg::NestedTraversalFinder::find_bubble(Node *node, Edge *edge, const Snarl *child, const Snarl &site, const map<NodeTraversal, const Snarl *> &child_boundary_index)

Given an edge or node or child snarl in the augmented graph, look out from the edge or node or child in both directions to find a shortest bubble connecting the start and end of the given site.

Exactly one of edge and node and child must be non-null.

Return the found traversal as a vector of Visits, including anchoring Visits to the site’s start and end nodes. Also return the minimum support found on any edge or node in the bubble that is not contained within a child.

If there is no path with any support, returns a zero Support and a possibly empty Path.

Support vg::NestedTraversalFinder::min_support_in_path(const vector<Visit> &path)

Get the minimum support of all nodes and edges used in the given path that are not inside child snarls.

set<pair<size_t, list<Visit>>> vg::NestedTraversalFinder::search_left(const Visit &root, const Snarl &site, const map<NodeTraversal, const Snarl *> &child_boundary_index)

Do a breadth-first search left from the given node traversal, and return lengths (in visits) and paths starting at the given node and ending on the given indexed path. Refuses to visit nodes with no support.

Lengths are included so that shorter paths sort first.

set<pair<size_t, list<Visit>>> vg::NestedTraversalFinder::search_right(const Visit &root, const Snarl &site, const map<NodeTraversal, const Snarl *> &child_boundary_index)

Do a breadth-first search right from the given node traversal, and return lengths (in visits) and paths starting at the given node and ending on the given indexed path.

Lengths are included so that shorter paths sort first.

size_t vg::NestedTraversalFinder::bp_length(const list<Visit> &path)

Get the length of a path through nodes and child sites, in base pairs. Ignores any bases inside child sites.

Protected Attributes

AugmentedGraph &vg::NestedTraversalFinder::augmented

The annotated, augmented graph we’re finding traversals in.

SnarlManager &vg::NestedTraversalFinder::snarl_manager

The SnarlManager managiung the snarls we use.

#include <banded_global_aligner.hpp>

This gets thrown when the aligner can’t find any valid alignment in the band that was requested.

Inherits from exception

Private Functions

const char *NoAlignmentInBandException::what() const

Private Static Attributes

const string NoAlignmentInBandException::message

Nodes store sequence data.

Public Members

string vg::Node::sequence

Sequence of DNA bases represented by the Node.

string vg::Node::name

A name provides an identifier.

int64 vg::Node::id

Each Node has a unique positive nonzero ID within its Graph.

#include <caller.hpp>

Public Types

enum type vg::NodeDivider::EntryCat


= 0

Public Functions

void vg::NodeDivider::add_fragment(const Node *orig_node, int offset, Node *subnode, EntryCat cat, vector<StrandSupport> sup)
NodeDivider::Entry vg::NodeDivider::break_end(const Node *orig_node, VG *graph, int offset, bool left_side)
list<Mapping> vg::NodeDivider::map_node(int64_t node_id, int64_t start_offset, int64_t length, bool reverse)
void vg::NodeDivider::clear()

Public Members

NodeHash vg::NodeDivider::index
int64_t *vg::NodeDivider::_max_id

Collect pileup records by node. Saves some space and hashing over storing individually, assuming not too sparse and avg. node length more than couple bases the ith BasePileup in the array corresponds to the position at offset i.

Public Members

int64 vg::NodePileup::node_id
repeated<BasePileup> vg::NodePileup::base_pileup
#include <nodeside.hpp>

Represents one side of a Node, identified by ID, for the purposes of indexing edges. TODO: duplicates much of the functionality of NodeTraversal, and causes API duplication to accomodate both. There should only be one.

Public Functions

vg::NodeSide::NodeSide(id_t node, bool is_end = false)

Create a NodeSide for the given side of the given Node. We need this to be a converting constructor so we can represent the empty and deleted item keys in a pair_hash_map.


Create a NodeSide for no Node.

bool vg::NodeSide::operator==(const NodeSide &other) const

Equality operator.

bool vg::NodeSide::operator!=(const NodeSide &other) const

Inequality operator.

bool vg::NodeSide::operator<(const NodeSide &other) const

Comparison operator for sets and maps.

NodeSide vg::NodeSide::flip(void) const

Reverse complement the node side, obtaining the other side of the same Node.

Visit vg::NodeSide::to_visit() const

Convert to a Visit.

Public Members

id_t vg::NodeSide::node

What Node are we a side of?

bool vg::NodeSide::is_end

Are we the end side? Or the start side?

Public Static Functions

static pair<NodeSide, NodeSide> vg::NodeSide::pair_from_edge(Edge *e)

Make an edge into a canonically ordered pair of NodeSides.

static pair<NodeSide, NodeSide> vg::NodeSide::pair_from_edge(const Edge &e)

Make an edge into a canonically ordered pair of NodeSides.

static pair<NodeSide, NodeSide> vg::NodeSide::pair_from_start_edge(id_t start_id, const pair<id_t, bool> &oriented_other)

Make a canonically ordered pair of NodeSides from an edge off of the start of a node, to another node in the given relative orientation.

static pair<NodeSide, NodeSide> vg::NodeSide::pair_from_end_edge(id_t end_id, const pair<id_t, bool> &oriented_other)

Make a canonically ordered pair of NodeSides from an edge off of the end of a node, to another node in the given relative orientation.

#include <nodetraversal.hpp>

Represents a node traversed in a certain orientation. The default orientation is start to end, but if backward is set, represents the node being traversed end to start. A list of these can serve as an edit-free version of a path, especially if supplemented with a length and an initial node offset. A path node has a left and a right side, which are the start and end of the node if it is forward, or the end and start of the node if it is backward.

Public Functions

vg::NodeTraversal::NodeTraversal(Node *node, bool backward = false)

Make a NodeTraversal that traverses the given Node in the given orientation. We don’t want Node*s to turn into NodeTraversals when we aren’t expecting it, so this is explicit.


Create a NodeTraversal of no node.

bool vg::NodeTraversal::operator==(const NodeTraversal &other) const

Equality operator.

bool vg::NodeTraversal::operator!=(const NodeTraversal &other) const

Inequality operator.

bool vg::NodeTraversal::operator<(const NodeTraversal &other) const

Comparison operator for sorting in sets and maps. Make sure to sort by node ID and not pointer value, because people will expect that.

NodeTraversal vg::NodeTraversal::reverse(void) const

Reverse complement the node traversal, returning a traversal of the same node in the opposite direction.

Public Members

Node *vg::NodeTraversal::node

What Node is being traversed?

bool vg::NodeTraversal::backward

In what orientation is it being traversed?

template <typename K, typename V>
#include <hash_map.hpp>

Inherits from google::dense_hash_map< K, V, std::hash< K > >

Public Functions


Paths are walks through nodes defined by a series of Edits. They can be used to represent:

  • haplotypes
  • mappings of reads, or alignments, by including edits
  • relationships between nodes
  • annotations from other data sources, such as: genes, exons, motifs, transcripts, peaks

Public Members

string vg::Path::name

The name of the path. Path names starting with underscore (_) are reserved for internal VG use.

repeated<Mapping> vg::Path::mapping

The Mappings which describe the order and orientation in which the Path visits Nodes.

bool vg::Path::is_circular

Set to true if the path is circular.

int64 vg::Path::length

Optional length annotation for the Path.

#include <chunker.hpp>

Chunk up a graph along a path, using a given number of context expansion steps to fill out the chunks. Most of the work done by exising xg functions. For gams, the rocksdb index is also required.

Public Functions

vg::PathChunker::PathChunker(xg::XG *xg = NULL)
void vg::PathChunker::extract_subgraph(const Region &region, int context, VG &subgraph, Region &out_region)

Extract subgraph corresponding to given path region into its own vg graph, and send it to out_stream. The boundaries of the extracted graph (which can be different because we expand context and don’t cut nodes) are written to out_region.

NOTE: we follow convention of Region coordinates being 1-based inclusive.

void vg::PathChunker::extract_id_range(vg::id_t start, vg::id_t end, int context, VG &subgraph, Region &out_region)

Like above, but use (inclusive) id range instead of region on path.

int64_t vg::PathChunker::extract_gam_for_subgraph(VG &subgraph, Index &index, ostream *out_stream)

Extract all alignments that touch a node in a subgraph and write them to an output stream using the rocksdb index (and this->gam_buffer_size)

int64_t vg::PathChunker::extract_gam_for_id_range(vg::id_t start, vg::id_t end, Index &index, ostream *out_stream)

Like above, but for (inclusive) node id range

int64_t vg::PathChunker::extract_gam_for_ids(const vector<vg::id_t> &graph_ids, Index &index, ostream *out_stream)

More general interface used by above two functions

Public Members

xg::XG *vg::PathChunker::xg
size_t vg::PathChunker::gam_buffer_size
#include <path_index.hpp>

Holds indexes of the reference in a graph: position to node, node to position and orientation, and the full reference string. Also knows about the lengths of nodes on the path, and lets you iterate back and forth over it.

Public Types


We keep iterators to node occurrences along the ref path.

Public Functions

vg::PathIndex::PathIndex(const Path &path)

Index just a path.

vg::PathIndex::PathIndex(const list<Mapping> &mappings)

Index just a list of mappings.

vg::PathIndex::PathIndex(const list<Mapping> &mappings, VG &vg)

Index a list of mappings embedded in the given vg’s Paths object, and pull sequence from the given vg.

vg::PathIndex::PathIndex(const Path &path, const xg::XG &vg)

Index a path and pull sequence from an XG index.

vg::PathIndex::PathIndex(VG &vg, const string &path_name, bool extract_sequence = false)

Make a PathIndex from a path in a graph.

vg::PathIndex::PathIndex(const xg::XG &index, const string &path_name, bool extract_sequence = false)

Make a PathIndex from a path in an indexed graph.

void vg::PathIndex::update_mapping_positions(VG &vg, const string &path_name)

Rebuild the mapping positions map by tracing all the paths in the given graph. TODO: We ought to move this functionality to the Paths object and make it use a good datastructure instead of brute force.

NodeSide vg::PathIndex::at_position(size_t position) const

Find what node and orientation covers a position. The position must not be greater than the path length.

PathIndex::iterator vg::PathIndex::begin() const

Get the iterator to the first node occurrence on the indexed path.

PathIndex::iterator vg::PathIndex::end() const

Get the iterator to the last node occurrence on the indexed path.

PathIndex::iterator vg::PathIndex::find_position(size_t position) const

Find the iterator at the given position along the ref path. The position must not be greater than the path length.

size_t vg::PathIndex::node_length(const iterator &here) const

Get the length of the node occurrence on the path represented by this iterator.

pair<size_t, size_t> vg::PathIndex::round_outward(size_t start, size_t past_end) const

Given an end-exclusive range on the path, round outward to the nearest node boundary positions.

void vg::PathIndex::apply_translation(const Translation &translation)

Update the index to reflect the changes described by a Translation. References to nodes along the “from” path are changed to references to nodes along the “to” path. The translation must contain two paths of equal length, containing only matches. The translation must only divide nodes; it may not join nodes together. The translation must fully account for each old node that it touches (it can’t translate only part of a node). The translation may not re-use the ID from one original node for a piece of a different original node. All the Mappings in the Translation must have Edits.

void vg::PathIndex::apply_translations(const vector<Translation> &translations)

Update the index to reflect the changes described by the given collection of Translations. These translations are expected to be in the format produced by VG::edit() which is one to Mapping per translation. The vector may include both forward and reverse versions of each to node, and may also include translations mapping nodes that did not change to themselves.

Public Members

map<int64_t, pair<size_t, bool>> vg::PathIndex::by_id

Index from node ID to first position on the reference string and orientation it occurs there.

map<size_t, NodeSide> vg::PathIndex::by_start

Index from start position on the reference to the side of the node that begins there. If it is a right side, the node occurs on the path in a reverse orientation.

std::string vg::PathIndex::sequence

The actual sequence of the path, if desired.

map<const Mapping *, size_t> vg::PathIndex::mapping_positions

Index from Mapping pointers in a VG Paths object to their actual positions along their paths. Pointers may dangle if the vg graph changes the path.

Protected Functions

map<id_t, vector<Mapping>> vg::PathIndex::parse_translation(const Translation &translation)

Convert a Translation that partitions old nodes into a map from old node ID to the Mappings that replace it in its forward orientation.

void vg::PathIndex::replace_occurrence(iterator to_replace, const vector<Mapping> &replacements)

Given an iterator into by_start, replace the occurrence of the node there with occurrences of the nodes given in the vector of mappings, which partition the forward strand of the node being replaced.

Protected Attributes

size_t vg::PathIndex::last_node_length

This, combined with by_start, gets us the length of every node on the indexed path.

map<id_t, vector<iterator>> vg::PathIndex::node_occurrences

This holds all the places that a particular node occurs, in order. TODO: use this to replace by_id

#include <path.hpp>

Public Functions

vg::Paths::Paths(const Paths &other)
vg::Paths::Paths(Paths &&other)
Paths &vg::Paths::operator=(const Paths &other)
Paths &vg::Paths::operator=(Paths &&other)
void vg::Paths::sort_by_mapping_rank(void)
void vg::Paths::rebuild_mapping_aux(void)

Reassign ranks and rebuild indexes, treating the mapping lists in _paths as the truth.

bool vg::Paths::is_head_or_tail_node(id_t id)
vector<string> vg::Paths::all_path_names(void)
void vg::Paths::make_circular(const string &name)
void vg::Paths::make_linear(const string &name)
void vg::Paths::rebuild_node_mapping(void)
list<Mapping>::iterator vg::Paths::find_mapping(Mapping *m)
list<Mapping>::iterator vg::Paths::remove_mapping(Mapping *m)
list<Mapping>::iterator vg::Paths::insert_mapping(list<Mapping>::iterator w, const string &path_name, const Mapping &m)
pair<Mapping *, Mapping *> vg::Paths::divide_mapping(Mapping *m, const Position &pos)
pair<Mapping *, Mapping *> vg::Paths::divide_mapping(Mapping *m, size_t offset)
pair<Mapping *, Mapping *> vg::Paths::replace_mapping(Mapping *m, pair<Mapping, Mapping> n)
void vg::Paths::remove_paths(const set<string> &names)
void vg::Paths::remove_path(const string &name)
void vg::Paths::keep_paths(const set<string> &name)
void vg::Paths::remove_node(id_t id)
bool vg::Paths::has_path(const string &name)
void vg::Paths::to_json(ostream &out)
list<Mapping> &vg::Paths::get_path(const string &name)
list<Mapping> &vg::Paths::get_create_path(const string &name)
list<Mapping> &vg::Paths::create_path(const string &name)
bool vg::Paths::has_mapping(const string &name, size_t rank)
bool vg::Paths::has_node_mapping(id_t id)
bool vg::Paths::has_node_mapping(Node *n)
map<string, set<Mapping *>> &vg::Paths::get_node_mapping(Node *n)
map<string, set<Mapping *>> &vg::Paths::get_node_mapping(id_t id)
map<string, map<int, Mapping *>> vg::Paths::get_node_mappings_by_rank(id_t id)
map<string, map<int, Mapping>> vg::Paths::get_node_mapping_copies_by_rank(id_t id)
Mapping *vg::Paths::traverse_left(Mapping *mapping)
Mapping *vg::Paths::traverse_right(Mapping *mapping)
const string vg::Paths::mapping_path_name(Mapping *m)
set<string> vg::Paths::of_node(id_t id)
map<string, int> vg::Paths::node_path_traversal_counts(id_t id, bool rev = false)
vector<string> vg::Paths::node_path_traversals(id_t id, bool rev = false)
bool vg::Paths::are_consecutive_nodes_in_path(id_t id1, id_t id2, const string &path_name)
vector<string> vg::Paths::over_edge(id_t id1, bool rev1, id_t id2, bool rev2, vector<string> following)
vector<string> vg::Paths::over_directed_edge(id_t id1, bool rev1, id_t id2, bool rev2, vector<string> following)
size_t vg::Paths::size(void) const
bool vg::Paths::empty(void) const
void vg::Paths::clear(void)
void vg::Paths::clear_mapping_ranks(void)
void vg::Paths::compact_ranks(void)
void vg::Paths::load(istream &in)
void vg::Paths::write(ostream &out)
void vg::Paths::to_graph(Graph &g)

Add all paths into the given Protobuf graph. Creates a new path for every path.

Path vg::Paths::path(const string &name)
void vg::Paths::append_mapping(const string &name, const Mapping &m)
void vg::Paths::append_mapping(const string &name, id_t id, size_t rank = 0, bool is_reverse = false)
void vg::Paths::prepend_mapping(const string &name, const Mapping &m)
void vg::Paths::prepend_mapping(const string &name, id_t id, size_t rank = 0, bool is_reverse = false)
size_t vg::Paths::get_next_rank(const string &name)
void vg::Paths::append(Paths &p)
void vg::Paths::append(Graph &g)
void vg::Paths::extend(Paths &p)
void vg::Paths::extend(const Path &p)
void vg::Paths::for_each(const function<void(const Path&)> &lambda)
void vg::Paths::for_each_name(const function<void(const string&)> &lambda)
void vg::Paths::for_each_stream(istream &in, const function<void(Path&)> &lambda)
void vg::Paths::increment_node_ids(id_t inc)
void vg::Paths::swap_node_ids(hash_map<id_t, id_t> &id_mapping)
void vg::Paths::reassign_node(id_t new_id, Mapping *m)
void vg::Paths::for_each_mapping(const function<void(Mapping *)> &lambda)

Public Members

map<string, list<Mapping>> vg::Paths::_paths
map<Mapping *, list<Mapping>::iterator> vg::Paths::mapping_itr
map<Mapping *, string> vg::Paths::mapping_path
map<string, map<size_t, Mapping *>> vg::Paths::mappings_by_rank
map<id_t, map<string, set<Mapping *>>> vg::Paths::node_mapping
set<id_t> vg::Paths::head_tail_nodes
set<string> vg::Paths::circular
#include <phased_genome.hpp>

A collection of haplotypes that represent all of the chromosomes of a genome (including phasing) as walks through a variation graph. Designed for fast editing at a site level, so it maintains indices of sites for that purpose.

Public Functions

vg::PhasedGenome::PhasedGenome(SnarlManager &snarl_manager)


template <typename NodeTraversalIterator>
int vg::PhasedGenome::add_haplotype(NodeTraversalIterator first, NodeTraversalIterator last)

Build a haplotype in place from an iterator that returns NodeTraversal objects from its dereference operator (allows construction without instantiating the haplotype elsewhere) returns the numerical id of the new haplotype

note: the haplotype must have at least one node

void vg::PhasedGenome::build_indices()

Construct the site ends, node locations, and haplotype site location indices. This method is intended to be called one time after building haplotypes. After this, the are maintained automatically during edit operations.

size_t vg::PhasedGenome::num_haplotypes()
PhasedGenome::iterator vg::PhasedGenome::begin(int which_haplotype)

Unidirectional iterator starting at the left telomere and moving to the right. Requires a haplotype id as input

PhasedGenome::iterator vg::PhasedGenome::end(int which_haplotype)

Iterator representing the past-the-last position of the given haplotype, with the last position being the right telomere node.

void vg::PhasedGenome::swap_alleles(const Snarl &site, int haplotype_1, int haplotype_2)

Swap the allele from between two haplotypes, maintaining all indices. If a nested site is being swapped, this method should be called only once for the top-most site. Child sites are swapped along with the top-most site automatically.

template <typename NodeTraversalIterator>
void vg::PhasedGenome::set_allele(const Snarl &site, NodeTraversalIterator first, NodeTraversalIterator last, int which_haplotype)

Set the allele at a site with an iterator that yields its node sequence. The allele should be provided in the order indicated by the Snarl (i.e. from start to end) and it should not include the boundary nodes of the Snarl.

Note: This method does not check that the allele path takes only edges that are actually included in the graph, so client must ensure this itself.

int32_t vg::PhasedGenome::optimal_score_on_genome(const MultipathAlignment &multipath_aln, VG &graph)

Private Functions

void vg::PhasedGenome::build_site_indices_internal(const Snarl *snarl)
void vg::PhasedGenome::insert_left(NodeTraversal node_traversal, HaplotypeNode *haplo_node)

Insert a node traversal to the left of this haplotype node and update indices.

void vg::PhasedGenome::insert_right(NodeTraversal node_traversal, HaplotypeNode *haplo_node)

Insert a node traversal to the right of this haplotype node and update indices.

void vg::PhasedGenome::remove(HaplotypeNode *haplo_node)

Remove this haplotype node from its haplotype and update indices.

void vg::PhasedGenome::swap_label(const Snarl &site, Haplotype &haplotype_1, Haplotype &haplotype_2)

Update a subsite’s location in indices after swapping its parent allele.

Private Members

SnarlManager &vg::PhasedGenome::snarl_manager
vector<Haplotype *> vg::PhasedGenome::haplotypes

All haplotypes in the genome (generally 2 per chromosome)

unordered_map<int64_t, list<HaplotypeNode *>> vg::PhasedGenome::node_locations

Index of where nodes from the graph occur in the phased genome.

unordered_map<int64_t, const Snarl *> vg::PhasedGenome::site_starts

Index of which nodes are starts of Snarls.

unordered_map<int64_t, const Snarl *> vg::PhasedGenome::site_ends

Index of which nodes are ends of Snarls.

#include <phase_duplicator.hpp>

Transforms complex subregions of a graph into collections of disconnected distinct traversal haplotypes. Requires an xg index with a gPBWT in order to work.

Public Functions

vg::PhaseDuplicator::PhaseDuplicator(const xg::XG &index)

Make a new PhaseDuplicator backed by the gievn index with gPBWT.

pair<Graph, vector<Translation>> vg::PhaseDuplicator::duplicate(const set<id_t> &subgraph, id_t &next_id) const

Duplicate out the subgraph induced by the given set of node IDs. Border nodes of the subgraph, which edges out to the rest of the graph will be identified, and all unique traversals from one border node to another will be generated as new nodes, with edges connecting them to material outside the graph and Translations embedding them in the original graph.

TODO: also generate one-end-anchored traversals and internal not- attached-to-a-border traversals, because there may be phase breaks in the region.

New IDs will be generated startign with next_id, and next_id will be updated to the next ID after the IDs of all generated material.

TODO: invent some kind of thread safe ID allocator so we can do multiple subgraphs in parallel without renumbering later.

vector<pair<xg::XG::thread_t, int>> vg::PhaseDuplicator::list_haplotypes(const set<id_t> &subgraph) const

List all the distinct haplotypes within a subgraph and their counts. Reports each haplotype in only one direction.

vector<pair<xg::XG::thread_t, int>> vg::PhaseDuplicator::list_haplotypes_through(xg::XG::ThreadMapping start_node, const set<id_t> &subgraph) const

List all the distinct haplotypes going through the given node in the given orientation, and staying within the given subgraph, along with their counts. Some may be suffixes of others.

vector<pair<xg::XG::thread_t, int>> vg::PhaseDuplicator::list_haplotypes_from(xg::XG::ThreadMapping start_node, const set<id_t> &subgraph) const

List all the distinct haplotypes actually beginning at the given node in the given orientation, and staying within the given subgraph, along with their counts. Haplotypes that begin and end at the same side may or may not be reported multiple times, in differing orientations.

vector<pair<xg::XG::thread_t, int>> vg::PhaseDuplicator::list_haplotypes(xg::XG::ThreadMapping start_node, xg::XG::ThreadSearchState start_state, const set<id_t> &subgraph) const

List all the distinct haplotypes beginning at the given node, using the given starting search state, that traverse through the subgraph.

set<xg::XG::ThreadMapping> vg::PhaseDuplicator::find_borders(const set<id_t> subgraph) const

Get the traversals that represent the borders of the subgraph, through which we can enter the subgraph.

vector<Edge> vg::PhaseDuplicator::find_border_edges(xg::XG::ThreadMapping mapping, bool on_start, const set<id_t> &subgraph) const

Find the edges on the given side of the given oriented ThreadMapping that cross the border of the given subgraph.

Public Static Functions

xg::XG::ThreadMapping vg::PhaseDuplicator::traverse_edge(const Edge &e, const xg::XG::ThreadMapping &prev)

Follow the given edge from the given node visited in the given orientation, and return the node and orientation we land in.

TODO: I think I may have written this logic already with one of the other two oriented node types (NodeTraversal and NodeSide).

xg::XG::thread_t vg::PhaseDuplicator::canonicalize(const xg::XG::thread_t &thread)

Return a copy of the given thread in a canonical orientation (either forward or reverse, whichever compares smaller).

Private Members

const xg::XG &vg::PhaseDuplicator::index

What XG index describes the graph we operate on?

#include <pictographs.hpp>

Public Functions

vg::Pictographs::Pictographs(int seed_val)
string vg::Pictographs::hashed(const string &str)
string vg::Pictographs::random(void)

Public Members

const string vg::Pictographs::symbols
const int vg::Pictographs::count

Private Members

mt19937 vg::Pictographs::rng

Bundle up Node and Edge pileups.

Public Members

repeated<NodePileup> vg::Pileup::node_pileups
repeated<EdgePileup> vg::Pileup::edge_pileups
#include <pileup.hpp>

This is a collection of protobuf NodePileup records that are indexed on their position, as well as EdgePileup records. Pileups can be merged and streamed, and computed from Alignments. The pileup records themselves are essentially protobuf versions of lines in Samtools pileup format, with deletions represented using a graph-based notation.

Public Types


Public Functions

vg::Pileups::Pileups(VG *graph, int min_quality = 0, int max_mismatches = 1, int window_size = 0, int max_depth = 1000, bool use_mapq = false)
vg::Pileups::Pileups(const Pileups &other)

copy constructor

vg::Pileups::Pileups(Pileups &&other)

move constructor

Pileups &vg::Pileups::operator=(const Pileups &other)

copy assignment operator

Pileups &vg::Pileups::operator=(Pileups &&other)

move assignment operator


delete contents of table

void vg::Pileups::clear()
void vg::Pileups::to_json(ostream &out)

write to JSON

void vg::Pileups::load(istream &in)

read from protobuf

void vg::Pileups::write(ostream &out, uint64_t buffer_size = 5)

write to protobuf

void vg::Pileups::for_each_node_pileup(const function<void(NodePileup&)> &lambda)

apply function to each pileup in table

NodePileup *vg::Pileups::get_node_pileup(int64_t node_id)

search hash table for node id

NodePileup *vg::Pileups::get_create_node_pileup(const Node *node)

get a pileup. if it’s null, create a new one and insert it.

void vg::Pileups::for_each_edge_pileup(const function<void(EdgePileup&)> &lambda)
EdgePileup *vg::Pileups::get_edge_pileup(pair<NodeSide, NodeSide> sides)

search hash table for edge id

EdgePileup *vg::Pileups::get_create_edge_pileup(pair<NodeSide, NodeSide> sides)

get a pileup. if it’s null, create a new one and insert it.

void vg::Pileups::extend(Pileup &pileup)
bool vg::Pileups::insert_node_pileup(NodePileup *pileup)

insert a pileup into the table. it will be deleted by ~Pileups()!!! return true if new pileup inserted, false if merged into existing one

bool vg::Pileups::insert_edge_pileup(EdgePileup *edge_pileup)
void vg::Pileups::compute_from_alignment(Alignment &alignment)

create / update all pileups from a single alignment

void vg::Pileups::compute_from_edit(NodePileup &pileup, int64_t &node_offset, int64_t &read_offset, const Node &node, const Alignment &alignment, const Mapping &mapping, const Edit &edit, const Edit *next_edit, const vector<int> &mismatch_counts, pair<const Mapping *, int64_t> &last_match, pair<const Mapping *, int64_t> &last_del, pair<const Mapping *, int64_t> &open_del)

create / update all pileups from an edit (called by above). query stores the current position (and nothing else).

bool vg::Pileups::pass_filter(const Alignment &alignment, int64_t read_offset, int64_t length, const vector<int> &mismatches) const

check base quality as well as miss match filter

Pileups &vg::Pileups::merge(Pileups &other)

move all entries in other object into this one. if two positions collide, they are merged. other will be left empty. this is returned

BasePileup &vg::Pileups::merge_base_pileups(BasePileup &p1, BasePileup &p2)

merge p2 into p1 and return 1. p2 is left an empty husk

NodePileup &vg::Pileups::merge_node_pileups(NodePileup &p1, NodePileup &p2)

merge p2 into p1 and return 1. p2 is lef an empty husk

EdgePileup &vg::Pileups::merge_edge_pileups(EdgePileup &p1, EdgePileup &p2)

merge p2 into p1 and return 1. p2 is lef an empty husk

char vg::Pileups::combined_quality(char base_quality, int map_quality) const

create combine map quality (optionally) with base quality

Public Members

VG *vg::Pileups::_graph
NodePileupHash vg::Pileups::_node_pileups

This maps from Position to Pileup.

EdgePileupHash vg::Pileups::_edge_pileups
int vg::Pileups::_min_quality

Ignore bases with quality less than this.

int vg::Pileups::_max_mismatches

max mismatches within window_size

int vg::Pileups::_window_size

number of bases to scan in each direction for mismatches

int vg::Pileups::_max_depth

prevent giant protobufs

bool vg::Pileups::_use_mapq

toggle whether we incorporate Alignment.mapping_quality

uint64_t vg::Pileups::_min_quality_count

Keep count of bases filtered by quality.

uint64_t vg::Pileups::_max_mismatch_count

keep count of bases filtered by mismatches

uint64_t vg::Pileups::_bases_count

overall count for perspective on above

Public Static Functions

void vg::Pileups::count_mismatches(VG &graph, const Path &path, vector<int> &mismatches, bool skipIndels = false)

do one pass to count all mismatches in read, so we can do mismatch filter efficiently in 2nd path. mismatches[i] stores number of mismatches in range (0, i)

static BasePileup *vg::Pileups::get_base_pileup(NodePileup &np, int64_t offset)

get ith BasePileup record

static const BasePileup *vg::Pileups::get_base_pileup(const NodePileup &np, int64_t offset)
static BasePileup *vg::Pileups::get_create_base_pileup(NodePileup &np, int64_t offset)

get ith BasePileup record, create if doesn’t exist

void vg::Pileups::parse_base_offsets(const BasePileup &bp, vector<pair<int64_t, int64_t>> &offsets)

the bases string in BasePileup doesn’t allow random access. This function will parse out all the offsets of snps, insertions, and deletions into one array, each offset is a pair of indexes in the bases and qualities arrays

void vg::Pileups::casify(string &seq, bool is_reverse)

transform case of every character in string

void vg::Pileups::make_match(string &seq, int64_t from_length, bool is_reverse)

make the sam pileup style token

void vg::Pileups::make_insert(string &seq, bool is_reverse)
void vg::Pileups::make_delete(string &seq, bool is_reverse, const pair<const Mapping *, int64_t> &last_match, const Mapping &mapping, int64_t node_offset)
void vg::Pileups::make_delete(string &seq, bool is_reverse, int64_t from_id, int64_t from_offset, bool from_start, int64_t to_id, int64_t to_offset, bool to_end)
void vg::Pileups::parse_insert(const string &tok, int64_t &len, string &seq, bool &is_reverse)
void vg::Pileups::parse_delete(const string &tok, bool &is_reverse, int64_t &from_id, int64_t &from_offset, bool &from_start, int64_t &to_id, int64_t &to_offset, bool &to_end)
bool vg::Pileups::base_equal(char c1, char c2, bool is_reverse)
char vg::Pileups::extract_match(const BasePileup &bp, int64_t offset)

get a pileup value on forward strand

string vg::Pileups::extract(const BasePileup &bp, int64_t offset)

get arbitrary value from offset on forward strand

#include <vg.hpp>

Structure for managing parallel construction of a graph.

Public Functions

vg::VG::Plan::Plan(VG *graph, map<long, vector<vcflib::VariantAllele>> &&alleles, map<pair<long, int>, vector<bool>> &&phase_visits, map<pair<long, int>, vector<pair<string, int>>> &&variant_alts, string seq, string name)

Public Members

VG *vg::VG::Plan::graph
map<long, vector<vcflib::VariantAllele>> vg::VG::Plan::alleles
map<pair<long, int>, vector<bool>> vg::VG::Plan::phase_visits
map<pair<long, int>, vector<pair<string, int>>> vg::VG::Plan::variant_alts
string vg::VG::Plan::seq
string vg::VG::Plan::name

A position in the graph is a node, direction, and offset. The node is stored by ID, and the offset is 0-based and counts from the start of the node in the specified orientation. The direction specifies which orientation of the node we are considering, the forward (as stored) or reverse complement.


seq+        G A T T A C A
offset+  → 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

seq-        C T A A T G T
offset-  → 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Or both at once:

offset-    7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ←
seq+        G A T T A C A
offset+  → 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Public Members

int64 vg::Position::node_id

The Node on which the Position is.

int64 vg::Position::offset

The offset into that node’s sequence at which the Position occurs.

bool vg::Position::is_reverse

True if we obtain the original sequence of the path by reverse complementing the mappings.

string vg::Position::name

If the position is used to represent a position against a reference path.

#include <progressive.hpp>

Inherit form this class to give your class create_progress(), update_progress(), and destroy_progress() methods, and a public show_progress field that can be toggled on and off.

Must not be destroyed while a progress bar is active.

Subclassed by vg::Constructor, vg::Simplifier, vg::VariantAdder, vg::VG

Public Functions

void vg::Progressive::preload_progress(const string &message)

If no progress bar is currently displayed, set the message to use for the next progress bar to be created. Does nothing if show_progress is false or when a progress bar is displayed.

Public so that users of a class can provide descriptive messages for generic progress operations (like VG‘s for_each_kmer_parallel).

void vg::Progressive::create_progress(const string &message, long count)

Create a progress bar showing the given message, with the given number of items to process. Does nothing if show_progress is false. Replaces any existing progress bar.

void vg::Progressive::create_progress(long count)

Create a progress bar with the given number of items to process, using either a default message, or the message passed to the last preload_progress call since a progress bar was destroyed. Does nothing if show_progress is false. Replaces any existing progress bar.

void vg::Progressive::update_progress(long i)

Update the progress bar, noting that the given number of items have been processed. Does nothing if no progress bar is displayed.

void vg::Progressive::increment_progress()

Update the progress bar, noting that one additional item has been processed. Does nothing if no progress bar is displayed.

void vg::Progressive::destroy_progress(void)

Destroy the current progress bar, if it exists.

Public Members

bool vg::Progressive::show_progress

Private Members

string vg::Progressive::progress_message
long vg::Progressive::progress_count
long vg::Progressive::last_progress
long vg::Progressive::progress_seen
ProgressBar *vg::Progressive::progress
#include <gssw_aligner.hpp>

Inherits from vg::BaseAligner

Public Functions

QualAdjAligner::QualAdjAligner(int8_t _match = default_match, int8_t _mismatch = default_mismatch, int8_t _gap_open = default_gap_open, int8_t _gap_extension = default_gap_extension, int8_t _max_scaled_score = default_max_scaled_score, uint8_t _max_qual_score = default_max_qual_score, double gc_content = default_gc_content)
void QualAdjAligner::align(Alignment &alignment, Graph &g, int8_t full_length_bonus = 0, bool print_score_matrices = false)

Store optimal local alignment against a graph in the Alignment object. Gives the full length bonus separately on each end of the alignment. Assumes that graph is topologically sorted by node index.

void QualAdjAligner::align_global_banded(Alignment &alignment, Graph &g, int32_t band_padding = 0, bool permissive_banding = true)
void QualAdjAligner::align_pinned(Alignment &alignment, Graph &g, bool pin_left, int8_t full_length_bonus = 0)
void QualAdjAligner::align_global_banded_multi(Alignment &alignment, vector<Alignment> &alt_alignments, Graph &g, int32_t max_alt_alns, int32_t band_padding = 0, bool permissive_banding = true)
void QualAdjAligner::align_pinned_multi(Alignment &alignment, vector<Alignment> &alt_alignments, Graph &g, bool pin_left, int32_t max_alt_alns, int8_t full_length_bonus = 0)
int32_t QualAdjAligner::score_exact_match(const string &sequence, const string &base_quality)

Public Members

uint8_t vg::QualAdjAligner::max_qual_score
int8_t vg::QualAdjAligner::scale_factor

Private Functions

void QualAdjAligner::align_internal(Alignment &alignment, vector<Alignment> *multi_alignments, Graph &g, bool pinned, bool pin_left, int32_t max_alt_alns, int8_t full_length_bonus, bool print_score_matrices = false)
#include <readfilter.hpp>

Public Functions

int vg::ReadFilter::filter(istream *alignment_stream, xg::XG *xindex = nullptr)

Filter the alignments available from the given stream, placing them on standard output or in the appropriate file. Returns 0 on success, exit code to use on error.

If an XG index is required, use the specified one. If one is required and not provided, the function will complain and return nonzero.

TODO: Refactor to be less CLI-aware and more modular-y.

bool vg::ReadFilter::trim_ambiguous_ends(xg::XG *index, Alignment &alignment, int k)

Look at either end of the given alignment, up to k bases in from the end. See if that tail of the alignment is mapped such that another embedding in the given graph can produce the same sequence as the sequence along the embedding that the read actually has, and if so trim back the read.

In the case of softclips, the aligned portion of the read is considered, and if trimmign is required, the softclips are hard-clipped off.

Returns true if the read had to be modified, and false otherwise.

MUST NOT be called with a null index.

Public Members

double vg::ReadFilter::min_secondary
double vg::ReadFilter::min_primary
bool vg::ReadFilter::frac_score
bool vg::ReadFilter::sub_score
int vg::ReadFilter::max_overhang
int vg::ReadFilter::context_size
bool vg::ReadFilter::verbose
double vg::ReadFilter::min_mapq
int vg::ReadFilter::repeat_size
int vg::ReadFilter::defray_length
int vg::ReadFilter::defray_count
bool vg::ReadFilter::drop_split
int vg::ReadFilter::threads
string vg::ReadFilter::regions_file
string vg::ReadFilter::outbase
bool vg::ReadFilter::append_regions

Private Functions

bool vg::ReadFilter::has_repeat(Alignment &aln, int k)

 * quick and dirty filter to see if removing reads that can slip around and still map perfectly helps vg call. returns true if at either end of read sequence, at least k bases are repetitive, checking repeats of up to size 2k

bool vg::ReadFilter::trim_ambiguous_end(xg::XG *index, Alignment &alignment, int k)

Trim only the end of the given alignment, leaving the start alone. Two calls of this implement trim_ambiguous_ends above.

bool vg::ReadFilter::is_split(xg::XG *index, Alignment &alignment)

Return false if the read only follows edges in the xg index, and true if the read is split (or just incorrect) and takes edges not in the index.

Throws an error if no XG index is specified.

#include <genotypekit.hpp>

Inherits from vg::TraversalFinder

Public Functions

vg::ReadRestrictedTraversalFinder::ReadRestrictedTraversalFinder(VG &graph, SnarlManager &snarl_manager, const map<string, Alignment *> &reads_by_name, int min_recurrence = 2, int max_path_search_steps = 100)
vector<SnarlTraversal> vg::ReadRestrictedTraversalFinder::find_traversals(const Snarl &site)

For the given site, emit all traversals with unique sequences that run from start to end, out of the paths in the graph. Uses the map of reads by name to determine if a path is a read or a real named path. Paths through the site supported only by reads are subject to a min recurrence count, while those supported by actual embedded named paths are not.

Private Members

VG &vg::ReadRestrictedTraversalFinder::graph
SnarlManager &vg::ReadRestrictedTraversalFinder::snarl_manager
const map<string, Alignment *> &vg::ReadRestrictedTraversalFinder::reads_by_name
int vg::ReadRestrictedTraversalFinder::min_recurrence
int vg::ReadRestrictedTraversalFinder::max_path_search_steps
#include <realigner.hpp>

Public Functions

vg::Realigner::Realigner(vcflib::VariantCallFile &v, FastaReference &r, const string &t)
void vg::Realigner::construct(void)
Alignment vg::Realigner::realign(const Alignment &aln)

Public Members

FastaReference &vg::Realigner::ref
vcflib::VariantCallFile vg::Realigner::vcf_file
string vg::Realigner::target
string vg::Realigner::seq_name
int vg::Realigner::start_pos
int vg::Realigner::end_pos
bool vg::Realigner::debug
double vg::Realigner::identity_trigger
bool vg::Realigner::realign_unpaired
double vg::Realigner::softclip_trigger
int vg::Realigner::idx_kmer_size
int vg::Realigner::edge_max
bool vg::Realigner::idx_path_only
int vg::Realigner::doubling_steps
Mapper *vg::Realigner::mapper
gcsa::GCSA *vg::Realigner::gcsaidx
gcsa::LCPArray *vg::Realigner::lcpidx
xg::XG *vg::Realigner::xgidx
#include <region.hpp>

Public Members

string vg::Region::seq
int vg::Region::start
int vg::Region::end
#include <genotypekit.hpp>

This TraversalFinder is derived from the old vg call code, and emits at least one traversal representing every node, and one traversal representing every edge.

Inherits from vg::TraversalFinder

Public Functions

vg::RepresentativeTraversalFinder::RepresentativeTraversalFinder(AugmentedGraph &augmented, SnarlManager &snarl_manager, PathIndex &index, size_t max_depth, size_t max_bubble_paths)
virtual vg::RepresentativeTraversalFinder::~RepresentativeTraversalFinder()
vector<SnarlTraversal> vg::RepresentativeTraversalFinder::find_traversals(const Snarl &site)

Find traversals to cover the nodes and edges of the snarl. Always emits the primary path traversal first, if applicable.

Public Members

bool vg::RepresentativeTraversalFinder::verbose

Should we emit verbose debugging info?

Protected Functions

Path vg::RepresentativeTraversalFinder::find_backbone(const Snarl &site)

Find a Path that runs from the start of the given snarl to the end, which we can use to backend our traversals into when a snarl is off the primary path.

pair<Support, vector<NodeTraversal>> vg::RepresentativeTraversalFinder::find_bubble(Node *node, Edge *edge, PathIndex &index)

Given an edge or node in the augmented graph, look out from the edge or node in both directions to find a shortest bubble relative to the path, with a consistent orientation. The bubble may not visit the same node twice.

Exactly one of edge and node must be null, and one not null.

Takes a max depth for the searches producing the paths on each side.

Return the ordered and oriented nodes in the bubble, with the outer nodes being oriented forward along the named path, and with the first node coming before the last node in the reference. Also return the minimum support found on any edge or node in the bubble (including the reference node endpoints and their edges which aren’t stored in the path)

Support vg::RepresentativeTraversalFinder::min_support_in_path(const list<NodeTraversal> &path)

Get the minimum support of all nodes and edges in path

set<pair<size_t, list<NodeTraversal>>> vg::RepresentativeTraversalFinder::bfs_left(NodeTraversal node, PathIndex &index, bool stopIfVisited = false)

Do a breadth-first search left from the given node traversal, and return lengths and paths starting at the given node and ending on the given indexed path. Refuses to visit nodes with no support.

set<pair<size_t, list<NodeTraversal>>> vg::RepresentativeTraversalFinder::bfs_right(NodeTraversal node, PathIndex &index, bool stopIfVisited = false)

Do a breadth-first search right from the given node traversal, and return lengths and paths starting at the given node and ending on the given indexed path.

size_t vg::RepresentativeTraversalFinder::bp_length(const list<NodeTraversal> &path)

Get the length of a path through nodes, in base pairs.

Protected Attributes

AugmentedGraph &vg::RepresentativeTraversalFinder::augmented

The annotated, augmented graph we’re finding traversals in.

SnarlManager &vg::RepresentativeTraversalFinder::snarl_manager

The SnarlManager managiung the snarls we use.

PathIndex &vg::RepresentativeTraversalFinder::primary_path_index

An index of the primary path in the graph, to scaffold the produced traversals when sites are on the primary path.

size_t vg::RepresentativeTraversalFinder::max_depth

What DFS depth should we search to?

size_t vg::RepresentativeTraversalFinder::max_bubble_paths

How many search intermediates can we allow?

#include <sampler.hpp>

Generate Alignments (with or without mutations, and in pairs or alone) from an XG index.

Public Functions

vg::Sampler::Sampler(xg::XG *x, int seed = 0, bool forward_only = false, bool allow_Ns = false)
pos_t vg::Sampler::position(void)
string vg::Sampler::sequence(size_t length)
Alignment vg::Sampler::alignment(size_t length)
Alignment vg::Sampler::alignment_with_error(size_t length, double base_error, double indel_error)
vector<Alignment> vg::Sampler::alignment_pair(size_t read_length, size_t fragment_length, double fragment_std_dev, double base_error, double indel_error)
size_t vg::Sampler::node_length(id_t id)
char vg::Sampler::pos_char(pos_t pos)
map<pos_t, char> vg::Sampler::next_pos_chars(pos_t pos)
Alignment vg::Sampler::mutate(const Alignment &aln, double base_error, double indel_error)
vector<Edit> vg::Sampler::mutate_edit(const Edit &edit, const pos_t &position, double base_error, double indel_error, const string &bases, uniform_real_distribution<double> &rprob, uniform_int_distribution<int> &rbase)

Mutate the given edit, producing a vector of edits that should replace it. Position is the position of the start of the edit, and is updated to point to the next base after the mutated edit.

string vg::Sampler::alignment_seq(const Alignment &aln)
bool vg::Sampler::is_valid(const Alignment &aln)

Return true if the alignment is semantically valid against the XG index we wrap, and false otherwise. Checks from_lengths on mappings to make sure all node bases are accounted for. Won’t accept alignments with internal jumps between graph locations or regions; all skipped bases need to be accounted for by deletions.

Public Members

xg::XG *vg::Sampler::xgidx
LRUCache<id_t, Node> vg::Sampler::node_cache
LRUCache<id_t, vector<Edge>> vg::Sampler::edge_cache
mt19937 vg::Sampler::rng
int64_t vg::Sampler::nonce
bool vg::Sampler::forward_only
bool vg::Sampler::no_Ns
#include <bubbles.hpp>

Public Members

int vg::SB_Input::num_vertices
vector<pair<id_t, id_t>> vg::SB_Input::edges
#include <simplifier.hpp>

A class that can be used to simplify a graph, by repeatedly popping leaf bubbles under a certain size. Keeps graph paths and an optional set of BED- like features up to date. TODO: doesn’t handle path start and end positions within nodes.

Inherits from vg::Progressive

Public Functions

vg::Simplifier::Simplifier(VG &graph)

Make a simplifier that simplifies the given graph in place.

pair<size_t, size_t> vg::Simplifier::simplify_once(size_t iteration = 0)

Simplify the graph by one step. Returns the number of nodes deleted and the number of edges deleted. Can be passed an iteration for its progress messages.

void vg::Simplifier::simplify()

Simplify the graph until material stops being deleted or the maximum iteration count is reached.

Public Members

size_t vg::Simplifier::min_size

What’s the miniumum size of a bubble to keep, in involved bases? Everything smaller will get squished away.

size_t vg::Simplifier::max_iterations

How many iterations of simplification should we allow in a simplify() call?

bool vg::Simplifier::drop_hairpin_paths

Should we simplify bubbles where paths come in and leave through the enterance node (and delete those paths) (true)? Or should we leave those bubbles unsimplified?

FeatureSet vg::Simplifier::features

Stores the features in the graph, and gets updated as simplification proceeds. The user should load the features in and pull them out.

Protected Attributes

VG &vg::Simplifier::graph

Holds a reference to the graph we’re simplifying.

SnarlManager vg::Simplifier::site_manager

This keeps track of the sites to simplify.

TrivialTraversalFinder vg::Simplifier::traversal_finder

This is used to find traversals of those sites.

#include <genotyper.hpp>

Public Members

NodeTraversal vg::Genotyper::Site::start
NodeTraversal vg::Genotyper::Site::end
set<id_t> vg::Genotyper::Site::contents

Describes a subgraph that is connected to the rest of the graph by two nodes.

Public Members

SnarlType vg::Snarl::type

What type of snarl is this?

Visit vg::Snarl::start

Visits that connect the Snarl to the rest of the graph.

points INTO the snarl

Visit vg::Snarl::end

points OUT OF the snarl

Snarl vg::Snarl::parent

If this Snarl is nested in another, this field should be filled in with a Snarl that has the start and end visits filled in (other information is optional/extraneous)

#include <genotypekit.hpp>

Represents a strategy for finding (nested) sites in a vg graph that can be described by snarls. Polymorphic base class/interface.

Subclassed by vg::CactusUltrabubbleFinder

Public Functions

virtual vg::SnarlFinder::~SnarlFinder()
virtual SnarlManager vg::SnarlFinder::find_snarls()
= 0

Run a function on all root-level NestedSites in parallel. Site trees are passed by value so they have a clear place to live during parallel operations.

#include <snarls.hpp>

A structure to keep track of the tree relationships between Snarls and perform utility algorithms on them

Public Functions

template <typename SnarlIterator>
vg::SnarlManager::SnarlManager(SnarlIterator begin, SnarlIterator end)

Construct a SnarlManager for the snarls returned by an iterator.


Default constructor.



const vector<const Snarl *> &vg::SnarlManager::children_of(const Snarl *snarl)

Returns a vector of pointers to the children of a Snarl.

const Snarl *vg::SnarlManager::parent_of(const Snarl *snarl)

Returns a pointer to the parent of a Snarl or nullptr if there is none.

bool vg::SnarlManager::is_leaf(const Snarl *snarl)

Returns true if snarl has no children and false otherwise.

bool vg::SnarlManager::is_root(const Snarl *snarl)

Returns true if snarl has no parent and false otherwise.

const vector<const Snarl *> &vg::SnarlManager::top_level_snarls()

Returns a reference to a vector with the roots of the Snarl trees.

void vg::SnarlManager::flip(const Snarl *snarl)

Reverses the orientation of a snarl.

pair<unordered_set<Node *>, unordered_set<Edge *>> vg::SnarlManager::shallow_contents(const Snarl *snarl, VG &graph, bool include_boundary_nodes)

Returns the Nodes and Edges contained in this Snarl but not in any child Snarls (always includes the Nodes that form the boundaries of child Snarls, optionally includes this Snarl‘s own boundary Nodes)

pair<unordered_set<Node *>, unordered_set<Edge *>> vg::SnarlManager::deep_contents(const Snarl *snarl, VG &graph, bool include_boundary_nodes)

Returns the Nodes and Edges contained in this Snarl, including those in child Snarls (optionally includes Snarl‘s own boundary Nodes)

map<NodeTraversal, const Snarl *> vg::SnarlManager::child_boundary_index(const Snarl *snarl, VG &graph)
map<NodeTraversal, const Snarl *> vg::SnarlManager::child_start_index(const Snarl *snarl, VG &graph)
map<NodeTraversal, const Snarl *> vg::SnarlManager::child_end_index(const Snarl *snarl, VG &graph)
void vg::SnarlManager::for_each_top_level_snarl(const function<void(const Snarl *)> &lambda)

Execute a function on all top level sites.

void vg::SnarlManager::for_each_top_level_snarl_parallel(const function<void(const Snarl *)> &lambda)

Execute a function on all top level sites in parallel.

Private Functions

pair<pair<int64_t, bool>, pair<int64_t, bool>> vg::SnarlManager::key_form(const Snarl *snarl)

Converts Snarl to the form used as keys in internal data structures.

void vg::SnarlManager::build_trees()

Builds tree indices after Snarls have been added.

Private Members

vector<Snarl> vg::SnarlManager::snarls

Master list of the snarls in the graph.

vector<const Snarl *> vg::SnarlManager::roots

Roots of snarl trees.

unordered_map<pair<pair<int64_t, bool>, pair<int64_t, bool>>, vector<const Snarl *>> vg::SnarlManager::children

Map of snarls to the child snarls they contain.

unordered_map<pair<pair<int64_t, bool>, pair<int64_t, bool>>, const Snarl *> vg::SnarlManager::parent

Describes a walk through a Snarl where each step is given as either a node or a child Snarl (leaving the walk through the child Snarl to another SnarlTraversal)

Public Members

repeated<Visit> vg::SnarlTraversal::visits

Steps of the walk oriented from the start of the Snarl to the end, NOT including the start and end nodes. If the traversal includes a Visit that represents a Snarl, the node entering the Snarl SHOULD NOT be included in the traversal, but the node leaving the Snarl SHOULD be inluded (this simplifies the case where a node is a boundary of two adjacent Snarls)

Snarl vg::SnarlTraversal::snarl

A Snarl with the start and end Visits filled in to label which Snarl these traverse.

#include <srpe.hpp>

Overview: Use the GAM/GAM index and a filter to locate Alignments which may indicate the presence of structural variants at a given site.

Signatures include: Deletions/Insertions: Stacked soft clips (tips) Inversions: mismatched P/E reads( < && > rather than the expected ( > < ) Duplications: Read depth signals Translocations: Distant read pairs

Public Members

vg::Filter vg::SRPE::ff
vg::VG *vg::SRPE::vg

Private Functions

string vg::SRPE::locus_to_sv_vcf(Locus ll)
void vg::SRPE::remap(vg::VG *graph, Index gam_index, vector<pair<Alignment, Alignment>> &remapped)
void vg::SRPE::filter(vector<Alignment> &in_alns, vector<Alignment> &out_alns)
#include <ssw_aligner.hpp>

Public Functions

vg::SSWAligner::SSWAligner(uint8_t _match = 1, uint8_t _mismatch = 4, uint8_t _gap_open = 6, uint8_t _gap_extension = 1)
Alignment vg::SSWAligner::align(const string &query, const string &ref)
Alignment vg::SSWAligner::ssw_to_vg(const StripedSmithWaterman::Alignment &ssw_aln, const string &query, const string &ref)
void vg::SSWAligner::PrintAlignment(const StripedSmithWaterman::Alignment &alignment)

Public Members

uint8_t vg::SSWAligner::match
uint8_t vg::SSWAligner::mismatch
uint8_t vg::SSWAligner::gap_open
uint8_t vg::SSWAligner::gap_extension
#include <caller.hpp>

Public Functions

vg::StrandSupport::StrandSupport(int f = 0, int r = 0, int o = 0, double ll = -1e100)
bool vg::StrandSupport::operator<(const StrandSupport &other) const
bool vg::StrandSupport::operator>=(const StrandSupport &other) const
bool vg::StrandSupport::operator==(const StrandSupport &other) const
StrandSupport vg::StrandSupport::operator-(const StrandSupport &other) const
StrandSupport &vg::StrandSupport::operator+=(const StrandSupport &other)
int vg::StrandSupport::depth()
int vg::StrandSupport::total()

Public Members

int vg::StrandSupport::fs
int vg::StrandSupport::rs
int vg::StrandSupport::os
double vg::StrandSupport::likelihood
template <typename K, typename V>
#include <hash_map.hpp>

Inherits from google::dense_hash_map< K, V >

Public Functions

#include <subcommand.hpp>

Represents a subcommand with a name, a description, and some functions. Registers itself on construction in a static registry, and provides static functions for enumerating through that registry.

Public Functions

vg::subcommand::Subcommand::Subcommand(std::string name, std::string description, std::function<int(int, char **)> main_function)

Make and register a subcommand with the given name and description, which calls the given main function when invoked.

const std::string &vg::subcommand::Subcommand::get_name() const

Get the name of a subcommand.

const std::string &vg::subcommand::Subcommand::get_description() const

Get the description of a subcommand.

const int vg::subcommand::Subcommand::operator()(int argc, char **argv) const

Run the main function of a subcommand. Return the return code.

Public Static Functions

const Subcommand *vg::subcommand::Subcommand::get(int argc, char **argv)

Get the appropriate subcommand to handle the given arguments, or nullptr if no matching subcommand is found.

void vg::subcommand::Subcommand::for_each(const std::function<void(const Subcommand&)> &lambda)

Call the given lambda with each known subcommand, in order.

Private Functions

const std::function<int(int, char **)> &vg::subcommand::Subcommand::get_main() const

Get the main function of a subcommand.

Private Members

std::string vg::subcommand::Subcommand::name
std::string vg::subcommand::Subcommand::description
std::function<int(int, char **)> vg::subcommand::Subcommand::main_function

Private Static Functions

std::map<std::string, Subcommand *> &vg::subcommand::Subcommand::get_registry()

Since we can’t rely on a static member field being constructed before any static code that creates actual subcommands gets run, we rely on keeping the registry in a static variable inside a static method, so it gets constructed on first use. Note that at shutdown some of the poinbters in the registry may be to already-destructed static objects.


A non-branching path of a MultipathAlignment.

Public Members

Path vg::Subpath::path

describes node sequence and edits to the graph sequences

repeated<uint32> vg::Subpath::next

the indices of subpaths in the multipath alignment that are to the right of this path where right is in the direction of the end of the read sequence

int32 vg::Subpath::score

score of this subpath’s alignment

#include <deconstructor.hpp>

Public Members

map<int, vector<id_t>> vg::SuperBubble::level_to_nodes
id_t vg::SuperBubble::start_node
id_t vg::SuperBubble::end_node
bool vg::SuperBubble::isNested

Aggregates information about the reads supporting an allele.

Public Members

double vg::Support::quality

The overall quality of all the support, as -10 * log10(P(all support is wrong))

double vg::Support::forward

The number of supporting reads on the forward strand (which may be fractional)

double vg::Support::reverse

The number of supporting reads on the reverse strand (which may be fractional)

double vg::Support::left

TODO: what is this?

double vg::Support::right

TODO: What is this?


Translations map from one graph to another. A collection of these provides a covering mapping between a from and to graph. If each “from” path through the base graph corresponds to a “to” path in an updated graph, then we can use these translations to project positions, mappings, and paths in the new graph into the old one using the Translator interface.

Public Members

Path vg::Translation::from
Path vg::Translation::to
#include <translator.hpp>

Class to map paths into a base graph found via a set of Translations

Public Functions

vg::Translator::Translator(istream &in)
vg::Translator::Translator(const vector<Translation> &trans)
void vg::Translator::load(const vector<Translation> &trans)
void vg::Translator::build_position_table(void)
Translation vg::Translator::get_translation(const Position &position)
Position vg::Translator::translate(const Position &position)
Position vg::Translator::translate(const Position &position, const Translation &translation)
Mapping vg::Translator::translate(const Mapping &mapping)
Path vg::Translator::translate(const Path &path)
Alignment vg::Translator::translate(const Alignment &aln)
Locus vg::Translator::translate(const Locus &locus)
Translation vg::Translator::overlay(const Translation &trans)

Public Members

vector<Translation> vg::Translator::translations
map<pos_t, Translation *> vg::Translator::pos_to_trans
#include <genotypekit.hpp>

Represents a strategy for finding traversals of (nested) sites. Polymorphic base class/interface.

Subclassed by vg::ExhaustiveTraversalFinder, vg::NestedTraversalFinder, vg::ReadRestrictedTraversalFinder, vg::RepresentativeTraversalFinder, vg::TrivialTraversalFinder

Public Functions

virtual vg::TraversalFinder::~TraversalFinder()
virtual vector<SnarlTraversal> vg::TraversalFinder::find_traversals(const Snarl &site)
= 0
#include <genotypekit.hpp>

Represents a strategy for calculating Supports for SnarlTraversals. Polymorphic base class/interface.

Public Functions

virtual vg::TraversalSupportCalculator::~TraversalSupportCalculator()
virtual vector<Support> vg::TraversalSupportCalculator::calculate_supports(const Snarl &site, const vector<SnarlTraversal> &traversals, const vector<Alignment *> &reads, const vector<vector<bool>> &consistencies) const
= 0

Return Supports for all the SnarlTraversals, given the reads and their consistency flags.

template <typename T>
#include <utility.hpp>

Public Types


Public Functions

vg::Tree::Tree(Node *r = 0)
void vg::Tree::for_each_preorder(function<void(Node *)> lambda)
void vg::Tree::for_each_postorder(function<void(Node *)> lambda)

Public Members

Node *vg::Tree::root
template <typename T>
#include <utility.hpp>

Public Functions

void vg::TreeNode::for_each_preorder(function<void(TreeNode<T> *)> lambda)
void vg::TreeNode::for_each_postorder(function<void(TreeNode<T> *)> lambda)

Public Members

T vg::TreeNode::v
vector<TreeNode<T> *> vg::TreeNode::children
TreeNode<T> *vg::TreeNode::parent
#include <genotypekit.hpp>

This traversal finder finds one or more traversals through leaf sites with no children. It uses a depth-first search. It doesn’t work on non-leaf sites, and is not guaranteed to find all traversals. Only works on ultrabubbles.

Inherits from vg::TraversalFinder

Public Functions

vg::TrivialTraversalFinder::TrivialTraversalFinder(VG &graph)
virtual vg::TrivialTraversalFinder::~TrivialTraversalFinder()
vector<SnarlTraversal> vg::TrivialTraversalFinder::find_traversals(const Snarl &site)

Find at least one traversal of the site by depth first search, if any exist. Only works on sites with no children.

Private Members

VG &vg::TrivialTraversalFinder::graph
#include <variant_adder.hpp>

A tool class for adding variants to a VG graph. Integrated NameMapper provides name translation for the VCF contigs.

Inherits from vg::NameMapper, vg::Progressive

Public Functions

vg::VariantAdder::VariantAdder(VG &graph)

Make a new VariantAdder to add variants to the given graph. Modifies the graph in place.

void vg::VariantAdder::add_variants(vcflib::VariantCallFile *vcf)

Add in the variants from the given non-null VCF file. The file must be freshly opened. The variants in the file must be sorted.

May be called from multiple threads. Synchronizes internally on the graph.

Alignment vg::VariantAdder::smart_align(vg::VG &graph, pair<NodeSide, NodeSide> endpoints, const string &to_align, size_t max_span)

Align the given string to the given graph, wetween the given endpoints, using the most appropriate alignment method, depending on the relative sizes involved and whether a good alignment exists. max_span gives the maximum length in the graph that we expect our string to possibly align over (for cases of large deletions, where we might want to follow a long path in the graph).

The endpoints have to be heads/tails of the graph.

TODO: now that we have a smart aligner that can synthesize deletions without finding them with the banded global aligner, do we need max_span anymore?

Mostly exposed for testability.

Public Members

size_t vg::VariantAdder::variant_range

How wide of a range in bases should we look for nearby variants in?

size_t vg::VariantAdder::flank_range

How much additional context should we try and add outside the radius of our group of variants we actually find?

bool vg::VariantAdder::ignore_missing_contigs

Should we accept and ignore VCF contigs that we can’t find in the graph?

size_t vg::VariantAdder::max_context_radius

What’s the max radius on a variant we can have in order to use that variant as context for another main variant?

size_t vg::VariantAdder::whole_alignment_cutoff

What’s the cut-off for the graph’s size or the alt’s size in bp under which we can just use permissive banding and large band padding? If either is larger than this, we use the pinned-alignment-based do-each- end-and-splice mode.

size_t vg::VariantAdder::large_alignment_band_padding

When we’re above that cutoff, what amount of band padding can we use looking for an existing version of our sequence?

double vg::VariantAdder::min_score_factor

When we’re doing a restricted band padding alignment, how good does it have to be, as a fraction of the perfect match score for the whole context, in order to use it?

size_t vg::VariantAdder::pinned_tail_size

If the restricted band alignment doesn’t find anything, we resort to pinned alignments from the ends and cutting and pasting together. How big should each pinned tail be?

Aligner vg::VariantAdder::aligner

We use this Aligner to hold the scoring parameters. It may be accessed by multiple threads at once.

size_t vg::VariantAdder::edge_max

Sometimes, we have to make Mappers, for graphs too big to safely use our global banded aligner on. If we do that, what max edge crossing limit should we use for simplification?

size_t vg::VariantAdder::kmer_size

What base kmer size should we use?

size_t vg::VariantAdder::doubling_steps

What number of doubling steps should we use?

size_t vg::VariantAdder::subgraph_prune

If nonzero, prune short subgraphs smaller than this before GCSA2-indexing.

size_t vg::VariantAdder::thin_alignment_cutoff
size_t vg::VariantAdder::mapper_alignment_cutoff
bool vg::VariantAdder::skip_structural_duplications

We have code to skip large structural duplications, because aligners won’t be able to distinguish the copies. TODO: we want to actually make them into cycles.

bool vg::VariantAdder::print_updates

Should we print out periodic updates about the variants we have processed?

Protected Functions

set<vector<int>> vg::VariantAdder::get_unique_haplotypes(const vector<vcflib::Variant *> &variants, WindowedVcfBuffer *cache = nullptr) const

Get all the unique combinations of variant alts represented by actual haplotypes. Arbitrarily phases unphased variants.

Can (and should) take a WindowedVcfBuffer that owns the variants, and from which cached pre-parsed genotypes can be extracted.

Returns a set of vectors or one number per variant, giving the alt number (starting with 0 for reference) that appears on the haplotype.

TODO: ought to just take a collection of pre-barsed genotypes, but in an efficient way (a vector of pointers to vectors of sample genotypes?)

string vg::VariantAdder::haplotype_to_string(const vector<int> &haplotype, const vector<vcflib::Variant *> &variants)

Convert a haplotype on a list of variants into a string. The string will run from the start of the first variant through the end of the last variant.

Can’t be const because it relies on non-const operations on the synchronizer.

vector<vcflib::Variant *> vg::VariantAdder::filter_local_variants(const vector<vcflib::Variant *> &before, vcflib::Variant *variant, const vector<vcflib::Variant *> &after) const

Glom all the given variants into one vector, throwing out variants from the before and after vectors that are too big to be in a context.

Protected Attributes

VG &vg::VariantAdder::graph

The graph we are modifying.

GraphSynchronizer vg::VariantAdder::sync

We keep a GraphSynchronizer so we can have multiple threads working on different parts of the same graph.

set<string> vg::VariantAdder::path_names

We cache the set of valid path names, so we can detect/skip missing ones without locking the graph.

Protected Static Functions

size_t vg::VariantAdder::get_radius(const vcflib::Variant &variant)

Get the radius of the variant around its center: the amount of sequence that needs to be pulled out to make sure you have the ref and all the alts, if they exist. This is just going to be twice the longest of the ref and the alts.

size_t vg::VariantAdder::get_center(const vcflib::Variant &variant)

Get the center position of the given variant.

pair<size_t, size_t> vg::VariantAdder::get_center_and_radius(const vector<vcflib::Variant *> &variants)

Get the center and radius around that center needed to extract everything that might be involved in a group of variants.

#include <vcf_buffer.hpp>

Provides a one-variant look-ahead buffer on a vcflib::VariantFile. Lets construction functions peek and see if they want the next variant, or lets them ignore it for the next construction function for a different contig to handle. Ought not to be copied.

Handles conversion from 1-based vcflib coordinates to 0-based vg coordinates.

Public Functions

vcflib::Variant *vg::VcfBuffer::get()

Return a pointer to the buffered variant, or null if no variant is buffered. Pointer is invalidated when the buffer is handled. The variant will have a 0-based start coordinate.

Although the variant is not const, it may not be moved out of or modified in ways that confuse vcflib.

void vg::VcfBuffer::handle_buffer()

To be called when the buffer is filled. Marks the buffered variant as handled, discarding it, and allowing another to be read.

void vg::VcfBuffer::fill_buffer()

Can be called when the buffer is filled or empty. If there is no variant in the buffer, tries to load a variant into the buffer, if one can be obtained from the file.

bool vg::VcfBuffer::has_tabix() const

This returns true if we have a tabix index, and false otherwise. If this is false, set_region may be called, but will do nothing and return false.

bool vg::VcfBuffer::set_region(const string &contig, int64_t start = -1, int64_t end = -1)

This tries to set the region on the underlying vcflib VariantCallFile to the given contig and region, if specified. Coordinates coming in should be 0-based, and will be converted to 1-based internally.

Returns true if the region was successfully set, and false otherwise (for example, if there is not tabix index, or if the given region is not part of this VCF. Note that if there is a tabix index, and set_region returns false, the position in the VCF file is undefined until the next successful set_region call.

If either of start and end are specified, then both of start and end must be specified.

Discards any variants previously in the buffer.

vg::VcfBuffer::VcfBuffer(vcflib::VariantCallFile *file = nullptr)

Make a new VcfBuffer buffering the file at the given pointer (which must outlive the buffer, but which may be null).

Protected Attributes

bool vg::VcfBuffer::has_buffer
bool vg::VcfBuffer::safe_to_get
vcflib::Variant vg::VcfBuffer::buffer
vcflib::VariantCallFile *const vg::VcfBuffer::file

Private Functions

vg::VcfBuffer::VcfBuffer(const VcfBuffer &other)
VcfBuffer &vg::VcfBuffer::operator=(const VcfBuffer &other)
#include <genotypekit.hpp>

Represents a strategy for converting Locus objects to VCF records. Polymorphic base class/interface.

Public Functions

virtual vg::VcfRecordConverter::~VcfRecordConverter()
virtual vcflib::Variant vg::VcfRecordConverter::convert(const Locus &locus)
= 0
#include <genotypekit.hpp>

Represents a filter that passes or rejects VCF records according to some criteria. Polymorphic base class/interface.

Public Functions

virtual vg::VcfRecordFilter::~VcfRecordFilter()
virtual bool vg::VcfRecordFilter::accept_record(const vcflib::Variant &variant)
= 0

Returns true if we should keep the given VCF record, and false otherwise.

#include <vectorizer.hpp>

Public Functions

Vectorizer::Vectorizer(xg::XG *x)
void Vectorizer::add_bv(bit_vector v)
void Vectorizer::add_name(string n)
void Vectorizer::emit(ostream &out, bool r_format, bool annotate)
bit_vector Vectorizer::alignment_to_onehot(Alignment a)
vector<int> Vectorizer::alignment_to_a_hot(Alignment a)
vector<double> Vectorizer::alignment_to_custom_score(Alignment a, std::function<double(Alignment)> lambda)
vector<double> Vectorizer::alignment_to_identity_hot(Alignment a)
string Vectorizer::output_wabbit_map()
template <typename T>
string Vectorizer::format(T v)
template <typename T>
string Vectorizer::wabbitize(string name, T v)

Private Members

xg::XG *Vectorizer::my_xg
vector<bit_vector> Vectorizer::my_vectors
vector<string> Vectorizer::my_names
bool Vectorizer::output_tabbed
bool Vectorizer::output_names
unordered_map<string, int> Vectorizer::wabbit_map
#include <vg.hpp>

Represents a variation graph. Graphs consist of nodes, connected by edges. Graphs are bidirected and may be cyclic. Nodes carry forward-oriented sequences. Edges are directed, with a “from” and to” node, and are generally used to connect the end of the “from” node to the start of the “to” node. However, edges can connect to either the start or end of either node.

Inherits from vg::Progressive

Public Functions

void vg::VG::set_edge(Edge *edge)

Set the edge indexes through this function. Picks up the sides being connected by the edge automatically, and silently drops the edge if they are already connected.

void vg::VG::print_edges(void)
vector<pair<id_t, bool>> &vg::VG::edges_start(Node *node)

Get nodes and backward flags following edges that attach to this node’s start.

vector<pair<id_t, bool>> &vg::VG::edges_start(id_t id)

Get nodes and backward flags following edges that attach to this node’s start.

vector<pair<id_t, bool>> &vg::VG::edges_end(Node *node)

Get nodes and backward flags following edges that attach to this node’s end.

vector<pair<id_t, bool>> &vg::VG::edges_end(id_t id)

Get nodes and backward flags following edges that attach to this node’s end.

size_t vg::VG::size(void)

Number of nodes.

size_t vg::VG::length(void)

Total sequence length.


Default constructor.

vg::VG::VG(istream &in, bool showp = false)

Construct from protobufs.

vg::VG::VG(function<bool(Graph&)> &get_next_graph, bool showp = false, )

Construct from an arbitrary source of Graph protobuf messages (which populates the given Graph and returns a flag for whether it’s valid).

vg::VG::VG(set<Node *> &nodes, set<Edge *> &edges)

Construct from sets of nodes and edges. For example, from a subgraph of another graph.

map<id_t, vcflib::Variant> vg::VG::get_node_id_to_variant(vcflib::VariantCallFile vfile)

Takes in a VCF file and returns a map [node] = vcflib::variant. Unfortunately this is specific to a given graph and VCF.

It will need to throw warnings if the node or variant is not in the graph.

This is useful for VCF masking:

if map.find(node) then mask variant

It’s also useful for calling known variants

for m in alignment.mappings:
   node = m.Pos.nodeID
   if node in node_to_vcf:
       return (alignment supports variant)

It would be nice if this also supported edges (e.g. for inversions/transversions/breakpoints?).

void vg::VG::dice_nodes(int max_node_size)

Chop up the nodes.

void vg::VG::unchop(void)

Does the reverse combines nodes by removing edges where doing so has no effect on the graph labels.

set<list<NodeTraversal>> vg::VG::simple_components(int min_size = 1)

Get the set of components that could be merged into single nodes without changing the path space of the graph. Emits oriented traversals of nodes, in the order and orientation in which they are to be merged.

set<list<NodeTraversal>> vg::VG::simple_multinode_components(void)

Get the simple components of multiple nodes.

set<set<id_t>> vg::VG::strongly_connected_components(void)

Get the strongly connected components of the graph.

set<set<id_t>> vg::VG::multinode_strongly_connected_components(void)

Get only multi-node strongly connected components.

bool vg::VG::is_acyclic(void)

Returns true if the graph does not contain cycles.

void vg::VG::keep_multinode_strongly_connected_components(void)

Remove all elements which are not in a strongly connected component.

bool vg::VG::is_self_looping(Node *node)

Does the specified node have any self-loops?

set<list<NodeTraversal>> vg::VG::elementary_cycles(void)

Get simple cycles following Johnson’s elementary cycles algorithm.

Node *vg::VG::concat_nodes(const list<NodeTraversal> &nodes)

Concatenates the nodes into a new node with the same external linkage as the provided component. After calling this, paths will be invalid until Paths::compact_ranks() is called.

Node *vg::VG::merge_nodes(const list<Node *> &nodes)

Merge the nodes into a single node, preserving external linkages. Use the orientation of the first node as the basis.

void vg::VG::normalize(int max_iter = 1)

Use unchop and sibling merging to simplify the graph into a normalized form.

void vg::VG::bluntify(void)

Remove redundant overlaps.

VG vg::VG::dagify(uint32_t expand_scc_steps, map<id_t, pair<id_t, bool>> &node_translation, size_t target_min_walk_length = 0, size_t component_length_max = 0)

Turn the graph into a dag by copying strongly connected components expand_scc_steps times and translating the edges in the component to flow through the copies in one direction.

VG vg::VG::backtracking_unroll(uint32_t max_length, uint32_t max_depth, map<id_t, pair<id_t, bool>> &node_translation)

Generate a new graph that unrolls the current one using backtracking. Caution: exponential in branching.

VG vg::VG::unfold(uint32_t max_length, map<id_t, pair<id_t, bool>> &node_translation)

Represent the whole graph up to max_length across an inversion on the forward strand.

map<id_t, pair<id_t, bool>> vg::VG::overlay_node_translations(const map<id_t, pair<id_t, bool>> &over, const map<id_t, pair<id_t, bool>> &under)

Assume two node translations, the over is based on the under; merge them.

vector<Edge> vg::VG::break_cycles(void)

Use our topological sort to quickly break cycles in the graph, return the edges which are removed. Very non-optimal, but fast.

void vg::VG::remove_non_path(void)

Remove pieces of the graph which are not part of any path.

void vg::VG::flip_doubly_reversed_edges(void)

Convert edges that are both from_start and to_end to “regular” ones from end to start.

void vg::VG::from_gfa(istream &in, bool showp = false)

Build a graph from a GFA stream.

void vg::VG::from_turtle(string filename, string baseuri, bool showp = false)

Build a graph from a Turtle stream.



vg::VG::VG(const VG &other)

Copy constructor.

vg::VG::VG(VG &&other)

Move constructor.

VG &vg::VG::operator=(const VG &other)

Copy assignment operator.

VG &vg::VG::operator=(VG &&other)

Move assignment operator.

void vg::VG::build_indexes(void)
void vg::VG::build_node_indexes(void)
void vg::VG::build_edge_indexes(void)
void vg::VG::index_paths(void)
void vg::VG::clear_node_indexes(void)
void vg::VG::clear_node_indexes_no_resize(void)
void vg::VG::clear_edge_indexes(void)
void vg::VG::clear_edge_indexes_no_resize(void)
void vg::VG::clear_indexes(void)
void vg::VG::clear_indexes_no_resize(void)
void vg::VG::resize_indexes(void)
void vg::VG::rebuild_indexes(void)
void vg::VG::rebuild_edge_indexes(void)
void vg::VG::merge(Graph &g)

Literally merge protobufs.

void vg::VG::merge(VG &g)

Literally merge protobufs.

void vg::VG::clear_paths(void)

Clear the paths object (which indexes the graph.paths) and the graph paths themselves.

void vg::VG::sync_paths(void)

Synchronize in-memory indexes and protobuf graph.

void vg::VG::merge_union(VG &g)

Merge protobufs after removing overlaps. Good when there aren’t many overlaps.

void vg::VG::remove_duplicated_in(VG &g)

Helper to merge_union.

void vg::VG::remove_duplicates(void)

Remove duplicated nodes and edges.

void vg::VG::prune_complex_paths(int length, int edge_max, Node *head_node, Node *tail_node)

Limit the local complexity of the graph, connecting pruned components to a head and tail node depending on the direction which we come into the node when the edge_max is passed.

void vg::VG::prune_short_subgraphs(size_t min_size)
void vg::VG::serialize_to_ostream(ostream &out, id_t chunk_size = 1000)

Write to a stream in chunked graphs.

void vg::VG::serialize_to_file(const string &file_name, id_t chunk_size = 1000)
id_t vg::VG::max_node_id(void)

Get the maximum node ID in the graph.

id_t vg::VG::min_node_id(void)

Get the minimum node ID in the graph.

void vg::VG::compact_ids(void)

Squish the node IDs down into as small a space as possible. Fixes up paths itself.

void vg::VG::increment_node_ids(id_t increment)

Add the given value to all node IDs. Preserves the paths.

void vg::VG::decrement_node_ids(id_t decrement)

Subtract the given value from all the node IDs. Must not create a node with 0 or negative IDs. Invalidates the paths.

void vg::VG::swap_node_id(id_t node_id, id_t new_id)

Change the ID of the node with the first id to the second, new ID not used by any node. Invalidates any paths containing the node, since they are not updated.

void vg::VG::swap_node_id(Node *node, id_t new_id)

Change the ID of the given node to the second, new ID not used by any node. Invalidates the paths. Invalidates any paths containing the node, since they are not updated.

void vg::VG::extend(VG &g, bool warn_on_duplicates = false)

Iteratively add when nodes and edges are novel. Good when there are very many overlaps. TODO: If you are using this with warn on duplicates on, and you know there shouldn’t be any duplicates, maybe you should use merge instead. This version sorts paths on rank after adding in the path mappings from the other graph.

void vg::VG::extend(Graph &graph, bool warn_on_duplicates = false)

This version does not sort path mappings by rank. In order to preserve paths, call Paths::sort_by_mapping_rank() and Paths::rebuild_mapping_aux() after you are done adding in graphs to this graph.

void vg::VG::append(VG &g)

Add another graph into this graph, attaching tails to heads. Modify ids of the second graph to ensure we don’t have conflicts. Then attach tails of this graph to the heads of the other, and extend(g).

void vg::VG::combine(VG &g)

Add another graph into this graph. Don’t append or join the nodes in the graphs; just ensure that ids are unique, then apply extend.

void vg::VG::include(const Path &path)

Edit the graph to include the path.

vector<Translation> vg::VG::edit(const vector<Path> &paths)

Edit the graph to include all the sequence and edges added by the given paths. Can handle paths that visit nodes in any orientation. Returns a vector of Translations, one per node existing after the edit, describing how each new or conserved node is embedded in the old graph. Note that this method sorts the graph and rebuilds the path index, so it should not be called in a loop.

vector<Translation> vg::VG::edit_fast(const Path &path, set<NodeSide> &dangling)

Edit the graph to include all the sequences and edges added by the given path. Returns a vector of Translations, one per original-node fragment. Completely novel nodes are not mentioned, and nodes with no Translations are assumed to be carried through unchanged. Invalidates the rank-based Paths index. Does not sort the graph. Suitable for calling in a loop. Can attach newly created nodes on the left of the path to the given set of dangling NodeSides, and populates the set at the end with the NodeSide corresponding to the end of the path.

void vg::VG::find_breakpoints(const Path &path, map<id_t, set<pos_t>> &breakpoints)

Find all the points at which a Path enters or leaves nodes in the graph. Adds them to the given map by node ID of sets of bases in the node that will need to become the starts of new nodes.

map<pos_t, Node *> vg::VG::ensure_breakpoints(const map<id_t, set<pos_t>> &breakpoints)

Take a map from node ID to a set of offsets at which new nodes should start (which may include 0 and 1-past-the-end, which should be ignored), break the specified nodes at those positions. Returns a map from old node start position to new node pointer in the graph. Note that the caller will have to crear and rebuild path rank data.

Returns a map from old node start position to new node. This map contains some entries pointing to null, for positions past the ends of original nodes. It also maps from positions on either strand of the old node to the same new node pointer; the new node’s forward strand is always the same as the old node’s forward strand.

map<id_t, set<pos_t>> vg::VG::forwardize_breakpoints(const map<id_t, set<pos_t>> &breakpoints)

Flips the breakpoints onto the forward strand.

void vg::VG::add_nodes_and_edges(const Path &path, const map<pos_t, Node *> &node_translation, map<pair<pos_t, string>, vector<Node *>> &added_seqs, map<Node *, Path> &added_nodes, const map<id_t, size_t> &orig_node_sizes, set<NodeSide> &dangling, size_t max_node_size = 1024)

Given a path on nodes that may or may not exist, and a map from start position in the old graph to a node in the current graph, add all the new sequence and edges required by the path. The given path must not contain adjacent perfect match edits in the same mapping, or any deletions on the start or end of mappings (the removal of which can be accomplished with the Path::simplify() function).

Outputs (and caches for subsequent calls) novel node runs in added_seqs, and Paths describing where novel nodes translate back to in the original graph in added_nodes. Also needs a map of the original sizes of nodes deleted from the original graph, for reverse complementing. If dangling is nonempty, left edges of nodes created for initial inserts will connect to the specified sides. At the end, dangling is populated with the side corresponding to the last edit in the path.

void vg::VG::add_nodes_and_edges(const Path &path, const map<pos_t, Node *> &node_translation, map<pair<pos_t, string>, vector<Node *>> &added_seqs, map<Node *, Path> &added_nodes, const map<id_t, size_t> &orig_node_sizes, size_t max_node_size = 1024)

This version doesn’t require a set of dangling sides to populate.

vector<Translation> vg::VG::make_translation(const map<pos_t, Node *> &node_translation, const map<Node *, Path> &added_nodes, const map<id_t, size_t> &orig_node_sizes)

Produce a graph Translation object from information about the editing process.

void vg::VG::add_node(const Node &node)

Add in the given node, by value.

void vg::VG::add_nodes(const vector<Node> &nodes)

Add in the given nodes, by value.

void vg::VG::add_edge(const Edge &edge)

Add in the given edge, by value.

void vg::VG::add_edges(const vector<Edge> &edges)

Add in the given edges, by value.

void vg::VG::add_edges(const vector<Edge *> &edges)

Add in the given edges, by value.

void vg::VG::add_nodes(const set<Node *> &nodes)

Add in the given nodes, by value.

void vg::VG::add_edges(const set<Edge *> &edges)

Add in the given edges, by value.

id_t vg::VG::node_count(void)

Count the number of nodes in the graph.

id_t vg::VG::edge_count(void)

Count the number of edges in the graph.

id_t vg::VG::total_length_of_nodes(void)

Get the total sequence length of nodes in the graph. TODO: redundant with length().

int vg::VG::node_rank(Node *node)

Get the rank of the node in the protobuf array that backs the graph.

int vg::VG::node_rank(id_t id)

Get the rank of the node in the protobuf array that backs the graph.

int vg::VG::start_degree(Node *node)

Get the number of edges attached to the start of a node.

int vg::VG::end_degree(Node *node)

Get the number of edges attached to the end of a node.

int vg::VG::left_degree(NodeTraversal node)

Get the number of edges attached to the left side of a NodeTraversal.

int vg::VG::right_degree(NodeTraversal node)

Get the number of edges attached to the right side of a NodeTraversal.

void vg::VG::edges_of_node(Node *node, vector<Edge *> &edges)

Get the edges of the specified node, and add them to the given vector. Guaranteed to add each edge only once per call.

vector<Edge *> vg::VG::edges_of(Node *node)

Get the edges of the specified node.

vector<Edge *> vg::VG::edges_from(Node *node)

Get the edges from the specified node.

vector<Edge *> vg::VG::edges_to(Node *node)

Get the edges to the specified node.

void vg::VG::edges_of_nodes(set<Node *> &nodes, set<Edge *> &edges)

Get the edges of the specified set of nodes, and add them to the given set of edge pointers.

set<NodeSide> vg::VG::sides_to(NodeSide side)

Get the sides on the other side of edges to this side of the node.

set<NodeSide> vg::VG::sides_from(NodeSide side)

Get the sides on the other side of edges from this side of the node.

set<NodeSide> vg::VG::sides_from(id_t id)

Get the sides from both sides of the node.

set<NodeSide> vg::VG::sides_to(id_t id)

Get the sides to both sides of the node.

set<NodeSide> vg::VG::sides_of(NodeSide side)

Union of sides_to and sides_from.

set<pair<NodeSide, bool>> vg::VG::sides_context(id_t node_id)

Get all sides connecting to this node.

bool vg::VG::same_context(id_t id1, id_t id2)

Use sides_from an sides_to to determine if both nodes have the same context.

bool vg::VG::is_ancestor_prev(id_t node_id, id_t candidate_id)

Determine if the node is a prev ancestor of this one.

bool vg::VG::is_ancestor_prev(id_t node_id, id_t candidate_id, set<id_t> &seen, size_t steps = 64)

Determine if the node is a prev ancestor of this one by trying to find it in a given number of steps.

bool vg::VG::is_ancestor_next(id_t node_id, id_t candidate_id)

Determine if the node is a next ancestor of this one.

bool vg::VG::is_ancestor_next(id_t node_id, id_t candidate_id, set<id_t> &seen, size_t steps = 64)

Determine if the node is a next ancestor of this one by trying to find it in a given number of steps.

id_t vg::VG::common_ancestor_prev(id_t id1, id_t id2, size_t steps = 64)

Try to find a common ancestor by walking back up to steps from the first node.

id_t vg::VG::common_ancestor_next(id_t id1, id_t id2, size_t steps = 64)

Try to find a common ancestor by walking forward up to steps from the first node.

set<NodeTraversal> vg::VG::siblings_to(const NodeTraversal &traversal)

To-siblings are nodes which also have edges to them from the same nodes as this one.

set<NodeTraversal> vg::VG::siblings_from(const NodeTraversal &traversal)

From-siblings are nodes which also have edges to them from the same nodes as this one.

set<NodeTraversal> vg::VG::full_siblings_to(const NodeTraversal &trav)

Full to-siblings are nodes traversals which share exactly the same upstream NodeSides.

set<NodeTraversal> vg::VG::full_siblings_from(const NodeTraversal &trav)

Full from-siblings are nodes traversals which share exactly the same downstream NodeSides.

set<Node *> vg::VG::siblings_of(Node *node)

Get general siblings of a node.

void vg::VG::simplify_siblings(void)

Remove easily-resolvable redundancy in the graph.

void vg::VG::simplify_to_siblings(const set<set<NodeTraversal>> &to_sibs)

Remove easily-resolvable redundancy in the graph for all provided to-sibling sets.

void vg::VG::simplify_from_siblings(const set<set<NodeTraversal>> &from_sibs)

Remove easily-resolvable redundancy in the graph for all provided from-sibling sets.

set<set<NodeTraversal>> vg::VG::transitive_sibling_sets(const set<set<NodeTraversal>> &sibs)

Remove intransitive sibling sets, such as where (A, B, C) = S1 but C ∊ S2.

set<set<NodeTraversal>> vg::VG::identically_oriented_sibling_sets(const set<set<NodeTraversal>> &sibs)

Remove sibling sets which don’t have identical orientation.

bool vg::VG::adjacent(const Position &pos1, const Position &pos2)

Determine if pos1 occurs directly before pos2.

Node *vg::VG::create_node(const string &seq, id_t id = 0)

Create a node. Use the VG class to generate ids.

Node *vg::VG::get_node(id_t id)

Find a particular node.

void vg::VG::nonoverlapping_node_context_without_paths(Node *node, VG &g)

Get the subgraph of a node and all the edges it is responsible for (where it has the minimal ID) and add it into the given VG.

void vg::VG::expand_context(VG &g, size_t distance, bool add_paths = true, bool use_steps = true)

Expand the context of what’s already in the given graph by the given distance, either in nodes or in bases. Pulls material from this graph.

void vg::VG::expand_context_by_steps(VG &g, size_t steps, bool add_paths = true)

Expand the context of the given graph by the given number of steps.

void vg::VG::expand_context_by_length(VG &g, size_t length, bool add_paths = true, bool reflect = false, const set<NodeSide> &barriers = set< NodeSide >())

Expand the context of the given graph by the given number of bases. If reflect is true, bounce off the ends of nodes to get siblings of nodes you came from. Can take a set of NodeSides not to look out from, that act as barriers to context expansion. These barriers will have no edges attached to them in the final graph.

void vg::VG::destroy_node(Node *node)

Destroy the node at the given pointer. This pointer must point to a Node owned by the graph.

void vg::VG::destroy_node(id_t id)

Destroy the node with the given ID.

bool vg::VG::has_node(id_t id)

Determine if the graph has a node with the given ID.

bool vg::VG::has_node(Node *node)

Determine if the graph contains the given node.

bool vg::VG::has_node(const Node &node)

Determine if the graph contains the given node.

Node *vg::VG::find_node_by_name_or_add_new(string name)

Find a node with the given name, or create a new one if none is found.

void vg::VG::for_each_node(function<void(Node *)> lambda)

Run the given function on every node.

void vg::VG::for_each_node_parallel(function<void(Node *)> lambda)

Run the given function on every node in parallel.

void vg::VG::for_each_connected_node(Node *node, function<void(Node *)> lambda)

Go through all the nodes in the same connected component as the given node. Ignores relative orientation.

void vg::VG::dfs(const function<void(NodeTraversal)> &node_begin_fn, const function<void(NodeTraversal)> &node_end_fn, const function<bool(void)> &break_fn, const function<void(Edge *)> &edge_fn, const function<void(Edge *)> &tree_fn, const function<void(Edge *)> &edge_curr_fn, const function<void(Edge *)> &edge_cross_fn, const vector<NodeTraversal> *sources, const set<NodeTraversal> *sinks, )

  • node_begin_fn: Called when node orientattion is first encountered.
  • node_end_fn: Called when node orientation goes out of scope.
  • break_fn: Called to check if we should stop the DFS.
  • edge_fn: Called when an edge is encountered.
  • tree_fn: Called when an edge forms part of the DFS spanning tree.
  • edge_curr_fn: Called when we meet an edge in the current tree component.
  • edge_cross_fn: Called when we meet an edge in an already-traversed tree component.
  • sources: Start only at these node traversals.
  • sinks: When hitting a sink, don’t keep walking.

Do a DFS search of the bidirected graph. A bidirected DFS starts at some root node, and traverses first all the nodes found reading out the right of that node in their appropriate relative orientations (including the root), and then all the nodes found reading left out of that node in their appropriate orientations (including the root). If any unvisited nodes are left in other connected components, the process will repeat from one such node, until all nodes have been visited in each orientation.

void vg::VG::dfs(const function<void(NodeTraversal)> &node_begin_fn, const function<void(NodeTraversal)> &node_end_fn, const vector<NodeTraversal> *sources = NULL, const set<NodeTraversal> *sinks = NULL, )

Specialization of dfs for only handling nodes.

void vg::VG::dfs(const function<void(NodeTraversal)> &node_begin_fn, const function<void(NodeTraversal)> &node_end_fn, const function<bool(void)> &break_fn)

Specialization of dfs for only handling nodes + break function.

bool vg::VG::empty(void)

Is the graph empty?

const string vg::VG::hash(void)

Generate a digest of the serialized graph.

void vg::VG::remove_null_nodes(void)

Remove nodes with no sequence. These are created in some cases during the process of graph construction.

void vg::VG::remove_node_forwarding_edges(Node *node)

Remove a node but connect all of its predecessor and successor nodes with new edges.

void vg::VG::remove_null_nodes_forwarding_edges(void)

Remove null nodes but connect predecessors and successors, preserving structure.

void vg::VG::remove_orphan_edges(void)

Remove edges for which one of the nodes is not present.

void vg::VG::remove_inverting_edges(void)

Remove edges representing an inversion and edges on the reverse complement.

bool vg::VG::has_inverting_edges(void)

Determine if the graph has inversions.

void vg::VG::keep_paths(set<string> &path_names, set<string> &kept_names)

Keep paths in the given set of path names. Populates kept_names with the names of the paths it actually found to keep. The paths specified may not overlap. Removes all nodes and edges not used by one of the specified paths.

void vg::VG::keep_path(string &path_name)
int vg::VG::path_edge_count(list<NodeTraversal> &path, int32_t offset, int path_length)

Path stats. Starting from offset in the first node, how many edges do we cross? path must be nonempty and longer than the given length. offset is interpreted as relative to the first node in its on-path orientation, and is inclusive.

int vg::VG::path_end_node_offset(list<NodeTraversal> &path, int32_t offset, int path_length)

Determine the offset in its last node at which the path starting at this offset in its first node ends. path must be nonempty and longer than the given length. offset is interpreted as relative to the first node in its on-path orientation, and is inclusive. Returned offset is remaining unused length in the last node touched.

const vector<Alignment> vg::VG::paths_as_alignments(void)

Convert the stored paths in this graph to alignments.

const string vg::VG::path_sequence(const Path &path)

Return sequence string of path.

double vg::VG::path_identity(const Path &path1, const Path &path2)

Return percent identity between two paths (# matches / (#matches + #mismatches)). Note: uses ssw aligner, so will only work on small paths.

string vg::VG::trav_sequence(const NodeTraversal &trav)

Get the sequence of a NodeTraversal.

SB_Input vg::VG::vg_to_sb_input()

Convert a VG graph to superbubble algorithm input format.

vector<pair<id_t, id_t>> vg::VG::get_superbubbles(SB_Input sbi)

Find the superbubbles in the given input graph.

vector<pair<id_t, id_t>> vg::VG::get_superbubbles()

Find the superbubbles in this graph.

id_t vg::VG::get_node_at_nucleotide(string pathname, int nuc)

Takes in a pathname and the nucleotide position (like from a vcf) and returns the node id which contains that position.

Edge *vg::VG::create_edge(Node *from, Node *to, bool from_start = false, bool to_end = false)

Create an edge. If the given edge cannot be created, returns null. If the given edge already exists, returns the existing edge.

Edge *vg::VG::create_edge(id_t from, id_t to, bool from_start = false, bool to_end = false)

Create an edge. If the given edge cannot be created, returns null. If the given edge already exists, returns the existing edge.

Edge *vg::VG::create_edge(NodeTraversal left, NodeTraversal right)

Make a left-to-right edge from the left NodeTraversal to the right one, respecting orientations. If the given edge cannot be created, returns null. If the given edge already exists, returns the existing edge.

Edge *vg::VG::create_edge(NodeSide side1, NodeSide side2)

Make an edge connecting the given sides of nodes. If the given edge cannot be created, returns null. If the given edge already exists, returns the existing edge.

Edge *vg::VG::get_edge(const NodeSide &side1, const NodeSide &side2)

Get a pointer to the specified edge. This can take sides in any order.

Edge *vg::VG::get_edge(const pair<NodeSide, NodeSide> &sides)

Get a pointer to the specified edge. This can take sides in any order.

Edge *vg::VG::get_edge(const NodeTraversal &left, const NodeTraversal &right)

Get the edge connecting the given oriented nodes in the given order.

void vg::VG::destroy_edge(Edge *edge)

Festroy the edge at the given pointer. This pointer must point to an edge owned by the graph.

void vg::VG::destroy_edge(const NodeSide &side1, const NodeSide &side2)

Destroy the edge between the given sides of nodes. These can be in either order.

void vg::VG::destroy_edge(const pair<NodeSide, NodeSide> &sides)

Destroy the edge between the given sides of nodes. This can take sides in any order.

void vg::VG::unindex_edge_by_node_sides(const NodeSide &side1, const NodeSide &side2)

Remove an edge from the node side indexes, so it doesn’t show up when you ask for the edges connected to the side of a node. Makes the edge untraversable until the indexes are rebuilt.

void vg::VG::unindex_edge_by_node_sides(Edge *edge)

Remove an edge from the node side indexes, so it doesn’t show up when you ask for the edges connected to the side of a node. Makes the edge untraversable until the indexes are rebuilt.

void vg::VG::index_edge_by_node_sides(Edge *edge)

Add an edge to the node side indexes. Doesn’t touch the index of edges by node pairs or the graph; those must be updated seperately.

bool vg::VG::has_edge(const NodeSide &side1, const NodeSide &side2)

Get the edge between the given node sides, which can be in either order.

bool vg::VG::has_edge(const pair<NodeSide, NodeSide> &sides)

Determine if the graph has an edge. This can take sides in any order.

bool vg::VG::has_edge(Edge *edge)

Determine if the graph has an edge. This can take sides in any order.

bool vg::VG::has_edge(const Edge &edge)

Determine if the graph has an edge. This can take sides in any order.

bool vg::VG::has_inverting_edge(Node *n)

Determine if the graph has an inverting edge on the given node.

bool vg::VG::has_inverting_edge_from(Node *n)

Determine if the graph has an inverting edge from the given node.

bool vg::VG::has_inverting_edge_to(Node *n)

Determine if the graph has an inverting edge to the given node.

void vg::VG::for_each_edge(function<void(Edge *)> lambda)

Run the given function for each edge.

void vg::VG::for_each_edge_parallel(function<void(Edge *)> lambda)

Run the given function for each edge, in parallel.

void vg::VG::circularize(id_t head, id_t tail)

Circularize a subgraph / path using the head / tail nodes.

void vg::VG::circularize(vector<string> pathnames)
void vg::VG::connect_node_to_nodes(NodeTraversal node, vector<NodeTraversal> &nodes)

Connect node -> nodes. Connects from the right side of the first to the left side of the second.

void vg::VG::connect_node_to_nodes(Node *node, vector<Node *> &nodes, bool from_start = false)

Connect node -> nodes. You can optionally use the start of the first node instead of the end.

void vg::VG::connect_nodes_to_node(vector<NodeTraversal> &nodes, NodeTraversal node)

connect nodes -> node. Connects from the right side of the first to the left side of the second.

void vg::VG::connect_nodes_to_node(vector<Node *> &nodes, Node *node, bool to_end = false)

connect nodes -> node.

void vg::VG::divide_node(Node *node, int pos, Node *&left, Node *&right)

Divide a node at a given internal position. Inserts the new nodes in the correct paths, but can’t update the ranks, so they need to be cleared and re-calculated by the caller.

void vg::VG::divide_node(Node *node, vector<int> positions, vector<Node *> &parts)

Divide a node at a given internal position. This version works on a collection of internal positions, in linear time.

void vg::VG::divide_path(map<long, id_t> &path, long pos, Node *&left, Node *&right)

Divide a path at a position. Also invalidates stored rank information.

void vg::VG::to_dot(ostream &out, vector<Alignment> alignments = {}, vector<Locus> loci = {}, bool show_paths = false, bool walk_paths = false, bool annotate_paths = false, bool show_mappings = false, bool simple_mode = false, bool invert_edge_ports = false, bool color_variants = false, bool superbubble_ranking = false, bool superbubble_labeling = false, bool ultrabubble_labeling = false, bool skip_missing_nodes = false, int random_seed = 0)

Convert the graph to Dot format.

void vg::VG::to_dot(ostream &out, vector<Alignment> alignments = {}, bool show_paths = false, bool walk_paths = false, bool annotate_paths = false, bool show_mappings = false, bool invert_edge_ports = false, int random_seed = 0, bool color_variants = false)

Convert the graph to Dot format.

void vg::VG::to_gfa(ostream &out)

Convert the graph to GFA format.

void vg::VG::to_turtle(ostream &out, const string &rdf_base_uri, bool precompress)

Convert the graph to Turtle format.

bool vg::VG::is_valid(bool check_nodes = true, bool check_edges = true, bool check_paths = true, bool check_orphans = true)

Determine if the graph is valid or not, according to the specified criteria.

void vg::VG::sort(void)

Topologically order nodes. Makes sure that Nodes appear in the Protobuf Graph object in their topological sort order.

void vg::VG::topological_sort(deque<NodeTraversal> &l)

Topological sort helper function, not really meant for external use.

Order and orient the nodes in the graph using a topological sort.

We use a bidirected adaptation of Kahn’s topological sort (1962), which can handle components with no heads or tails.

L ← Empty list that will contain the sorted and oriented elements S ← Set of nodes which have been oriented, but which have not had their downstream edges examined N ← Set of all nodes that have not yet been put into S

while N is nonempty do remove a node from N, orient it arbitrarily, and add it to S (In practice, we use “seeds”: the heads and any nodes we have seen that had too many incoming edges) while S is non-empty do remove an oriented node n from S add n to tail of L for each node m with an edge e from n to m do remove edge e from the graph if m has no other edges to that side then orient m such that the side the edge comes to is first remove m from N insert m into S otherwise put an oriented m on the list of arbitrary places to start when S is empty (This helps start at natural entry points to cycles) return L (a topologically sorted order and orientation)

void vg::VG::swap_nodes(Node *a, Node *b)

Swap the given nodes. TODO: what does that mean?

void vg::VG::orient_nodes_forward(set<id_t> &nodes_flipped)

Use a topological sort to order and orient the nodes, and then flip some nodes around so that they are oriented the way they are in the sort. Populates nodes_flipped with the ids of the nodes that have had their orientations changed. TODO: update the paths that touch nodes that flipped around

void vg::VG::force_path_match(void)

For each path, assign edits that describe a total match of the mapping to the node.

void vg::VG::fill_empty_path_mappings(void)

For each path, if a mapping has no edits then make it a perfect match against a node. This is the same as force_path_match, but only for empty mappings.

Alignment vg::VG::align(const string &sequence, Aligner *aligner, size_t max_query_graph_ratio = 0, bool pinned_alignment = false, bool pin_left = false, int8_t full_length_bonus = 0, bool banded_global = false, size_t band_padding_override = 0, size_t max_span = 0, bool print_score_matrices = false)

Align without base quality adjusted scores. Align to the graph. May modify the graph by re-ordering the nodes. May add nodes to the graph, but cleans them up afterward.

Alignment vg::VG::align(const Alignment &alignment, Aligner *aligner, size_t max_query_graph_ratio = 0, bool pinned_alignment = false, bool pin_left = false, int8_t full_length_bonus = 0, bool banded_global = false, size_t band_padding_override = 0, size_t max_span = 0, bool print_score_matrices = false)

Align without base quality adjusted scores. Align to the graph. May modify the graph by re-ordering the nodes. May add nodes to the graph, but cleans them up afterward.

Alignment vg::VG::align(const Alignment &alignment, size_t max_query_graph_ratio = 0, bool pinned_alignment = false, bool pin_left = false, int8_t full_length_bonus = 0, bool banded_global = false, size_t band_padding_override = 0, size_t max_span = 0, bool print_score_matrices = false)

Align with default Aligner. Align to the graph. May modify the graph by re-ordering the nodes. May add nodes to the graph, but cleans them up afterward.

Alignment vg::VG::align(const string &sequence, size_t max_query_graph_ratio = 0, bool pinned_alignment = false, bool pin_left = false, int8_t full_length_bonus = 0, bool banded_global = false, size_t band_padding_override = 0, size_t max_span = 0, bool print_score_matrices = false)

Align with default Aligner. Align to the graph. May modify the graph by re-ordering the nodes. May add nodes to the graph, but cleans them up afterward.

Alignment vg::VG::align_qual_adjusted(const Alignment &alignment, QualAdjAligner *qual_adj_aligner, size_t max_query_graph_ratio = 0, bool pinned_alignment = false, bool pin_left = false, int8_t full_length_bonus = 0, bool banded_global = false, size_t band_padding_override = 0, size_t max_span = 0, bool print_score_matrices = false)

Align with base quality adjusted scores. Align to the graph. May modify the graph by re-ordering the nodes. May add nodes to the graph, but cleans them up afterward.

Alignment vg::VG::align_qual_adjusted(const string &sequence, QualAdjAligner *qual_adj_aligner, size_t max_query_graph_ratio = 0, bool pinned_alignment = false, bool pin_left = false, int8_t full_length_bonus = 0, bool banded_global = false, size_t band_padding_override = 0, size_t max_span = 0, bool print_score_matrices = false)

Align with base quality adjusted scores. Align to the graph. May modify the graph by re-ordering the nodes. May add nodes to the graph, but cleans them up afterward.

void vg::VG::for_each_kpath(int k, bool path_only, int edge_max, function<void(NodeTraversal)> handle_prev_maxed, function<void(NodeTraversal)> handle_next_maxed, function<void(list<NodeTraversal>::iterator, list<NodeTraversal>&)> lambda)

Calls a function on all node-crossing paths with up to length across node boundaries. Considers each node in forward orientation to produce the kpaths around it.

void vg::VG::for_each_kpath_parallel(int k, bool path_only, int edge_max, function<void(NodeTraversal)> handle_prev_maxed, function<void(NodeTraversal)> handle_next_maxed, function<void(list<NodeTraversal>::iterator, list<NodeTraversal>&)> lambda)

Calls a function on all kpaths of the given node.

void vg::VG::for_each_kpath(int k, bool path_only, int edge_max, function<void(NodeTraversal)> handle_prev_maxed, function<void(NodeTraversal)> handle_next_maxed, function<void(size_t, Path&)> lambda)

Calls a function on all node-crossing paths with up to length across node boundaries. Considers each node in forward orientation to produce the kpaths around it.

void vg::VG::for_each_kpath_parallel(int k, bool path_only, int edge_max, function<void(NodeTraversal)> handle_prev_maxed, function<void(NodeTraversal)> handle_next_maxed, function<void(size_t, Path&)> lambda)

Calls a function on all kpaths of the given node.

void vg::VG::for_each_kpath_of_node(Node *node, int k, bool path_only, int edge_max, function<void(NodeTraversal)> handle_prev_maxed, function<void(NodeTraversal)> handle_next_maxed, function<void(list<NodeTraversal>::iterator, list<NodeTraversal>&)> lambda)

Calls a function on all kpaths of the given node.

void vg::VG::for_each_kpath_of_node(Node *n, int k, bool path_only, int edge_max, function<void(NodeTraversal)> handle_prev_maxed, function<void(NodeTraversal)> handle_next_maxed, function<void(size_t, Path&)> lambda)

Calls a function on all kpaths of the given node.

void vg::VG::kpaths(set<list<NodeTraversal>> &paths, int length, bool path_only, int edge_max, function<void(NodeTraversal)> prev_maxed, function<void(NodeTraversal)> next_maxed)

Get kpaths. TODO: what is this for?

void vg::VG::kpaths(vector<Path> &paths, int length, bool path_only, int edge_max, function<void(NodeTraversal)> prev_maxed, function<void(NodeTraversal)> next_maxed)

Get kpaths. TODO: what is this for?

void vg::VG::kpaths_of_node(Node *node, set<list<NodeTraversal>> &paths, int length, bool path_only, int edge_max, function<void(NodeTraversal)> prev_maxed, function<void(NodeTraversal)> next_maxed)

Get kpaths on a particular node. TODO: what is this for?

void vg::VG::kpaths_of_node(Node *node, vector<Path> &paths, int length, bool path_only, int edge_max, function<void(NodeTraversal)> prev_maxed, function<void(NodeTraversal)> next_maxed)

Get kpaths on a particular node. TODO: what is this for?

void vg::VG::kpaths_of_node(id_t node_id, vector<Path> &paths, int length, bool path_only, int edge_max, function<void(NodeTraversal)> prev_maxed, function<void(NodeTraversal)> next_maxed)

Get kpaths on a particular node. TODO: what is this for?

void vg::VG::prev_kpaths_from_node(NodeTraversal node, int length, bool path_only, int edge_max, bool edge_bounding, list<NodeTraversal> postfix, set<list<NodeTraversal>> &walked_paths, const vector<string> &followed_paths, function<void(NodeTraversal)> &maxed_nodes)

Given an oriented start node, a length in bp, a maximum number of edges to cross, and a stack of nodes visited so far, fill in the set of paths with all the paths starting at the oriented start node and going left off its end no longer than the specified length, calling maxed_nodes on nodes which can’t be visited due to the edge-crossing limit. Produces paths ending with the specified node. TODO: postfix should not be (potentially) copied on every call.

void vg::VG::next_kpaths_from_node(NodeTraversal node, int length, bool path_only, int edge_max, bool edge_bounding, list<NodeTraversal> prefix, set<list<NodeTraversal>> &walked_paths, const vector<string> &followed_paths, function<void(NodeTraversal)> &maxed_nodes)

Do the same as prec_kpaths_from_node, except going right, producing a path starting with the specified node.

void vg::VG::paths_between(Node *from, Node *to, vector<Path> &paths)
void vg::VG::paths_between(id_t from, id_t to, vector<Path> &paths)
void vg::VG::likelihoods(vector<Alignment> &alignments, vector<Path> &paths, vector<long double> &likelihoods)
void vg::VG::nodes_prev(NodeTraversal n, vector<NodeTraversal> &nodes)

Get the nodes attached to the left side of the given NodeTraversal, in their proper orientations.

vector<NodeTraversal> vg::VG::nodes_prev(NodeTraversal n)

Get the nodes attached to the left side of the given NodeTraversal, in their proper orientations.

set<NodeTraversal> vg::VG::travs_to(NodeTraversal node)

Get traversals before this node on the same strand. Same as nodes_prev but using set.

void vg::VG::nodes_next(NodeTraversal n, vector<NodeTraversal> &nodes)

Get the nodes attached to the right side of the given NodeTraversal, in their proper orientations.

vector<NodeTraversal> vg::VG::nodes_next(NodeTraversal n)

Get the nodes attached to the right side of the given NodeTraversal, in their proper orientations.

set<NodeTraversal> vg::VG::travs_from(NodeTraversal node)

Get traversals after this node on the same strand. Same as nodes_next but using set.

set<NodeTraversal> vg::VG::travs_of(NodeTraversal node)

Get traversals either before or after this node on the same strand.

int vg::VG::node_count_prev(NodeTraversal n)

Count the nodes attached to the left side of the given NodeTraversal.

int vg::VG::node_count_next(NodeTraversal n)

Count the nodes attached to the right side of the given NodeTraversal.

Path vg::VG::create_path(const list<NodeTraversal> &nodes)

Create a path.

Path vg::VG::create_path(const vector<NodeTraversal> &nodes)

Create a path.

string vg::VG::path_string(const list<NodeTraversal> &nodes)

Get the string sequence for all the NodeTraversals on the given path.

string vg::VG::path_string(const Path &path)

Get the string sequence for traversing the given path. Assumes the path covers the entirety of any nodes visited. Handles backward nodes.

void vg::VG::expand_path(const list<NodeTraversal> &path, vector<NodeTraversal> &expanded)

Expand a path. TODO: what does that mean?

void vg::VG::node_starts_in_path(const list<NodeTraversal> &path, map<Node *, int> &node_start)

Fill in the node_start map with the first index along the path at which each node appears. Caller is responsible for dealing with orientations.

bool vg::VG::nodes_are_perfect_path_neighbors(NodeTraversal left, NodeTraversal right)

Return true if nodes share all paths and the mappings they share in these paths are adjacent, in the specified relative order and orientation.

bool vg::VG::mapping_is_total_match(const Mapping &m)

Return true if the mapping completely covers the node it maps to and is a perfect match.

map<string, vector<Mapping>> vg::VG::concat_mappings_for_node_pair(id_t id1, id_t id2)

Concatenate the mappings for a pair of nodes; handles multiple mappings per path.

map<string, vector<Mapping>> vg::VG::concat_mappings_for_nodes(const list<NodeTraversal> &nodes)

Concatenate mappings for a list of nodes that we want to concatenate. Returns, for each path name, a vector of merged mappings, once per path traversal of the run of nodes. Those merged mappings are in the orientation of the merged node (so mappings to nodes that are traversed in reverse will have their flags toggled). We assume that all mappings on the given nodes are full-length perfect matches, and that all the nodes are perfect path neighbors.

void vg::VG::expand_path(list<NodeTraversal> &path, vector<list<NodeTraversal>::iterator> &expanded)

Expand a path. TODO: what does that mean? These versions handle paths in which nodes can be traversed multiple times. Unfortunately since we’re throwing non-const iterators around, we can’t take the input path as const.

void vg::VG::node_starts_in_path(list<NodeTraversal> &path, map<NodeTraversal *, int> &node_start)

Find node starts in a path. TODO: what does that mean? To get the starts out of the map this produces, you need to dereference the iterator and then get the address of the NodeTraversal (stored in the list) that you are talking about.

void vg::VG::for_each_kmer_parallel(int kmer_size, bool path_only, int edge_max, function<void(string&, list<NodeTraversal>::iterator, int, list<NodeTraversal>&, VG&)> lambda, int stride = 1, bool allow_dups = false, bool allow_negatives = false, )

Call a function for each kmer in the graph, in parallel.

void vg::VG::for_each_kmer(int kmer_size, bool path_only, int edge_max, function<void(string&, list<NodeTraversal>::iterator, int, list<NodeTraversal>&, VG&)> lambda, int stride = 1, bool allow_dups = false, bool allow_negatives = false, )

Call a function for each kmer in the graph.

void vg::VG::for_each_kmer_of_node(Node *node, int kmer_size, bool path_only, int edge_max, function<void(string&, list<NodeTraversal>::iterator, int, list<NodeTraversal>&, VG&)> lambda, int stride = 1, bool allow_dups = false, bool allow_negatives = false, )

Call a function for each kmer on a node.

void vg::VG::kmer_context(string &kmer, int kmer_size, bool path_only, int edge_max, bool forward_only, list<NodeTraversal> &path, list<NodeTraversal>::iterator start_node, int32_t start_offset, list<NodeTraversal>::iterator &end_node, int32_t &end_offset, set<tuple<char, id_t, bool, int32_t>> &prev_positions, set<tuple<char, id_t, bool, int32_t>> &next_positions)

For the given kmer of the given length starting at the given offset into the given Node along the given path, fill in end_node and end_offset with where the end of the kmer falls (counting from the right side of the NodeTraversal), prev_chars with the characters that preceed it, next_chars with the characters that follow it, prev_ and next_positions with the ((node ID, orientation), offset) pairs of the places you can come from/go next (from the right end of the kmer). Refuses to follow more than edge_max edges. Offsets are in the path orientation. Meant for gcsa2.

void vg::VG::gcsa_handle_node_in_graph(Node *node, int kmer_size, bool path_only, int edge_max, int stride, bool forward_only, Node *head_node, Node *tail_node, function<void(KmerPosition&)> lambda)

Do the GCSA2 kmers for a node. head_node and tail_node must both be non- null, but only one of those nodes actually needs to be in the graph. They will be examined directly to get their representative characters. They also don’t need to be actually owned by the graph; they can be copies.

void vg::VG::for_each_gcsa_kmer_position_parallel(int kmer_size, bool path_only, int edge_max, int stride, bool forward_only, id_t &head_id, id_t &tail_id, function<void(KmerPosition&)> lambda)

Call a function for each GCSA2 kemr position in parallel. GCSA kmers are the kmers in the graph with each node existing in both its forward and reverse-complement orientation. Node IDs in the GCSA graph are 2 * original node ID, +1 if the GCSA node represents the reverse complement, and +0 if it does not. Non-reversing edges link the forward copy of the from node to the forward copy of the to node, and similarly for the reverse complement copies, while reversing edges link the forward copy of the from node to the reverse complement copy of the to node, and visa versa. This allows us to index both the forward and reverse strands of every node, and to deal with GCSA’s lack of support for reversing edges, with the same trick. Note that start_tail_id, if zero, will be replaced with the ID actually used for the start/end node before lambda is ever called.

void vg::VG::get_gcsa_kmers(int kmer_size, bool path_only, int edge_max, int stride, bool forward_only, const function<void(vector<gcsa::KMer>&, bool)> &handle_kmers, id_t &head_id, id_t &tail_id, )

Get the GCSA2 kmers in the graph.

void vg::VG::write_gcsa_kmers(int kmer_size, bool path_only, int edge_max, int stride, bool forward_only, ostream &out, id_t &head_id, id_t &tail_id)

Writhe the GCSA2 kmer file for the graph to the goven stream.

string vg::VG::write_gcsa_kmers_to_tmpfile(int kmer_size, bool paths_only, bool forward_only, id_t &head_id, id_t &tail_id, size_t doubling_steps = 2, size_t size_limit = 200, const string &base_file_name = ".vg-kmers-tmp-")

Write the GCSA2 kmers to a temp file with the given base. Return the name of the file.

void vg::VG::build_gcsa_lcp(gcsa::GCSA *&gcsa, gcsa::LCPArray *&lcp, int kmer_size, bool paths_only, bool forward_only, size_t doubling_steps = 2, size_t size_limit = 200, const string &base_file_name = ".vg-kmers-tmp-")

Construct the GCSA2 index for this graph.

void vg::VG::prune_complex(int path_length, int edge_max, Node *head_node, Node *tail_node)

Take all nodes that would introduce paths of > edge_max edge crossings, remove them, and link their neighbors to head_node or tail_node depending on which direction the path extension was stopped. For pruning graph prior to indexing with gcsa2.

void vg::VG::prune_complex_with_head_tail(int path_length, int edge_max)

Wrap the graph with heads and tails before doing the prune. Utility function for preparing for indexing.

Alignment vg::VG::random_read(size_t read_len, mt19937 &rng, id_t min_id, id_t max_id, bool either_strand)

Generate random reads. Note that even if either_strand is false, having backward nodes in the graph will result in some reads from the global reverse strand.

void vg::VG::disjoint_subgraphs(list<VG> &subgraphs)

Find subgraphs.

void vg::VG::head_nodes(vector<Node *> &nodes)

Get the head nodes (nodes with edges only to their right sides). These are required to be oriented forward.

vector<Node *> vg::VG::head_nodes(void)

Get the head nodes (nodes with edges only to their right sides). These are required to be oriented forward.

bool vg::VG::is_head_node(id_t id)

Determine if a node is a head node.

bool vg::VG::is_head_node(Node *node)

Determine if a node is a head node.

int32_t vg::VG::distance_to_head(NodeTraversal node, int32_t limit = 1000)

Get the distance from head of node to beginning of graph, or -1 if limit exceeded.

int32_t vg::VG::distance_to_head(NodeTraversal node, int32_t limit, int32_t dist, set<NodeTraversal> &seen)

Get the distance from head of node to beginning of graph, or -1 if limit exceeded.

vector<Node *> vg::VG::tail_nodes(void)

Get the tail nodes (nodes with edges only to their left sides). These are required to be oriented forward.

void vg::VG::tail_nodes(vector<Node *> &nodes)

Get the tail nodes (nodes with edges only to their left sides). These are required to be oriented forward.

bool vg::VG::is_tail_node(id_t id)

Determine if a node is a tail node.

bool vg::VG::is_tail_node(Node *node)

Determine if a node is a tail node.

int32_t vg::VG::distance_to_tail(NodeTraversal node, int32_t limit = 1000)

Get the distance from tail of node to end of graph, or -1 if limit exceeded.

int32_t vg::VG::distance_to_tail(NodeTraversal node, int32_t limit, int32_t dist, set<NodeTraversal> &seen)

Get the distance from tail of node to end of graph, or -1 if limit exceeded.

int32_t vg::VG::distance_to_tail(id_t id, int32_t limit = 1000)

Get the distance from tail of node to end of graph, or -1 if limit exceeded.

void vg::VG::collect_subgraph(Node *node, set<Node *> &subgraph)

Collect the subgraph of a Node. TODO: what does that mean?

Node *vg::VG::join_heads(void)

Join head nodes of graph to common null node, creating a new single head.

void vg::VG::join_heads(Node *node, bool from_start = false)

Join head nodes of graph to specified node. Optionally from the start/to the end of the new node.

void vg::VG::join_tails(Node *node, bool to_end = false)

Join tail nodes of graph to specified node. Optionally from the start/to the end of the new node.

void vg::VG::wrap_with_null_nodes(void)

Add singular head and tail null nodes to graph.

void vg::VG::add_start_end_markers(int length, char start_char, char end_char, Node *&start_node, Node *&end_node, id_t start_id = 0, id_t end_id = 0)

Add a start node and an end node, where all existing heads in the graph are connected to the start node, and all existing tails in the graph are connected to the end node. Any connected components in the graph which do not have either are connected to the start at an arbitrary point, and the end node from nodes going to that arbitrary point. If start_node or end_node is null, a new node will be created. Otherwise, the passed node will be used. Note that this visits every node, to make sure it is attached to all connected components. Note that if a graph has, say, heads but no tails, the start node will be attached buut the end node will be free-floating.

Public Members

Graph vg::VG::graph

Protobuf-based representation.

Paths vg::VG::paths

Manages paths of the graph. Initialized by setting paths._paths = graph.paths.

string vg::VG::name

Name of the graph.

id_t vg::VG::current_id

Current id for Node to be added next.

hash_map<id_t, Node *> vg::VG::node_by_id

Nodes by id.

pair_hash_map<pair<NodeSide, NodeSide>, Edge *> vg::VG::edge_by_sides

Edges by sides of Nodes they connect. Since duplicate edges are not permitted, two edges cannot connect the same pair of node sides. Each edge is indexed here with the smaller NodeSide first. The actual node order is recorded in the Edge object.

hash_map<Node *, int> vg::VG::node_index

nodes by position in nodes repeated field. this is critical to allow fast deletion of nodes

hash_map<Edge *, int> vg::VG::edge_index
hash_map<id_t, vector<pair<id_t, bool>>> vg::VG::edges_on_start

Stores the destinations and backward flags for edges attached to the starts of nodes (whether that node is “from” or “to”).

hash_map<id_t, vector<pair<id_t, bool>>> vg::VG::edges_on_end

Stores the destinations and backward flags for edges attached to the ends of nodes (whether that node is “from” or “to”).

Private Functions

void vg::VG::_for_each_kmer(int kmer_size, bool path_only, int edge_max, function<void(string&, list<NodeTraversal>::iterator, int, list<NodeTraversal>&, VG&)> lambda, bool parallel, int stride, bool allow_dups, bool allow_negatives, Node *node = nullptr, )

Call the given function on each kmer. If parallel is specified, goes through nodes one per thread. If node is not null, looks only at kmers of that specific node.

Alignment vg::VG::align(const Alignment &alignment, Aligner *aligner, QualAdjAligner *qual_adj_aligner, size_t max_query_graph_ratio = 0, bool pinned_alignment = false, bool pin_left = false, int8_t full_length_bonus = 0, bool banded_global = false, size_t band_padding_override = 0, size_t max_span = 0, bool print_score_matrices = false)

Private method to funnel other align functions into. max_span specifies the min distance to unfold the graph to, and is meant to be the longest path that the specified sequence could cover, accounting for deletions. If it’s less than the sequence’s length, the sequence’s length is used. band_padding_override gives the band padding to use for banded global alignment. In banded global mode, if the band padding override is nonzero, permissive banding is not used, and instead the given band padding is provided. If the band padding override is not provided, the max span is used as the band padding and permissive banding is enabled.

void vg::VG::init(void)

setup, ensures that gssw == NULL on startup

Private Members

vector<id_t> vg::VG::empty_ids

Placeholder for functions that sometimes need to be passed an empty vector.

vector<pair<id_t, bool>> vg::VG::empty_edge_ends

Placeholder for functions that sometimes need to be passed an empty vector.

#include <vg_set.hpp>

Public Functions

vg::VGset::VGset(vector<string> &files)
void vg::VGset::transform(std::function<void(VG *)> lambda)
void vg::VGset::for_each(std::function<void(VG *)> lambda)
int64_t vg::VGset::merge_id_space(void)
void vg::VGset::to_xg(xg::XG &index, bool store_threads = false)

Transforms to a succinct, queryable representation.

void vg::VGset::to_xg(xg::XG &index, bool store_threads, const regex &paths_to_take, map<string, Path> &removed_paths)

As above, except paths with names matching the given regex are removed and returned separately by inserting them into the provided map.

void vg::VGset::store_in_index(Index &index)
void vg::VGset::store_paths_in_index(Index &index)
void vg::VGset::index_kmers(Index &index, int kmer_size, bool path_only, int edge_max, int stride = 1, bool allow_negatives = false)
void vg::VGset::for_each_kmer_parallel(const function<void(string&, list<NodeTraversal>::iterator, int, list<NodeTraversal>&, VG&)> &lambda, int kmer_size, bool path_only, int edge_max, int stride, bool allow_dups, bool allow_negatives = false, )
void vg::VGset::write_gcsa_out(ostream &out, int kmer_size, bool path_only, bool forward_only, int64_t head_id = 0, int64_t tail_id = 0)
void vg::VGset::write_gcsa_kmers_binary(ostream &out, int kmer_size, bool path_only, bool forward_only, int64_t head_id = 0, int64_t tail_id = 0)
void vg::VGset::get_gcsa_kmers(int kmer_size, bool path_only, bool forward_only, const function<void(vector<gcsa::KMer>&, bool)> &handle_kmers, int64_t head_id = 0, int64_t tail_id = 0, )
vector<string> vg::VGset::write_gcsa_kmers_binary(int kmer_size, bool path_only, bool forward_only, int64_t head_id = 0, int64_t tail_id = 0)

Public Members

vector<string> vg::VGset::filenames
bool vg::VGset::show_progress

Private Functions

void vg::VGset::for_each_gcsa_kmer_position_parallel(int kmer_size, bool path_only, bool forward_only, int64_t &head_id, int64_t &tail_id, function<void(KmerPosition&)> lambda)

Describes a step of a walk through a Snarl either on a node or through a child Snarl.

Public Members

int64 vg::Visit::node_id

The node ID or snarl of this step (only one should be given)

Snarl vg::Visit::snarl

only needs to contain the start and end Visits

bool vg::Visit::backward

Indicates: if node_id is specified reverse complement of node if feature_id is specified traversal of a child snarl entering backwards through end and leaving backwards through start

#include <flow_sort.hpp>

Public Functions

void vg::FlowSort::WeightedGraph::construct(FlowSort &fs, const string &ref_name, bool isGrooming = true)

Public Members

EdgeMapping vg::FlowSort::WeightedGraph::edges_out_nodes
EdgeMapping vg::FlowSort::WeightedGraph::edges_in_nodes
map<Edge *, int> vg::FlowSort::WeightedGraph::edge_weight
#include <vcf_buffer.hpp>

Provides a look-around buffer for VCFs where you can look at each variant in the context of nearby variants.

Also caches parsings of genotypes, so you can iterate over genotypes efficiently without parsing them out over and over again.

Public Functions

vg::WindowedVcfBuffer::WindowedVcfBuffer(vcflib::VariantCallFile *file, size_t window_size)

Make a new WindowedVcfBuffer buffering the file at the given pointer (which must outlive the buffer, but which may be null). The VCF in the file must be sorted, but may contain overlapping variants.

bool vg::WindowedVcfBuffer::next()

Advance to the next variant, making it the current variant. Returns true if a next variant exists, and false if no next variant can be found. Must be called (and return true) before the first call to get() after constructing the WindowedVcfBuffer or setting the region.

tuple<vector<vcflib::Variant *>, vcflib::Variant *, vector<vcflib::Variant *>> vg::WindowedVcfBuffer::get()

Get the current variant in its context. Throws an exception if no variant is current. Returns a vector of variants in the window before the current variant, the current variant, and a vector of variants in the window after the current variant.

Pointers will be invalidated upon the next call to next() or set_region().

tuple<vector<vcflib::Variant *>, vcflib::Variant *, vector<vcflib::Variant *>> vg::WindowedVcfBuffer::get_nonoverlapping()

Like get(), but elides variants in the context that overlap the current variant, or each other.

const vector<vector<int>> &vg::WindowedVcfBuffer::get_parsed_genotypes(vcflib::Variant *variant)

Given a pointer to a cached variant owned by this WindowedVcfBuffer (such as might be obtained from get()), return the cached parsed-out genotypes for all the samples, in the order the samples appear in the VCF file.

Returns a reference which is valid until the variant passed in is scrolled out of the buffer.

bool vg::WindowedVcfBuffer::has_tabix() const

This returns true if we have a tabix index, and false otherwise. If this is false, set_region may be called, but will do nothing and return false.

bool vg::WindowedVcfBuffer::set_region(const string &contig, int64_t start = -1, int64_t end = -1)

This tries to set the region on the underlying vcflib VariantCallFile to the given contig and region, if specified. Coordinates coming in should be 0-based, and will be converted to 1-based internally.

Returns true if the region was successfully set, and false otherwise (for example, if there is not tabix index, or if the given region is not part of this VCF. Note that if there is a tabix index, and set_region returns false, the position in the VCF file is undefined until the next successful set_region call.

If either of start and end are specified, then both of start and end must be specified.

Discards any variants previously in the buffer.

Protected Attributes

VcfBuffer vg::WindowedVcfBuffer::reader
size_t vg::WindowedVcfBuffer::window_size
list<unique_ptr<vcflib::Variant>> vg::WindowedVcfBuffer::variants_before
list<unique_ptr<vcflib::Variant>> vg::WindowedVcfBuffer::variants_after
unique_ptr<vcflib::Variant> vg::WindowedVcfBuffer::current
map<vcflib::Variant *, vector<vector<int>>> vg::WindowedVcfBuffer::cached_genotypes
vector<size_t> vg::WindowedVcfBuffer::map_order_to_original

Protected Static Functions

vector<int> vg::WindowedVcfBuffer::decompose_genotype_fast(const string &genotype)

Quickly decompose a genotype without any string copies.

Private Functions

vg::WindowedVcfBuffer::WindowedVcfBuffer(const WindowedVcfBuffer &other)
WindowedVcfBuffer &vg::WindowedVcfBuffer::operator=(const WindowedVcfBuffer &other)


template <typename T>
bool stream::write(std::ostream &out, uint64_t element_count, uint64_t chunk_elements, const std::function<T(uint64_t, uint64_t)> &lambda)

Write objects using adaptive chunking. Takes a stream to write to, a total element count to write, a guess at how manye elements should be in a chunk, and a function that, given a start element and a length, returns a Protobuf object representing that range of elements.

Adaptively sets the chunk size, in elements, so that no too-large Protobuf records are serialized.

template <typename T>
bool stream::write(std::ostream &out, uint64_t count, const std::function<T(uint64_t)> &lambda)
template <typename T>
bool stream::write_buffered(std::ostream &out, std::vector<T> &buffer, uint64_t buffer_limit)
template <typename T>
void stream::for_each(std::istream &in, const std::function<void(T&)> &lambda, const std::function<void(uint64_t)> &handle_count)
template <typename T>
void stream::for_each(std::istream &in, const std::function<void(T&)> &lambda)
template <typename T>
void stream::__for_each_parallel_impl(std::istream &in, const std::function<void(T&, T&)> &lambda2, const std::function<void(T&)> &lambda1, const std::function<void(uint64_t)> &handle_count)
template <typename T>
void stream::for_each_interleaved_pair_parallel(std::istream &in, const std::function<void(T&, T&)> &lambda2)
template <typename T>
void stream::for_each_parallel(std::istream &in, const std::function<void(T&)> &lambda1, const std::function<void(uint64_t)> &handle_count)
template <typename T>
void stream::for_each_parallel(std::istream &in, const std::function<void(T&)> &lambda)


const size_t stream::MAX_PROTOBUF_SIZE

Protobuf will refuse to read messages longer than this size.

const size_t stream::TARGET_PROTOBUF_SIZE

We aim to generate messages that are this size.



using vg::real_t = typedef long double

Represents a Node ID. ID type is a 64-bit signed int.


Represents an offset along the sequence of a Node. Offsets are size_t.


Represents an oriented position on a Node. Position type: id, direction, offset.


enum type vg::ElementCall


= 'D'
= 'R'
= 'U'
= 'S'
= 'I'
enum type vg::MappingQualityMethod


enum type vg::SnarlType

Enumeration of the classifications of snarls.


= 0
= 1


int vg::hts_for_each(string &filename, function<void(Alignment&)> lambda)
int vg::hts_for_each_parallel(string &filename, function<void(Alignment&)> lambda)
bam_hdr_t *vg::hts_file_header(string &filename, string &header)
bam_hdr_t *vg::hts_string_header(string &header, map<string, int64_t> &path_length, map<string, string> &rg_sample)
bool vg::get_next_alignment_from_fastq(gzFile fp, char *buffer, size_t len, Alignment &alignment)
bool vg::get_next_interleaved_alignment_pair_from_fastq(gzFile fp, char *buffer, size_t len, Alignment &mate1, Alignment &mate2)
bool vg::get_next_alignment_pair_from_fastqs(gzFile fp1, gzFile fp2, char *buffer, size_t len, Alignment &mate1, Alignment &mate2)
size_t vg::fastq_unpaired_for_each_parallel(string &filename, function<void(Alignment&)> lambda)
size_t vg::fastq_paired_interleaved_for_each_parallel(string &filename, function<void(Alignment&, Alignment&)> lambda)
size_t vg::fastq_paired_two_files_for_each_parallel(string &file1, string &file2, function<void(Alignment&, Alignment&)> lambda)
size_t vg::fastq_unpaired_for_each(string &filename, function<void(Alignment&)> lambda)
size_t vg::fastq_paired_interleaved_for_each(string &filename, function<void(Alignment&, Alignment&)> lambda)
size_t vg::fastq_paired_two_files_for_each(string &file1, string &file2, function<void(Alignment&, Alignment&)> lambda)
void vg::parse_rg_sample_map(char *hts_header, map<string, string> &rg_sample)
void vg::write_alignments(std::ostream &out, vector<Alignment> &buf)
short vg::quality_char_to_short(char c)
char vg::quality_short_to_char(short i)
void vg::alignment_quality_short_to_char(Alignment &alignment)
string vg::string_quality_short_to_char(const string &quality)
void vg::alignment_quality_char_to_short(Alignment &alignment)
string vg::string_quality_char_to_short(const string &quality)
bam1_t *vg::alignment_to_bam(const string &sam_header, const Alignment &alignment, const string &refseq, const int32_t refpos, const bool refrev, const string &cigar, const string &mateseq, const int32_t matepos, const int32_t tlen)
string vg::alignment_to_sam(const Alignment &alignment, const string &refseq, const int32_t refpos, const bool refrev, const string &cigar, const string &mateseq, const int32_t matepos, const int32_t tlen)
string vg::cigar_string(vector<pair<int, char>> &cigar)
string vg::mapping_string(const string &source, const Mapping &mapping)
void vg::mapping_cigar(const Mapping &mapping, vector<pair<int, char>> &cigar)
string vg::cigar_against_path(const Alignment &alignment, bool on_reverse_strand)
int32_t vg::sam_flag(const Alignment &alignment, bool on_reverse_strand)
Alignment vg::bam_to_alignment(const bam1_t *b, map<string, string> &rg_sample)
int vg::alignment_to_length(const Alignment &a)
int vg::alignment_from_length(const Alignment &a)
Alignment vg::strip_from_start(const Alignment &aln, size_t drop)
Alignment vg::strip_from_end(const Alignment &aln, size_t drop)
Alignment vg::trim_alignment(const Alignment &aln, const Position &pos1, const Position &pos2)
vector<Alignment> vg::alignment_ends(const Alignment &aln, size_t len1, size_t len2)
vector<Alignment> vg::reverse_complement_alignments(const vector<Alignment> &alns, const function<int64_t(int64_t)> &node_length)
Alignment vg::reverse_complement_alignment(const Alignment &aln, const function<int64_t(id_t)> &node_length)
Alignment vg::merge_alignments(const vector<Alignment> &alns, bool debug)
Alignment &vg::extend_alignment(Alignment &a1, const Alignment &a2, bool debug)
Alignment vg::merge_alignments(const Alignment &a1, const Alignment &a2, bool debug)
void vg::translate_nodes(Alignment &a, const map<id_t, pair<id_t, bool>> &ids, const std::function<size_t(int64_t)> &node_length)
void vg::flip_nodes(Alignment &a, const set<int64_t> &ids, const std::function<size_t(int64_t)> &node_length)
int vg::softclip_start(const Alignment &alignment)
int vg::softclip_end(const Alignment &alignment)
int vg::edit_count(const Alignment &alignment)
size_t vg::to_length_after_pos(const Alignment &aln, const Position &pos)
size_t vg::from_length_after_pos(const Alignment &aln, const Position &pos)
size_t vg::to_length_before_pos(const Alignment &aln, const Position &pos)
size_t vg::from_length_before_pos(const Alignment &aln, const Position &pos)
const string vg::hash_alignment(const Alignment &aln)
Alignment vg::simplify(const Alignment &a)

Simplifies the Path in the Alignment. Note that this removes deletions at the start and end of Mappings, so code that handles simplified Alignments needs to handle offsets on internal Mappings.

void vg::write_alignment_to_file(const Alignment &aln, const string &filename)
map<id_t, int> vg::alignment_quality_per_node(const Alignment &aln)
int vg::fastq_for_each(string &filename, function<void(Alignment&)> lambda)
void vg::write_alignment_to_file(const string &file, const Alignment &aln)
SB_Input vg::vg_to_sb_input(VG &graph)
vector<pair<id_t, id_t>> vg::get_superbubbles(SB_Input sbi)
vector<pair<id_t, id_t>> vg::get_superbubbles(VG &graph)
map<pair<id_t, id_t>, vector<id_t>> vg::superbubbles(VG &graph)
static void vg::compute_side_components(VG &graph, vector<SideSet> &components, Side2Component &side_to_component)
void *vg::mergeNodeObjects(void *a, void *b)
pair<stCactusGraph *, stCactusNode *> vg::vg_to_cactus(VG &graph)
static void vg::fill_ultrabubble_contents(VG &graph, Bubble &bubble)
static void vg::ultrabubble_recurse(VG &graph, stList *chains_list, NodeSide side1, NodeSide side2, BubbleTree::Node *out_node)
BubbleTree *vg::ultrabubble_tree(VG &graph)
map<pair<id_t, id_t>, vector<id_t>> vg::ultrabubbles(VG &graph)
VG vg::cactus_to_vg(stCactusGraph *cactus_graph)
VG vg::cactusify(VG &graph)
template <typename T>
string vg::to_string_ss(T val)
double vg::strand_bias(const Support &support)

Get the strand bias of a Support.

string vg::char_to_string(const char &letter)

Make a letter into a full string because apparently that’s too fancy for the standard library.

void vg::write_vcf_header(ostream &stream, string &sample_name, string &contig_name, size_t contig_size, int min_mad_for_filter)

Write a minimal VCF header for a single-sample file.

bool vg::can_write_alleles(vcflib::Variant &variant)

Return true if a variant may be output, or false if this variant is valid but the GATK might choke on it.

Mostly used to throw out variants with very long alleles, because GATK has an allele length limit. How alleles that really are 1 megabase deletions are to be specified to GATK is left as an exercise to the reader.

bool vg::mapping_is_perfect_match(const Mapping &mapping)

Return true if a mapping is a perfect match, and false if it isn’t.

string vg::get_pileup_line(const map<int64_t, NodePileup> &nodePileups, const set<pair<int64_t, size_t>> &refCrossreferences, const set<pair<int64_t, size_t>> &altCrossreferences)

Given a collection of pileups by original node ID, and a set of original node id:offset cross-references in both ref and alt categories, produce a VCF comment line giving the pileup for each of those positions on those nodes. Includes a trailing newline if nonempty.

TODO: VCF comments aren’t really a thing.

ostream &vg::operator<<(ostream &os, const NodeDivider::NodeMap &nm)
ostream &vg::operator<<(ostream &os, NodeDivider::Entry entry)
ostream &vg::operator<<(ostream &os, const Caller::NodeOffSide &no)
StrandSupport vg::minSup(vector<StrandSupport> &s)
StrandSupport vg::avgSup(vector<StrandSupport> &s)
ostream &vg::operator<<(ostream &os, const StrandSupport &sup)
real_t vg::gamma_ln(real_t x)

Calculate the natural log of the gamma function of the given argument.

real_t vg::factorial_ln(int n)

Calculate the natural log of the factorial of the given integer. TODO: replace with a cache or giant lookup table from Freebayes.

real_t vg::pow_ln(real_t m, int n)

Raise a log probability to a power

real_t vg::choose_ln(int n, int k)

Compute the number of ways to select k items from a collection of n distinguishable items, ignoring order. Returns the natural log of the (integer) result.

real_t vg::poisson_prob_ln(int observed, real_t expected)

Compute the log probability of a Poisson-distributed process: observed events in an interval where expected events happen on average.

template <typename ProbIn>
real_t vg::multinomial_sampling_prob_ln(const vector<ProbIn> &probs, const vector<int> &obs)

Get the probability for sampling the counts in obs from a set of categories weighted by the probabilities in probs. Works for both double and real_t probabilities. Also works for binomials.

template <typename ProbIn>
real_t vg::binomial_cmf_ln(ProbIn success_logprob, size_t trials, size_t successes)

Compute the probability of having the given number of successes or fewer in the given number of trials, with the given success probability. Returns the resulting log probability.

bool vg::edit_is_match(const Edit &e)
bool vg::edit_is_sub(const Edit &e)
bool vg::edit_is_insertion(const Edit &e)
bool vg::edit_is_deletion(const Edit &e)
pair<Edit, Edit> vg::cut_edit_at_to(const Edit &e, size_t to_off)
pair<Edit, Edit> vg::cut_edit_at_from(const Edit &e, size_t from_off)
Edit vg::reverse_complement_edit(const Edit &e)
bool vg::operator==(const Edit &e1, const Edit &e2)
double vg::entropy(const string &st)
double vg::entropy(const char *st, size_t len)
pair<Alignment, Alignment> vg::qual_filter(Alignment &aln_first, Alignment &aln_second)
pair<Alignment, Alignment> vg::percent_identity_filter(Alignment &aln_first, Alignment &aln_second)
pair<Alignment, Alignment> vg::split_read_filter(Alignment &aln_first, Alignment &aln_second)
pair<Alignment, Alignment> vg::path_divergence_filter(Alignment &aln_first, Alignment &aln_second)
pair<Alignment, Alignment> vg::reversing_filter(Alignment &aln, Alignment &aln_second)
double vg::total(const Support &support)

TBD Get the total read support in a Support.

Support vg::support_min(const Support &a, const Support &b)

Get the minimum support of a pair of Supports, by taking the min in each orientation.

Support vg::operator+(const Support &one, const Support &other)

Add two Support values together, accounting for strand.

Support &vg::operator+=(Support &one, const Support &other)

Add in a Support to another.

bool vg::operator<(const Support &a, const Support &b)

Support less-than, based on total coverage.

bool vg::operator>(const Support &a, const Support &b)

Support greater-than, based on total coverage.

ostream &vg::operator<<(ostream &stream, const Support &support)

Allow printing a Support.

string vg::to_vcf_genotype(const Genotype &gt)

Get a VCF-style 1/2, 1|2|3, etc. string from a Genotype.

template <typename Scalar>
Support vg::operator*(const Support &support, const Scalar &scale)

Scale a Support by a factor.

template <typename Scalar>
Support vg::operator*(const Scalar &scale, const Support &support)

Scale a Support by a factor, the other way

template <typename Scalar>
Support vg::operator/(const Support &support, const Scalar &scale)

Divide a Support by a factor.

string vg::allele_to_string(VG &graph, const Path &allele)

Turn the given path (which must be a thread) into an allele. Drops the first and last mappings and looks up the sequences for the nodes of the others.

template <typename T>
void vg::set_intersection(const unordered_set<T> &set_1, const unordered_set<T> &set_2, unordered_set<T> *out_intersection)
void vg::node_path_position(int64_t id, string &path_name, int64_t &position, bool backward, int64_t &offset)
void vg::index_positions(VG &graph, map<long, Node *> &node_path, map<long, Edge *> &edge_path)
set<pos_t> vg::gcsa_nodes_to_positions(const vector<gcsa::node_type> &nodes)
const string vg::mems_to_json(const vector<MaximalExactMatch> &mems)
const int vg::balanced_stride(int read_length, int kmer_size, int stride)
const vector<string> vg::balanced_kmers(const string &seq, const int kmer_size, const int stride)
bool vg::operator==(const MaximalExactMatch &m1, const MaximalExactMatch &m2)
bool vg::operator<(const MaximalExactMatch &m1, const MaximalExactMatch &m2)
ostream &vg::operator<<(ostream &out, const MaximalExactMatch &mem)
void vg::identify_start_subpaths(MultipathAlignment &multipath_aln)
void vg::optimal_alignment(const MultipathAlignment &multipath_aln, Alignment &aln_out)
void vg::rev_comp_subpath(const Subpath &subpath, const function<int64_t(int64_t)> &node_length, Subpath &rev_comp_out, )
void vg::rev_comp_multipath_alignment(const MultipathAlignment &multipath_aln, const function<int64_t(int64_t)> &node_length, MultipathAlignment &rev_comp_out, )
void vg::to_multipath_alignment(const Alignment &aln, MultipathAlignment &multipath_aln_out)
NodeSide vg::node_start(id_t id)

Produce the start NodeSide of a Node.

NodeSide vg::node_end(id_t id)

Produce the end NodeSide of a Node.

ostream &vg::operator<<(ostream &out, const NodeSide &nodeside)

Print a NodeSide to a stream.

ostream &vg::operator<<(ostream &out, const NodeTraversal &nodetraversal)

Print the given NodeTraversal.

Path &vg::append_path(Path &a, const Path &b)
void vg::parse_region(const string &target, string &name, id_t &start, id_t &end)
int vg::path_to_length(const Path &path)
int vg::path_from_length(const Path &path)
int vg::mapping_to_length(const Mapping &m)
int vg::mapping_from_length(const Mapping &m)
int vg::softclip_start(const Mapping &mapping)
int vg::softclip_end(const Mapping &mapping)
Position vg::first_path_position(const Path &path)
Position vg::last_path_position(const Path &path)
int vg::to_length(const Mapping &m)
int vg::from_length(const Mapping &m)
Path &vg::extend_path(Path &path1, const Path &path2)
Path vg::concat_paths(const Path &path1, const Path &path2)
Path vg::simplify(const Path &p)

Simplify the path for addition as new material in the graph. Remove any mappings that are merely single deletions, merge adjacent edits of the same type, strip leading and trailing deletion edits on mappings, and make sure no mappings have missing positions.

Mapping vg::concat_mappings(const Mapping &m, const Mapping &n)
Mapping vg::simplify(const Mapping &m)

Merge adjacent edits of the same type, strip leading and trailing deletion edits (while updating positions if necessary), and makes sure position is actually set.

Mapping vg::merge_adjacent_edits(const Mapping &m)

Merge adjacent edits of the same type.

Path vg::trim_hanging_ends(const Path &p)
bool vg::mapping_ends_in_deletion(const Mapping &m)
bool vg::mapping_starts_in_deletion(const Mapping &m)
bool vg::mapping_is_total_deletion(const Mapping &m)
bool vg::mapping_is_simple_match(const Mapping &m)
bool vg::path_is_simple_match(const Path &p)
const string vg::mapping_sequence(const Mapping &mp, const string &node_seq)
const string vg::mapping_sequence(const Mapping &mp, const Node &n)
Mapping vg::reverse_complement_mapping(const Mapping &m, const function<int64_t(id_t)> &node_length)
Path vg::reverse_complement_path(const Path &path, const function<int64_t(id_t)> &node_length)
pair<Mapping, Mapping> vg::cut_mapping(const Mapping &m, const Position &pos)
pair<Mapping, Mapping> vg::cut_mapping(const Mapping &m, size_t offset)
pair<Path, Path> vg::cut_path(const Path &path, const Position &pos)
pair<Path, Path> vg::cut_path(const Path &path, size_t offset)
bool vg::maps_to_node(const Path &p, id_t id)
Position vg::path_start(const Path &path)
string vg::path_to_string(Path p)
Position vg::path_end(const Path &path)
bool vg::adjacent_mappings(const Mapping &m1, const Mapping &m2)
bool vg::mapping_is_match(const Mapping &m)
double vg::divergence(const Mapping &m)
double vg::identity(const Path &path)
void vg::decompose(const Path &path, map<pos_t, int> &ref_positions, map<int, Edit> &edits)
double vg::overlap(const Path &p1, const Path &p2)
Path vg::path_from_node_traversals(const list<NodeTraversal> &traversals)
Path &vg::increment_node_mapping_ids(Path &p, id_t inc)
const Paths vg::paths_from_graph(Graph &g)
Path vg::merge_adjacent_edits(const Path &m)

Merge adjacent edits of the same type.

pos_t vg::make_pos_t(const Position &pos)

Convert a Position to a (much smaller) pos_t.

pos_t vg::make_pos_t(id_t id, bool is_rev, off_t off)

Create a pos_t from a Node ID, an orientation flag, and an offset.

pos_t vg::make_pos_t(gcsa::node_type node)

Create a pos_t from a gcsa node.

Position vg::make_position(const pos_t &pos)

Convert a pos_t to a Position.

Position vg::make_position(id_t id, bool is_rev, off_t off)

Create a Position from a Node ID, an orientation flag, and an offset.

Position vg::make_position(gcsa::node_type node)

Make a Position from a gcsa node.

bool vg::is_empty(const pos_t &pos)

Return true if a pos_t is unset.

id_t vg::id(const pos_t &pos)

Extract the id of the node a pos_t is on.

bool vg::is_rev(const pos_t &pos)

Return true if a pos_t is on the reverse strand of its node.

off_t vg::offset(const pos_t &pos)

Get the offset from a pos_t.

id_t &vg::get_id(pos_t &pos)

Get a reference to the Node ID of a pos_t.

bool &vg::get_is_rev(pos_t &pos)

Get a reference to the reverse flag of a pos_t.

off_t &vg::get_offset(pos_t &pos)

Get a reference to the offset field of a pos_t.

pos_t vg::reverse(const pos_t &pos, size_t node_length)

Reverse a pos_t and get a pos_t at the same base, going the other direction.

Position vg::reverse(const Position &pos, size_t node_length)

Reverse a Position and get a Position at the same base, going the orther direction.

ostream &vg::operator<<(ostream &out, const pos_t &pos)

Print a pos_t to a stream.

Node vg::xg_cached_node(id_t id, xg::XG *xgidx, LRUCache<id_t, Node> &node_cache)
vector<Edge> vg::xg_cached_edges_of(id_t id, xg::XG *xgidx, LRUCache<id_t, vector<Edge>> &edge_cache)
string vg::xg_cached_node_sequence(id_t id, xg::XG *xgidx, LRUCache<id_t, Node> &node_cache)
size_t vg::xg_cached_node_length(id_t id, xg::XG *xgidx, LRUCache<id_t, Node> &node_cache)

Get the length of a Node from an xg::XG index, with cacheing of deserialized nodes.

size_t vg::xg_cached_node_start(id_t id, xg::XG *xgidx, LRUCache<id_t, size_t> &node_start_cache)

Get the node start position in the sequence vector.

char vg::xg_cached_pos_char(pos_t pos, xg::XG *xgidx, LRUCache<id_t, Node> &node_cache)

Get the character at a position in an xg::XG index, with cacheing of deserialized nodes.

map<pos_t, char> vg::xg_cached_next_pos_chars(pos_t pos, xg::XG *xgidx, LRUCache<id_t, Node> &node_cache, LRUCache<id_t, vector<Edge>> &edge_cache)

Get the characters at positions after the given position from an xg::XG index, with cacheing of deserialized nodes.

set<pos_t> vg::xg_cached_next_pos(pos_t pos, bool whole_node, xg::XG *xgidx, LRUCache<id_t, Node> &node_cache, LRUCache<id_t, vector<Edge>> &edge_cache)
int vg::xg_cached_distance(pos_t pos1, pos_t pos2, int maximum, xg::XG *xgidx, LRUCache<id_t, Node> &node_cache, LRUCache<id_t, vector<Edge>> &edge_cache)
set<pos_t> vg::xg_cached_positions_bp_from(pos_t pos, int distance, bool rev, xg::XG *xgidx, LRUCache<id_t, Node> &node_cache, LRUCache<id_t, vector<Edge>> &edge_cache)
void vg::parse_region(string &region, string &startSeq, int &startPos, int &stopPos)
void vg::parse_bed_regions(const string &bed_path, vector<Region> &out_regions)
void vg::parse_region(string &region, Region &out_region)
vector<Visit> vg::visits_right(const Visit &visit, VG &graph, const map<NodeTraversal, const Snarl *> &child_boundary_index)

Look right from the given visit in the given graph and get all the attached Visits to nodes or snarls. Uses the given index from inward- facing NodeTraversal to snarl to identify child snarls.

vector<Visit> vg::visits_left(const Visit &visit, VG &graph, const map<NodeTraversal, const Snarl *> &child_boundary_index)

Look left from the given visit in the given graph and get all the attached Visits to nodes or snarls. Uses the given index from inward- facing NodeTraversal to snarl to identify child snarls.

bool vg::operator==(const Visit &a, const Visit &b)

Two Visits are equal if they represent the same traversal of the same Node or Snarl.

bool vg::operator!=(const Visit &a, const Visit &b)

Two Visits are unequal if they are not equal.

bool vg::operator<(const Visit &a, const Visit &b)

A Visit is less than another Visit if it represents a traversal of a smaller node, or it represents a traversal of a smaller snarl, or it represents a traversal of the same node or snarl forward instead of backward.

bool vg::operator==(const SnarlTraversal &a, const SnarlTraversal &b)

Two SnarlTraversals are equal if their snarls are equal and they have the same number of visits and all their visits are equal.

bool vg::operator!=(const SnarlTraversal &a, const SnarlTraversal &b)

Two SnarlTraversals are unequal if they are not equal.

bool vg::operator<(const SnarlTraversal &a, const SnarlTraversal &b)

A SnalTraversal is less than another if it is a traversal of a smaller Snarl, or if its list of Visits has a smaller Visit first, or if its list of Visits is shorter.

bool vg::operator==(const Snarl &a, const Snarl &b)

Two Snarls are equal if their types are equal and their bounding Visits are equal and their parents are equal.

bool vg::operator!=(const Snarl &a, const Snarl &b)

Two Snarls are unequal if they are not equal.

bool vg::operator<(const Snarl &a, const Snarl &b)

A Snarl is less than another Snarl if its type is smaller, or its start Visit is smaller, or its end Visit is smaller, or its parent is smaller.

NodeTraversal vg::to_node_traversal(const Visit &visit, const VG &graph)

Converts a Visit to a NodeTraversal. Throws an exception if the Visit is of a Snarl instead of a Node

NodeTraversal vg::to_rev_node_traversal(const Visit &visit, const VG &graph)

Converts a Visit to a NodeTraversal in the opposite orientation. Throws an exception if the Visit is of a Snarl instead of a Node

NodeSide vg::to_left_side(const Visit &visit)

Converts a Visit to a node or snarl into a NodeSide for its left side.

NodeSide vg::to_right_side(const Visit &visit)

Converts a Visit to a node or snarl into a NodeSide for its right side.

Visit vg::to_visit(const NodeTraversal &node_traversal)

Converts a NodeTraversal to a Visit.

Visit vg::to_visit(const Mapping &mapping)

Converts a Mapping to a Visit. The mapping must represent a full node match.

Visit vg::to_rev_visit(const NodeTraversal &node_traversal)

Converts a NodeTraversal to a Visit in the opposite orientation.

Mapping vg::to_mapping(const Visit &visit, std::function<size_t(id_t)> node_length)

Converts a Visit to a Mapping. Throws an exception if the Visit is of a Snarl instead of a Node. Uses a function to get node length.

Mapping vg::to_mapping(const Visit &visit, VG &vg)

Converts a Visit to a Mapping. Throws an exception if the Visit is of a Snarl instead of a Node. Uses a graph to get node length.

void vg::transfer_boundary_info(const Snarl &from, Snarl &to)
NodeTraversal vg::to_node_traversal(const Visit &visit, VG &graph)
NodeTraversal vg::to_rev_node_traversal(const Visit &visit, VG &graph)
bool vg::is_match(const Translation &translation)
char vg::reverse_complement(const char &c)
string vg::reverse_complement(const string &seq)
int vg::get_thread_count(void)
std::vector<std::string> &vg::split_delims(const std::string &s, const std::string &delims, std::vector<std::string> &elems)
std::vector<std::string> vg::split_delims(const std::string &s, const std::string &delims)
const std::string vg::sha1sum(const std::string &data)
const std::string vg::sha1head(const std::string &data, size_t head)
string vg::wrap_text(const string &str, size_t width)
bool vg::is_number(const std::string &s)
bool vg::allATGC(const string &s)
string vg::nonATGCNtoN(const string &s)
string vg::tmpfilename(const string &base)

Create a temporary file starting with the given base name.

string vg::find_temp_dir()

Find the system temp directory using defaults and environment variables.

string vg::tmpfilename()

Create a temporary file in the appropriate system temporary directory.

string vg::get_or_make_variant_id(const vcflib::Variant &variant)
string vg::make_variant_id(const vcflib::Variant &variant)
double vg::median(std::vector<int> &v)
void vg::get_input_file(int &optind, int argc, char **argv, function<void(istream&)> callback)
string vg::get_input_file_name(int &optind, int argc, char **argv)
string vg::get_output_file_name(int &optind, int argc, char **argv)
void vg::get_input_file(const string &file_name, function<void(istream&)> callback)
double vg::phi(double x1, double x2)
void vg::create_ref_allele(vcflib::Variant &variant, const std::string &allele)

Create the reference allele for an empty vcflib Variant, since apaprently there’s no method for that already. Must be called before any alt alleles are added.

int vg::add_alt_allele(vcflib::Variant &variant, const std::string &allele)

Add a new alt allele to a vcflib Variant, since apaprently there’s no method for that already.

If that allele already exists in the variant, does not add it again.

Retuerns the allele number (0, 1, 2, etc.) corresponding to the given allele string in the given variant.

bool vg::is_number(const string &s)
double vg::stdev(const std::vector<double> &v)
template <typename T>
double vg::stdev(const T &v)
double vg::add_log(double log_x, double log_y)
double vg::ln_to_log10(double ln)

Convert a number ln to the same number log 10.

double vg::log10_to_ln(double l10)

Convert a number log 10 to the same number ln.

double vg::prob_to_logprob(double prob)
double vg::logprob_to_prob(double logprob)
double vg::logprob_add(double logprob1, double logprob2)
double vg::logprob_invert(double logprob)
double vg::phred_to_prob(int phred)
double vg::prob_to_phred(double prob)
double vg::phred_to_logprob(int phred)
double vg::logprob_to_phred(double logprob)
double vg::logprob_geometric_mean(double lnprob1, double lnprob2)
double vg::phred_geometric_mean(double phred1, double phred2)
template <typename T>
T vg::normal_pdf(T x, T m, T s)
template <typename T, typename V>
set<T> vg::map_keys_to_set(const map<T, V> &m)
template <typename T>
vector<T> vg::pmax(const std::vector<T> &a, const std::vector<T> &b)
template <typename T>
vector<T> vg::vpmax(const std::vector<std::vector<T>> &vv)
template <typename Collection>
Collection::value_type vg::sum(const Collection &collection)

Compute the sum of the values in a collection. Values must be default- constructable (like numbers are).

template <typename Collection>
Collection::value_type vg::logprob_sum(const Collection &collection)

Compute the sum of the values in a collection, where the values are log probabilities and the result is the log of the total probability. Items must be convertible to/from doubles for math.

static void vg::triple_to_vg(void *user_data, raptor_statement *triple)


const char *const vg::BAM_DNA_LOOKUP
const int vg::MAX_ALLELE_LENGTH
const double vg::LOG_ZERO
const map<char, char> vg::COMPLEMENTARY_NUCLEOTIDES
const int8_t vg::default_match
const int8_t vg::default_mismatch
const int8_t vg::default_gap_open
const int8_t vg::default_gap_extension
const int8_t vg::default_max_scaled_score
const uint8_t vg::default_max_qual_score
const double vg::default_gc_content
const char vg::complement[256]
const char *vg::VG_VERSION_STRING


int vg::unittest::run_unit_tests(int argc, char **argv)

Take the original argc and argv from a vg unittest command-line call and run the unit tests. We keep this in its own CPP/HPP to keep our unit test library from being a dependency of main.o and other real application code.

Passes the args along to the unit test system.

Returns exit code 0 on success, other codes on failure.

file alignment.cpp
#include “alignment.hpp”#include “stream.hpp”
file alignment.hpp
#include <iostream>#include <functional>#include <zlib.h>#include “utility.hpp”#include “path.hpp”#include “position.hpp”#include “vg.pb.h”#include “htslib/hfile.h”#include “htslib/hts.h”#include “htslib/sam.h”#include “htslib/vcf.h”
file banded_global_aligner.cpp
#include “banded_global_aligner.hpp”#include “json2pb.h”
file banded_global_aligner.hpp
#include <stdio.h>#include <ctype.h>#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <unordered_set>#include <unordered_map>#include <list>#include <exception>#include “vg.pb.h”
file bin2ascii.h
#include <string>#include <stdexcept>




std::string hex2bin(const std::string &s)
std::string bin2hex(const std::string &s)
std::string b64_encode(const std::string &s)
std::string b64_decode(const std::string &s)
file bubbles.cpp
#include <unordered_set>#include “bubbles.hpp”#include “vg.hpp”#include “sonLib.h”#include “stCactusGraphs.h”
file bubbles.hpp
#include <vector>#include <map>#include “types.hpp”#include “utility.hpp”#include “nodeside.hpp”#include “DetectSuperBubble.hpp”


file call2vcf.cpp
#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <sstream>#include <regex>#include <set>#include <unordered_set>#include <utility>#include <algorithm>#include <getopt.h>#include “vg.hpp”#include “index.hpp”#include “Variant.h”#include “genotypekit.hpp”#include “snarls.hpp”#include “path_index.hpp”#include “caller.hpp”#include “stream.hpp”#include “nested_traversal_finder.hpp”
file caller.cpp
#include <cstdlib>#include <stdexcept>#include “json2pb.h”#include “caller.hpp”#include “stream.hpp”
file caller.hpp
#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <functional>#include <cmath>#include <limits>#include <unordered_set>#include <tuple>#include “vg.pb.h”#include “vg.hpp”#include “hash_map.hpp”#include “utility.hpp”#include “pileup.hpp”#include “path_index.hpp”#include “genotypekit.hpp”
file chunker.cpp
#include <iostream>#include “stream.hpp”#include “chunker.hpp”
file chunker.hpp
#include <iostream>#include <map>#include <chrono>#include <ctime>#include “lru_cache.h”#include “vg.hpp”#include “xg.hpp”#include “json2pb.h”#include “region.hpp”#include “index.hpp”
file colors.hpp
#include <vector>#include <random>
file constructor.cpp
#include “vg.hpp”#include “constructor.hpp”#include <cstdlib>#include <set>#include <tuple>#include <list>#include <algorithm>#include <memory>

constructor.cpp: contains implementations for vg construction functions.

file constructor.hpp
#include <vector>#include <set>#include <map>#include <cstdlib>#include <functional>#include <regex>#include “types.hpp”#include “progressive.hpp”#include “vg.pb.h”#include “Variant.h”#include “Fasta.h”#include “vcf_buffer.hpp”#include “name_mapper.hpp”

constructor.hpp: defines a tool class used for constructing VG graphs from VCF files.

file convert.hpp
#include <sstream>


template <typename T>
bool convert(const std::string &s, T &r)
template <typename T>
std::string convert(const T &r)
file deconstructor.cpp
#include “deconstructor.hpp”#include “bubbles.hpp”
file deconstructor.hpp
#include <vector>#include <set>#include <array>#include <list>#include <string>#include <iostream>#include <unordered_map>#include <map>#include <climits>#include <queue>#include <fstream>#include <cstdlib>#include <sstream>#include <stack>#include “Variant.h”#include “index.hpp”#include “path.hpp”#include “vg.hpp”#include “vg.pb.h”#include “Fasta.h”#include “xg.hpp”#include “position.hpp”#include “vcfheader.hpp”

Deconstruct is getting rewritten. New functionality: -Detect superbubbles and bubbles -Fix command line interface. -harmonize on XG / raw graph (i.e. deprecate index) -Use unroll/DAGify if needed to avoid cycles

Much of this is taken from Brankovic’s “Linear-Time Superbubble Identification Algorithm for Genome Assembly”

file distributions.hpp
#include <map>#include <cmath>#include “utility.hpp”
file edit.cpp
#include “edit.hpp”#include “utility.hpp”
file edit.hpp
#include “vg.pb.h”#include <utility>#include <iostream>#include “json2pb.h”
file entropy.cpp
#include “entropy.hpp”
file entropy.hpp
#include <iostream>#include <set>#include <vector>#include <string>#include <cmath>#include <map>
file feature_set.cpp
#include “feature_set.hpp”#include <sstream>
file feature_set.hpp
#include <string>#include <vector>#include <map>#include <iostream>

Defines a FeatureSet class that can read and write BED files, and that can keep BED features up to date as paths are edited.

file filter.cpp
#include “filter.hpp”
file filter.hpp
#include <vector>#include <cstdlib>#include <iostream>#include <unordered_map>#include <sstream>#include <string>#include “vg.hpp”#include “xg.hpp”#include “vg.pb.h”

Provides a way to filter Edits contained within Alignments. This can be used to clean out sequencing errors and to find high-quality candidates for variant calling.

file flow_sort.cpp
#include “vg.hpp”#include “stream.hpp”#include “gssw_aligner.hpp”#include “vg.pb.h”#include “flow_sort.hpp”#include <raptor2/raptor2.h>
file flow_sort.hpp
#include “vg.pb.h”
file genotypekit.cpp
#include “genotypekit.hpp”
file genotypekit.hpp
#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <functional>#include <cmath>#include <limits>#include <unordered_set>#include <unordered_map>#include <list>#include “vg.pb.h”#include “vg.hpp”#include “translator.hpp”#include “hash_map.hpp”#include “utility.hpp”#include “types.hpp”#include “bubbles.hpp”#include “distributions.hpp”#include “snarls.hpp”#include “path_index.hpp”
file genotyper.cpp
#include <cstdint>#include “genotyper.hpp”#include “bubbles.hpp”#include “distributions.hpp”
file genotyper.hpp
#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <functional>#include <cmath>#include <limits>#include <unordered_set>#include <list>#include “vg.pb.h”#include “vg.hpp”#include “translator.hpp”#include “hash_map.hpp”#include “utility.hpp”#include “types.hpp”#include “genotypekit.hpp”#include “path_index.hpp”
file graph_synchronizer.cpp
#include “graph_synchronizer.hpp”#include “algorithms/vg_algorithms.hpp”#include <stdio.h>#include <unordered_set>#include <unordered_map>#include <queue>#include <vector>#include “position.hpp”#include “xg.hpp”#include “vg.hpp”#include “vg.pb.h”#include “hash_map.hpp”#include “json2pb.h”#include <iterator>
file graph_synchronizer.hpp
#include “vg.hpp”#include “path_index.hpp”#include <thread>#include <mutex>#include <condition_variable>

: define a GraphSynchronizer that can manage concurrent access and updates to a VG graph.

file gssw_aligner.cpp
#include “gssw_aligner.hpp”#include “json2pb.h”


const double quality_scale_factor
const double exp_overflow_limit
file gssw_aligner.hpp
#include <algorithm>#include <vector>#include <set>#include <string>#include <unordered_map>#include “gssw.h”#include “vg.pb.h”#include “vg.hpp”#include “Variant.h”#include “Fasta.h”#include “path.hpp”#include “utility.hpp”#include “banded_global_aligner.hpp”
file hash_map.hpp
#include “sparsehash/sparse_hash_map”#include “sparsehash/dense_hash_map”


file homogenizer.cpp
#include “homogenizer.hpp”
file homogenizer.hpp
#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include “vg.hpp”#include “translator.hpp”#include “filter.hpp”#include “mapper.hpp”#include “bubbles.hpp”#include “vg.pb.h”#include “types.hpp”


file index.cpp
#include “index.hpp”


file index.hpp
#include <iostream>#include <exception>#include <sstream>#include <climits>#include “rocksdb/db.h”#include “rocksdb/env.h”#include “rocksdb/options.h”#include “rocksdb/write_batch.h”#include “rocksdb/memtablerep.h”#include “rocksdb/statistics.h”#include “rocksdb/cache.h”#include “rocksdb/slice_transform.h”#include “rocksdb/table.h”#include “rocksdb/filter_policy.h”#include “json2pb.h”#include “vg.hpp”#include “hash_map.hpp”
file json2pb.cpp
#include <errno.h>#include <jansson.h>#include <google/protobuf/message.h>#include <google/protobuf/descriptor.h>#include <json2pb.h>#include <stdexcept>#include <cstdio>#include “bin2ascii.h”


_CONVERT(type, ctype, fmt, sfunc, afunc)
_SET_OR_ADD(sfunc, afunc, value)
_CONVERT(type, ctype, fmt, sfunc, afunc)


static json_t *_pb2json(const Message &msg)
static json_t *_field2json(const Message &msg, const FieldDescriptor *field, size_t index)
static void _json2pb(Message &msg, json_t *root)
static void _json2field(Message &msg, const FieldDescriptor *field, json_t *jf)
void json2pb(Message &msg, const char *buf, size_t size)
void json2pb(Message &msg, FILE *fp)
int json_dump_std_string(const char *buf, size_t size, void *data)
std::string pb2json(const Message &msg)
file json2pb.h
#include <string>#include <cstdio>#include <functional>#include <vector>#include <stream.hpp>#include <iostream>


void json2pb(google::protobuf::Message &msg, const char *buf, size_t size)
void json2pb(google::protobuf::Message &msg, FILE *fp)
std::string pb2json(const google::protobuf::Message &msg)
file main.cpp
#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <ctime>#include <cstdio>#include <getopt.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#include “gcsa/gcsa.h”#include “gcsa/algorithms.h”#include “json2pb.h”#include “vg.hpp”#include “vg.pb.h”#include “vg_set.hpp”#include “index.hpp”#include “mapper.hpp”#include “Variant.h”#include “Fasta.h”#include “stream.hpp”#include “alignment.hpp”#include “convert.hpp”#include “pileup.hpp”#include “caller.hpp”#include “deconstructor.hpp”#include “vectorizer.hpp”#include “sampler.hpp”#include “filter.hpp”#include “google/protobuf/stubs/common.h”#include “progress_bar.hpp”#include “version.hpp”#include “genotyper.hpp”#include “bubbles.hpp”#include “translator.hpp”#include “homogenize_main.cpp”#include “sift_main.cpp”#include “srpe_main.cpp”#include “readfilter.hpp”#include “distributions.hpp”#include “unittest/driver.hpp”#include “subcommand/subcommand.hpp”#include “flow_sort.hpp”


void help_translate(char **argv)
int main_translate(int argc, char **argv)
void help_filter(char **argv)
int main_filter(int argc, char **argv)
void help_validate(char **argv)
int main_validate(int argc, char **argv)
void help_vectorize(char **argv)
int main_vectorize(int argc, char **argv)
void help_compare(char **argv)
int main_compare(int argc, char **argv)
void help_genotype(char **argv)
int main_genotype(int argc, char **argv)
void help_pileup(char **argv)
int main_pileup(int argc, char **argv)
void help_msga(char **argv)
int main_msga(int argc, char **argv)
void help_surject(char **argv)
int main_surject(int argc, char **argv)
void help_circularize(char **argv)
int main_circularize(int argc, char **argv)
void help_sim(char **argv)
int main_sim(int argc, char **argv)
void help_kmers(char **argv)
int main_kmers(int argc, char **argv)
void help_concat(char **argv)
int main_concat(int argc, char **argv)
void help_ids(char **argv)
int main_ids(int argc, char **argv)
void help_join(char **argv)
int main_join(int argc, char **argv)
void help_stats(char **argv)
int main_stats(int argc, char **argv)
void help_paths(char **argv)
int main_paths(int argc, char **argv)
void help_find(char **argv)
int main_find(int argc, char **argv)
void help_align(char **argv)
int main_align(int argc, char **argv)
void help_map(char **argv)
int main_map(int argc, char **argv)
void help_view(char **argv)
int main_view(int argc, char **argv)
void help_sv(char **argv)
void help_locify(char **argv)
int main_locify(int argc, char **argv)
void help_deconstruct(char **argv)
int main_deconstruct(int argc, char **argv)
void help_sort(char **argv)
int main_sort(int argc, char *argv[])
void help_version(char **argv)
int main_version(int argc, char **argv)
int main_test(int argc, char **argv)
void vg_help(char **argv)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
file mapper.cpp
#include <unordered_set>#include “mapper.hpp”
file mapper.hpp
#include <iostream>#include <map>#include <chrono>#include <ctime>#include “vg.hpp”#include “xg.hpp”#include “index.hpp”#include “gcsa/gcsa.h”#include “gcsa/lcp.h”#include “alignment.hpp”#include “path.hpp”#include “position.hpp”#include “lru_cache.h”#include “json2pb.h”#include “entropy.hpp”#include “gssw_aligner.hpp”
file maximal_exact_match.cpp
#include <stdio.h>
file multipath_alignment.cpp
#include “multipath_alignment.hpp”
file multipath_alignment.hpp
#include <stdio.h>#include <vector>#include <list>#include <unordered_map>#include “vg.pb.h”#include “path.hpp”#include “alignment.hpp”#include “utility.hpp”
file name_mapper.cpp
#include “name_mapper.hpp”

: contains implementations for the NameMapper to convert between VCF and graph/FASTA contig names.

file name_mapper.hpp
#include <map>#include <string>

name_mapper.hpp: defines a class that maps back and forth from VCF-space contig names to graph or FASTA-space contig names.

file nested_traversal_finder.cpp
#include “nested_traversal_finder.hpp”

: Contains implementation for a TraversalFinder that works on non-leaf Snarls and produces covering paths.

file nested_traversal_finder.hpp
#include “genotypekit.hpp”

: Defines a TraversalFinder that produces covering paths, with an awareness of nested Snarls.

file nodeside.hpp
#include <ostream>#include <utility>#include “vg.pb.h”#include “types.hpp”#include “hash_map.hpp”
file nodetraversal.hpp
#include “vg.pb.h”
file path.cpp
#include “path.hpp”#include “stream.hpp”
file path.hpp
#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <functional>#include <set>#include <list>#include <sstream>#include “json2pb.h”#include “vg.pb.h”#include “edit.hpp”#include “hash_map.hpp”#include “utility.hpp”#include “types.hpp”#include “position.hpp”#include “nodetraversal.hpp”
file path_index.cpp
#include “path_index.hpp”
file path_index.hpp
#include <map>#include <utility>#include <string>#include “vg.hpp”#include “xg.hpp”

Provides an index for indexing an individual path for fast random access. Stores all the mappings uncompressed in memory.

Used for the reference path during VCF creation and interpretation.

file phase_duplicator.cpp
#include “phase_duplicator.hpp”
file phase_duplicator.hpp
#include <utility>#include <vector>#include <xg.hpp>#include “vg.pb.h”#include “types.hpp”

This file contains the PhaseDuplicator, which duplicates and un-crosslinks complex regions of a graph using information about phased traversals.

file phased_genome.cpp
#include “phased_genome.hpp”
file phased_genome.hpp
#include <stdio.h>#include <cassert>#include <list>#include “vg.pb.h”#include “vg.hpp”#include “nodetraversal.hpp”#include “genotypekit.hpp”#include “hash_map.hpp”#include “snarls.hpp”
file pictographs.hpp
#include <vector>#include <random>#include <functional>
file pileup.cpp
#include <cstdlib>#include <stdexcept>#include <regex>#include “json2pb.h”#include “pileup.hpp”#include “stream.hpp”
file pileup.hpp
#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <functional>#include “vg.pb.h”#include “vg.hpp”#include “hash_map.hpp”#include “utility.hpp”
file position.cpp
#include “position.hpp”
file position.hpp
#include “vg.pb.h”#include “types.hpp”#include “xg.hpp”#include “lru_cache.h”#include “utility.hpp”#include “json2pb.h”#include “gcsa.h”#include <iostream>

Functions for working with Positions and pos_ts.

file progressive.cpp
#include “progressive.hpp”#include <iostream>
file progressive.hpp
#include <string>#include “progress_bar.hpp”
file readfilter.cpp
#include “readfilter.hpp”#include “IntervalTree.h”#include <fstream>#include <sstream>
file readfilter.hpp
#include <vector>#include <cstdlib>#include <iostream>#include <string>#include “vg.hpp”#include “xg.hpp”#include “vg.pb.h”

Provides a way to filter and transform reads, implementing the bulk of the vg filter command.

file realigner.cpp
#include “realigner.hpp”
file realigner.hpp
#include <iostream>#include <map>#include “vg.hpp”#include “mapper.hpp”#include “alignment.hpp”#include “path.hpp”#include “json2pb.h”
file region.cpp
#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <cassert>#include “region.hpp”
file region.hpp
#include <string>#include <vector>#include <sstream>
file sampler.cpp
#include “sampler.hpp”#include “path.hpp”
file sampler.hpp
#include <iostream>#include <map>#include <chrono>#include <ctime>#include “vg.hpp”#include “xg.hpp”#include “alignment.hpp”#include “path.hpp”#include “position.hpp”#include “lru_cache.h”#include “json2pb.h”
file simplifier.cpp
#include “simplifier.hpp”
file simplifier.hpp
#include “progressive.hpp”#include “vg.hpp”#include “genotypekit.hpp”#include “utility.hpp”#include “path.hpp”#include “feature_set.hpp”#include “path_index.hpp”

Provides a class for simplifying graphs by popping bubbles.

file snarls.cpp
#include “snarls.hpp”#include “json2pb.h”
file snarls.hpp
#include <cstdint>#include <stdio.h>#include <unordered_map>#include <unordered_set>#include “vg.hpp”#include “vg.pb.h”#include “hash_map.hpp”
file srpe.cpp
#include “srpe.hpp”
file srpe.hpp
#include “filter.hpp”#include “index.hpp”#include “vg.pb.h”#include “vg.hpp”#include “gcsa.h”#include “alignment.hpp”#include “mapper.hpp”
file ssw_aligner.cpp
#include “ssw_aligner.hpp”
file ssw_aligner.hpp
#include <vector>#include <set>#include <string>#include “ssw_cpp.h”#include “vg.pb.h”#include “path.hpp”
file stream.hpp
#include <cassert>#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <functional>#include <vector>#include <list>#include “google/protobuf/stubs/common.h”#include “google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h”#include “google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h”#include “google/protobuf/io/gzip_stream.h”#include “google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h”
file add_main.cpp
#include <omp.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <getopt.h>#include <list>#include <fstream>#include “subcommand.hpp”#include ”../vg.hpp”#include ”../variant_adder.hpp”

Defines the “vg add” subcommand, which adds in variation from a VCF to an existing graph.


void help_add(char **argv)
int main_add(int argc, char **argv)


Subcommand vg_add("add","add variants from a VCF to a graph", main_add)
file annotate_main.cpp
#include “subcommand.hpp”#include ”../vg.hpp”#include ”../utility.hpp”#include ”../mapper.hpp”#include ”../stream.hpp”


void help_annotate(char **argv)
int main_annotate(int argc, char **argv)


Subcommand vg_annotate("annotate","annotate alignments with graphs and graphs with alignments", main_annotate)
file call_main.cpp
#include <omp.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <getopt.h>#include <list>#include <fstream>#include “subcommand.hpp”#include ”../vg.hpp”#include ”../caller.hpp”

Defines the “vg call” subcommand, which calls variation from a graph and a pileup.


void help_call(char **argv)
int main_call(int argc, char **argv)


Subcommand vg_call("call","call variants on a graph from a pileup", main_call)
file chunk_main.cpp
#include <omp.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <getopt.h>#include <string>#include <vector>#include <regex>#include “subcommand.hpp”#include ”../vg.hpp”#include ”../stream.hpp”#include ”../utility.hpp”#include ”../chunker.hpp”#include ”../region.hpp”


void help_chunk(char **argv)
int main_chunk(int argc, char **argv)


Subcommand vg_chunk("chunk","split graph or alignment into chunks", main_chunk)
file construct_main.cpp
#include <omp.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <getopt.h>#include <memory>#include “subcommand.hpp”#include ”../stream.hpp”#include ”../constructor.hpp”#include ”../region.hpp”


void help_construct(char **argv)
int main_construct(int argc, char **argv)


Subcommand vg_construct("construct","graph construction", main_construct)
file explode_main.cpp
#include <omp.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <getopt.h>#include “subcommand.hpp”#include ”../vg.hpp”#include ”../stream.hpp”#include ”../utility.hpp”

: break a graph into connected components


void help_explode(char **argv)
int main_explode(int argc, char **argv)


Subcommand vg_explode("explode","split graph into connected components", main_explode)
file homogenize_main.cpp
#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <ctime>#include <cstdio>#include <getopt.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#include “gcsa.h”#include “subcommand.hpp”#include “files.h”#include “json2pb.h”#include “vg.hpp”#include “vg.pb.h”#include “index.hpp”#include “mapper.hpp”#include “Variant.h”#include “Fasta.h”#include “stream.hpp”#include “alignment.hpp”#include “convert.hpp”#include “pileup.hpp”#include “filter.hpp”#include “google/protobuf/stubs/common.h”#include “progress_bar.hpp”#include “IntervalTree.h”#include “genotyper.hpp”#include “bubbles.hpp”#include “translator.hpp”#include “homogenizer.hpp”


void help_homogenize(char **argv)
int main_homogenize(int argc, char **argv)


Subcommand vg_homogenize("homogenize","homogenize augmented graphs", main_homogenize)
file index_main.cpp
#include <omp.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <getopt.h>#include <string>#include <vector>#include <regex>#include “subcommand.hpp”#include ”../vg.hpp”#include ”../index.hpp”#include ”../stream.hpp”#include ”../vg_set.hpp”#include ”../utility.hpp”#include ”../path_index.hpp”#include “gcsa/gcsa.h”#include “gcsa/algorithms.h”




void help_index(char **argv)
int main_index(int argc, char **argv)


Subcommand vg_construct("index","index graphs or alignments for random access or mapping", main_index)
file mod_main.cpp
#include <omp.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <getopt.h>#include <string>#include <vector>#include <regex>#include “subcommand.hpp”#include ”../vg.hpp”#include ”../stream.hpp”#include ”../utility.hpp”


void help_mod(char **argv)
int main_mod(int argc, char **argv)


Subcommand vg_mod("mod","filter, transform, and edit the graph", main_mod)
file sift_main.cpp
#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <ctime>#include <cstdio>#include <getopt.h>#include <functional>#include <omp.h>#include “subcommand.hpp”#include “gcsa.h”#include “stream.hpp”#include “files.h”#include “json2pb.h”#include “vg.hpp”#include “vg.pb.h”#include “filter.hpp”#include “alignment.hpp”


void help_sift(char **argv)
int main_sift(int argc, char **argv)


Subcommand vg_sift("sift","GAM filter / scrubber", main_sift)
file simplify_main.cpp
#include <omp.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <getopt.h>#include <list>#include <fstream>#include “subcommand.hpp”#include ”../vg.hpp”#include ”../simplifier.hpp”


void help_simplify(char **argv)
int main_simplify(int argc, char **argv)


Subcommand vg_simplify("simplify","graph simplification", main_simplify)
file snarls_main.cpp
#include <omp.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <getopt.h>#include <list>#include <fstream>#include “subcommand.hpp”#include ”../vg.hpp”#include ”../genotypekit.hpp”


void help_snarl(char **argv)
int main_snarl(int argc, char **argv)


Subcommand vg_snarl("snarls","compute snarls and their traversals", main_snarl)
file srpe_main.cpp
#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <getopt.h>#include <functional>#include <regex>#include “subcommand.hpp”#include “stream.hpp”#include “mapper.hpp”#include “index.hpp”#include “position.hpp”#include “vg.pb.h”#include “genotyper.hpp”#include “path_index.hpp”#include “vg.hpp”#include “srpe.hpp”#include “filter.hpp”#include “utility.hpp”#include “Variant.h”#include “Fasta.h”


void help_srpe(char **argv)
int main_srpe(int argc, char **argv)


Subcommand vg_srpe("srpe","graph-external SV detection", main_srpe)
file subcommand.cpp
#include “subcommand.hpp”
file subcommand.hpp
#include <map>#include <functional>#include <string>

subcommand.hpp: defines a system for registering subcommands of the vg command (vg construct, vg view, etc.) at compile time. Replaces the system of defining two functions and a giant run of if statements in main.cpp.

main.cpp does not need to include any subcommand headers!

Subcommands are created as static global objects in their own compilation units, which have to be explicitly linked into the binary (they won’t be pulled out of a library if nothing references their symbols).

Subcommands are responsible for printing their own help; we can do “vg help” and print all the subcommands that exist (via a help subcommand), but we can’t do “vg help subcommand” (because the help subcommand doesn’t know how to get help info on the others).

Subcommands get passed all of argv, so they have to skip past their names when parsing arguments.

To make a subcommand, do something like this in a cpp file in this “subcommand” directory:

#include "subcommand.hpp"
using namespace vg::subcommand;

int main_frobnicate(int argc, char** argv) {
    return 0;

static Subcommand vg_frobnicate("frobnicate", "frobnicate nodes and edges",

file swap_remove.hpp
#include <vector>#include <algorithm>


template <typename T>
bool swap_remove(std::vector<T> &v, const T &e)
file translator.cpp
#include “translator.hpp”#include “stream.hpp”
file translator.hpp
#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <functional>#include <set>#include <vector>#include <list>#include “vg.pb.h”#include “vg.hpp”#include “hash_map.hpp”#include “utility.hpp”#include “types.hpp”

Defines the Translator, which maps paths on an augmented graph into the base graph defined by a set of Translations from the augmented graph

file types.hpp
#include <tuple>

Contains typedefs for basic types useful for talking about graphs.

file driver.cpp
#include “driver.hpp”#include “catch.hpp”#include <sstream>#include <algorithm>#include <string>#include <vector>#include <cstddef>#include <iomanip>#include <limits>#include <stdint.h>#include <iterator>#include <stdlib.h>#include <cmath>#include <set>#include <stdexcept>#include <iosfwd>#include <streambuf>#include <ostream>#include <fstream>#include <memory>#include <cctype>#include <map>#include <ctime>#include <assert.h>#include <signal.h>#include <cstdio>#include <iostream>#include <cerrno>#include <unistd.h>#include <sys/time.h>#include <cstring>#include <cfloat>


file driver.hpp
file utility.cpp
#include “utility.hpp”
file utility.hpp
#include <string>#include <vector>#include <sstream>#include <omp.h>#include <cstring>#include <algorithm>#include <numeric>#include <cmath>#include <unistd.h>#include “vg.pb.h”#include “sha1.hpp”#include “Variant.h”
file variant_adder.cpp
#include “variant_adder.hpp”#include “mapper.hpp”
file variant_adder.hpp
#include “vcf_buffer.hpp”#include “path_index.hpp”#include “vg.hpp”#include “progressive.hpp”#include “name_mapper.hpp”#include “graph_synchronizer.hpp”

variant_adder.hpp: defines a tool class used for adding variants from VCF files into existing graphs.

file vcf_buffer.cpp
#include “vcf_buffer.hpp”

constructor.cpp: contains implementations for vg construction functions.

file vcf_buffer.hpp
#include <list>#include <tuple>#include “Variant.h”

vcf_buffer.hpp: defines a buffer for reading through VCF files with look-ahead.

file vectorizer.cpp
#include “vectorizer.hpp”
file vectorizer.hpp
#include <iostream>#include <sstream>#include “sdsl/bit_vectors.hpp”#include <vector>#include <unordered_map>#include “vg.hpp”#include “xg.hpp”#include “vg.pb.h”
file version.cpp
#include “version.hpp”#include “vg_git_version.hpp”


file version.hpp
file vg.cpp
#include “vg.hpp”#include “stream.hpp”#include “gssw_aligner.hpp”#include <raptor2/raptor2.h>#include <stPinchGraphs.h>
file vg.hpp
#include <vector>#include <set>#include <string>#include <deque>#include <list>#include <array>#include <omp.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <limits.h>#include <algorithm>#include <random>#include “gssw.h”#include “gcsa/gcsa.h”#include “gcsa/lcp.h”#include “gssw_aligner.hpp”#include “ssw_aligner.hpp”#include “region.hpp”#include “path.hpp”#include “utility.hpp”#include “alignment.hpp”#include “vg.pb.h”#include “hash_map.hpp”#include “progressive.hpp”#include “lru_cache.h”#include “Variant.h”#include “Fasta.h”#include “swap_remove.hpp”#include “pictographs.hpp”#include “colors.hpp”#include “types.hpp”#include “gfakluge.hpp”#include “globalDefs.hpp”#include “Graph.hpp”#include “helperDefs.hpp”#include “bubbles.hpp”#include “nodetraversal.hpp”#include “nodeside.hpp”
file vg.proto


file vg_set.cpp
#include “vg_set.hpp”#include “stream.hpp”
file vg_set.hpp
#include <set>#include <regex>#include <stdlib.h>#include “gcsa/gcsa.h”#include “vg.hpp”#include “index.hpp”#include “xg.hpp”
dir src
dir src/subcommand
dir src/unittest